Looking for Jesus according to Luke


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  • Luke was a physician!
  • And the only Gentile to write any part of the New Testament!
  • Luke was a close friend of Paul!
  • Perhaps Luke’s interest in medicine is the reason his gospel gives such a high profile to Jesus’ acts of healing!
  • Luke joined Paul in Troas in Asia Minor during Paul’s second missionary journey!
  • Luke was left in Philippi during the second missionary journey!
  • And picked up again to travel with Paul on the third journey!
  • Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem and Rome and was with him during his imprisonment there!
  • Scholars have noted that Luke had an outstanding command of the Greek language!
  • His vocabulary is extensive and rich, and his style at times approaches that of classical Greek, as in the preface of his gospel!
  • While at other times it seems quite Semitic!
  • He was familiar with sailing and had a special love for recording geographical details!
  • All this would indicate that Luke was a well-educated, observant, and careful writer!
1) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4: Good reports about Jesus spread throughout all the surrounding country. And he begins to teach in the synagogues and is held in honor by all.

- There it appears that everything starts well for Jesus.

- But it’s only the beginning!

- Jesus is going to be clear about his message!

- He is not here to tell people what they want to hear but God’s word!

- That’s why the religious leaders are going to oppose him right at the beginning!

- And this fight will go on till his death!

- He will never accept the corruption of God’s word, no never!
2) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4: Jesus then goes to Nazareth and he enters the synagogue on the Sabbath day and he reads about the prophet Isaiah and he speaks about the Messiah and he tells the audience that the words of the prophet are fulfilling that day!

- Jesus tells the religious leaders that he is the Christ from the Bible and the one they are waiting for and his miracles prove who he really is!

- So once again they have all the information!

- They can’t say we don’t know or we didn’t know!

- They reject him because it is against their own interests so they oppose him all the time so they have no excuse!
3) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4:

- At first Jesus is well accepted!

- But they don’t understand how he can speak as he speaks because he is the son of a carpenter!

- And they want him to do what he did in Capernaum!

- But Jesus explains that no prophet is accepted in his home territory!

- So they start to be angry at him!

- And they throw him out of the city and try to kill him!

- But he goes away from them!

- Knowledge vs Ignorance

- Jesus tells exactly who the religious leaders are and they don’t like the truth!

- They don’t accept where he comes from and the fact he knows what he knows without having studied!

- They refuse to accept the truth because of man’s tradition!

- They want to kill him all at once because they refuse the truth but he doesn’t let them do it!
4) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 4: In Capernaum, a city of Galilee, he is teaching them on the Sabbath!

- And they are surprised because of his teaching as he speaks with authority.

- Jesus has authority because people can see that what he says and thinks and does is one and that he really cares about people and he is the same all the time with all kinds of people, he makes no difference. He doesn’t live in big houses, he has nothing for himself! Now when you look at religious leaders, it is completely the opposite, there is no possible comparison, it is TRUTH VS LIAR!
5) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 5:

- Jesus decides to go aboard a boat and begins teaching the crowds from the boat!

- For Jesus, any situation is fine to teach people, any time, anyone, he has no limit, he is always ready to do his Father’s will, he lives God, he eats God, he drinks God, he sleeps God! Now think about religious leaders: do you see the big difference, I should say the CANYON between him and them or the EVEREST!
6) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 5:

- Jesus is teaching!

- Pharisees and teachers of the Law are listening to him!

- They have come from Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem!

- And God’s power is with him to do healing.

- So they can see all the miracles of Jesus thus they have no excuse when they oppose him!

- In fact, they know everything about Jesus!

- Then he forgives the sins of a paralyzed man!

- And then he cures him to show them that he has authority on earth to forgive sins!

- And people are seized with amazement and glorify God and are filled with awe!

- But not the religious leaders!

- Jesus can read their thoughts but they don't even care about it! They know everything but they don’t care at all because it is against their own interests!

- Those who care are amazed but it is not the case of the religious leaders!
7) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 5:

- The Pharisees and the scribes don’t understand why Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners!

- How is it possible to ask such stupid questions?

- The answer is in Jesus’ life, you open your eyes and you shut your mouth!

- That’s why God looked for faithful leaders through experience and hard life!

- First of all, we are all sinners, So!

- Think about what people are doing on Christianforums.com!

- Jesus came on earth to help all kinds of people, so!

8) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 5:

- Jesus is asked why his disciples don’t fast!

- He answers them the friends of the bridegroom can’t fast while the bridegroom is with them!

- But when he will be taken away from them then they will fast!

- They know nothing and they always ask Jesus but they don’t understand!

- Jesus patiently answers them!

- People follow Jesus because he teaches them and they can learn something from him!
9) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 6: At this some of the Pharisees say: “Why are you doing what is not lawful on the sabbath?”

- Insensible

- Superficial

- Only looking for the appearances

- Unable to put oneself in question

- Senile in their brain

- Unable to evolve

- Limited

- No perspective

- mentally dead
10) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 6: The scribes and the Pharisees are now watching Jesus closely to see whether he will cure on the sabbath, in order to find some way to accuse him.

- Jesus has no time to lose but apparently the religious leaders have nothing to do and plenty of time to lose: once again the choice is clear, according to whom you choose, you show what you are looking for! So the religious leaders are not the only one to be guilty but also those who decide to follow them! It’s up to us to make the right decision!
11) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 6: A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly instructed will be like his teacher.

- Jesus taught his disciples and the apostles and when he died they replaced him which shows they were perfectly instructed.

- We can’t say the same with the religious leaders, on the contrary!
12) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 6:

- Jesus compares the one who hears and does nothing to a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The river dashed against it, and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great.

- Too many examples in the Bible show us that the religious leaders built their house without foundation and their teachings lead nowhere, only in the wrong way!

- When we really listen to Jesus, we want to build our house with foundation and follow his way not their way!

- Once again, it’s up to us, we must make the right choice and know why we do it !

- When our house is in ruin, it’s too late!

- It is important to make the right choice on time!
13) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 7:

- John the baptist sends two of his disciples to ask Jesus if he is the Messiah!

- They can see Jesus curing people and doing many miracles and teaching about God’s Kingdom!

- And Jesus tells them to tell what they have just seen!

- Action is better than words!

- When what we say corresponds with what we do, it is more powerful than anything!

- Jesus doesn’t answer directly to John but he tells him about his miracles and his teaching! Isn’t it the best answer?

- John the Baptist understands perfectly well and he rejoices!

- But not the religious leaders: where is the mistake?

- They understand but they don’t care because it is against their own interests!

- Jesus looks for his Father’s interests, they don’t!

- So we must be careful not to serve the religious leaders’ interests instead of God’s interests!
14) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 7:

- People declare God to be righteous, for they have been baptized with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and those versed in the Law disregard the counsel of God to them, since they have not been baptized by him!

- There is a big difference between ordinary people and the religious leaders!

- Humility vs Pride!

- In fact, the religious leaders don’t care about God!

- They prefer looking for their own interests!

- How can they really help ordinary people?
15) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 7: Now one of the Pharisees keeps asking him to dine with him. So he enters the house of the Pharisee and reclines at the table.

- When people keep asking Jesus, he listens and answers them, whoever they are!

- And look! A woman who is known in the city to be a sinner learns he is dining in the house of the Pharisee, and she brings an alabaster jar of perfumed oil.

- Jesus does everything in the light and people can find him!

- Taking a position behind him at his feet, she weeps and begins to wet his feet with her tears, and she wipes them off with the hair of her head.

- She is known as a sinner but look at what she does!

- The religious leaders are far away from her because she is humble and they are arrogant!

- Also she tenderly kisses his feet and pours the perfumed oil on them.

- Ordinary people vs the religious leaders who have dried hearts!

- How is it possible to be so far away from God’s truth!

- You can’t look for power and God’s truth at the same time!

- It is incompatible!

- Then they think that Jesus can’t be a prophet otherwise he would know the woman is a sinner!

- That’s really a good summary of the religious leaders: mentally short-sighted, mentally limited, spiritually limited, spiritually dead and leading people to nowhere!

- They are completely blind!

- How is it possible to be so limited!

- But in reply Jesus says to him: “Simon, I have something to say to you.”

- Then he tells him about an analogy to make him understand and give him a lesson!

- There is only one teacher!

- Then he tells Simon about the woman and everything she does for him and because of that her sins are forgiven!

- What a lesson!

- But they don’t understand anything!

- So they prove themselves good for nothing, useless!

- And they start thinking how it is possible for a man to forgive sins!

- Authority vs meaninglessness!

- Wow: what a powerful action! It seems like a vision!

- How is it possible not to see the difference: it is so evident!

- The problem is when we get accustomed to something, we don’t see it anymore!

- What a pity!
16) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 9:

- The apostles have a discussion about who is the greatest!

- Jesus tells them about a child!

- He tries to show them how to behave!

- They must show humility!

- It is usual among those who think they are important in this world to be the greatest or want to be the greatest but the one who belongs to God must be humble and get away from this attitude which has nothing to do with God!

- Jesus showed how humble he was which is not the case of the religious leaders!

- Moreover, once again we see that Jesus knows what people think!
17) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 10: Jesus explains that the harvest is great but there are few workers!

- He adds to beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest!

- And he is sending his disciples out as lambs in among wolves!

- Yes, workers are needed and the religious leaders are certainly not workers!

- The harvest needs workers who are ready to work hard!

- Workers who are 100% active, not passive!

- Think about all the faithful servants of God: they were active men not passive ones!

- If we don’t participate, nobody will do it!

- The religious leaders are certainly not the lambs but the wolves!

- The harvest needs hardworking lambs!
18) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 10: Jesus praises his father because he has hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and has revealed them to young children.

- Wise and intellectual ones vs young children!

- When we look at the world situation it is going worse and worse every day with more and more unsolvable problems!

- And there are many researchers!

- We may ask what they are doing!

- We can say the same of political leaders!

- Yes, God’s word is not for such men!

- They are too busy looking for nothing and doing nothing!

- We need to be humble if we want to understand God’s word and will!
19) Jesus vs the religious leaders

Luke 10: The man wants to prove himself righteous so he asks Jesus who his neighbor is!

- Being righteous is a condition of the heart!

- If you want to prove yourself righteous, you look for appearances!

- But appearances are not real!

- It is only superficial!

- So are the religious and the political leaders and the commercial leaders because of power and so is human society!

- The world is burning but they do as if everything is normal!

- And people listen to them!
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