List of Totally and Partially Omitted Passages in the Modern Translations

Yea, ridiculous! It's the Enemy still trying to deceive believers in the Lord Jesus from when he fist deceived Eve when he said, "yea, hath God said." He is "wresting" (twisting) Scripture (2 Peter 3:16) by the modern translations to those who don't know better. Fortunately, not knowing this does not affect one's salvation, only spiritual growth in their faith, not reading and studying the whole Word of God (Mat 4:4)!
The inconvenient fact against your opinion is that the original KJV as published DID include the Apocrypha.
Yes, because they were still in Catholic doctrine, which retains it today in their false bible! It lasted only 55 years, as Christians voted to remove the Apocrypha in 1666! The Word of God is the most protected item by God, because it's the only tangible item we have from Him in the world! The modern transactions have a lot of truth mixed with a little error, so you can't detect the poison (90% cornmeal/10% arsenic--rat poison).

"A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump" (Gal 5:9)!
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Nope, I checked a dozen translations and all of them had translated Matthew 17:21 with a footnote informing me that unlike the late manuscript copies used by the KJV, most older manuscripts do not include verse 21 in the text. So it was not “omitted” at all, I read it in the Bibles … they just noted that it was not written by Matthew.
That just puts doubt on the Word! It took 1500 years to come to the point of making bibles that are not bibles. The only Bible is the One that contains the entire Word of God (Mat 4:4), without the doubting foot notes!
That just puts doubt on the Word! It took 1500 years to come to the point of making bibles that are not bibles. The only Bible is the One that contains the entire Word of God (Mat 4:4), without the doubting foot notes!
Actually, for the first 500-1000 years (depending on which actual manuscript you read) it was NOT THERE, then it was added for 500-1000 years and included in the KJV translation, and then it was moved to the footnotes to restore the Gospel to what Matthew actually wrote instead of what some medieval copyist added [although you can still read what the copyist added so NOTHING was lost in the modern translation].

I am sorry if reading what Matthew actually wrote sows seeds of doubt in your mind. The verse still appears in Mark where it always appeared!
Yes, because they were still in Catholic doctrine, which retains it today in their false bible! It lasted only 55 years, as Christians voted to remove the Apocrypha in 1666! The Word of God is the most protected item by God, because it's the only tangible item we have from Him in the world! The modern transactions have a lot of truth mixed with a little error, so you can't detect the poison (90% cornmeal/10% arsenic--rat poison).

"A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump" (Gal 5:9)!
The canon of the New Testament was fixed LONG before the KJV translators came along. The very fact that they chose to published ADDED books is proof that the KJV is not some "inspired" version. That they removed it means they finally came to a proper understanding of what Scripture is. But the KJV was fixing its translation errors for many editions still after.
The canon of the New Testament was fixed LONG before the KJV translators came along. The very fact that they chose to published ADDED books is proof that the KJV is not some "inspired" version. That they removed it means they finally came to a proper understanding of what Scripture is. But the KJV was fixing its translation errors for many editions still after.
The KJV is the only English translation that will have been used by most Christians for almost 700 years now; and no translation will catch up to that!
The KJV is the only English translation that will have been used by most Christians for almost 700 years now; and no translation will catch up to that!
"There is a lot of stability in the preference of Bible translations, at least from the perspective of sales. The latest data I have is from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association as of January 2020. The numbers in parentheses represent the rankings in 2011. As a caveat, I understand that some Bibles may be paraphrases rather than translations.​
Rankings as of January 2020 (numbers in parentheses are 2011 rankings)
  1. New International Version (NIV) (1)
  2. King James Version (KJV) (2)
  3. New Living Translation (NLT) (4)
  4. English Standard Version (ESV) (5)
  5. New King James Version (NKJV) (3)
  6. Christian Standard Bible (CSB) (6)
  7. Reina Valera (RV) (not ranked)
  8. New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) (9)
  9. The Message (Message) (8)
  10. New American Standard Bible (NASB) (7)
  • The rankings are amazingly stable since 2011. One translation dropped three spots (NASB). One dropped two spots (NKJV). No other translation dropped or gained more than one spot. Technically, the CSB was the HCSB (LifeWay) in 2011.
  • The TNIV was discontinued in 2011. It was ranked 10 that year.
  • The NLT is “the quiet Bible.” The translation continues to gain readers without as much attention as other translations. It is now 3 in the rankings. I started reading the NLT this year and I love it.
  • Obviously, the RV is a Spanish translation."
from HERE.
FYI: Less than 1/3 of all BIBLE READERS currently own the KJV ... so MOST Christians do not own a KJV Bible.

Bible VersionPercentage of Bible readers purchased
King James Version31%
New International Version13%
English Standard Version9%
New King James Version7%
Christian Community4%
New American Standard3%
New Living Translation2%
Revised Standard2%
Contemporary English Version2%
New American Bible2%
All others9%
Not Sure8%
The KJV will always be the most read translation! Many more people have already read the KJV than any other translation. You would have to count 700 years of people reading the KJV! This is the primary translation God desired for His people!!
The KJV will always be the most read translation! Many more people have already read the KJV than any other translation. You would have to count 700 years of people reading the KJV! This is the primary translation God desired for His people!!
Ok. I have to call you out on making false statements. You've said it twice now so I know it's not a typo. The KJV was first published in 1611. That's only 400 years ago. NOT 700 years.

Also, it's very easy to prove that the KJV has errors - still. In Daniel 9, both "Messiah" and "Prince" are capitalized. Hebrew does not make a distinction between capital and lower case. Therefore, when the translators ADDED capitals to words that were not, they were ADDING to the Bible. Specifically forbidden by God.
Ok. I have to call you out on making false statements. You've said it twice now so I know it's not a typo. The KJV was first published in 1611. That's only 400 years ago. NOT 700 years.

Also, it's very easy to prove that the KJV has errors - still. In Daniel 9, both "Messiah" and "Prince" are capitalized. Hebrew does not make a distinction between capital and lower case. Therefore, when the translators ADDED capitals to words that were not, they were ADDING to the Bible. Specifically forbidden by God.
Yes, I was counting the three years after 2000 as 100's. Getting a bit old!
The NLT is “the quiet Bible.” The translation continues to gain readers without as much attention as other translations. It is now 3 in the rankings. I started reading the NLT this year and I love it.​

What are the things about it that you enjoy?
What are the things about it that you enjoy?
Technically, that was a quote from the article that I posted a link to.

However, I also enjoy the NLT translation, so I will answer for myself:

With most ‘Formal Equivalence’ translations (like my go-to study version the NASB), it is easy to get bogged down in the complex sentence structure inherited from the formal Greek writing. That makes it WORK to follow along what the author is actually trying to say. While great for studying a TREE (some specific word or phrase), it can often obscure the FOREST (the overarching message of the entire chapter or even group of chapters).​
The NLT is a ‘Dynamic Equivalence’ translation, so it cares less about preserving the exact words and more about preserving the THOUGHTS … the Big Picture that the author intended to convey. As a result it is MUCH easier to read, it is faster to read, and it allows the reader to grasp more of the chapter or book at one time in clear thoughts. That can often reveal the message that the author wanted the reader to see better than slogging through the minutiae of the complex phrases whose purpose in Greek (to link thoughts systematically) is literally “lost in translation”.​
It is often the translation that I prefer to quote with new Christians simply because I want them to be able to actually UNDERSTAND what they are reading. Christian Truths are hard enough without adding reading comprehension hurdles on top of it that can be avoided.​

So those are the VIRTUES of the NLT.
"There is a lot of stability in the preference of Bible translations, at least from the perspective of sales.​

Now just who... would be most likely to measure Bible translation accuracy with the idea of SALES? Answer: MERCHANTS.

And that is why Thomas Nelson's publishing of the New King James Version is about, SELLING BIBLES to make a profit! And they knew they could find Liberal-Leftist Bible scholars out there that would be willing to change the Traditional Greek text which show is what the early Church mostly used simply because they make up the Majority of existing Greek New Testament manuscripts, even though they are not as old as the corrupt Alexandrian text.

The MERCHANTS have taken over the publishing of the Word of God, and are corrupting it. Even Dr. James White said it was OK to have Bible scholars on the modern Bible revision committees that do not believe in Christ Jesus, and especially that do not believe that Jesus of Nazareth is The Christ unlike the Traditional text that does... proclaim Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ.
... would be willing to change the Traditional Greek text which show is what the early Church mostly used simply because they make up the Majority of existing Greek New Testament manuscripts, even though they are not as old as the corrupt Alexandrian text.
Huh? "Traditional Greek text"? What exactly does that mean?
And you mean because there exist a lot of a certain family of manuscript that proves it is the most accurate? Really? Lots of people believe the same things but that doesn't mean they are actually believing something true. By this same logic, then the Nigerian Letter scam is true because there are a lot of copies of that spam still being sent out across the interwebs.
Even Dr. James White said it was OK to have Bible scholars on the modern Bible revision committees that do not believe in Christ Jesus, and especially that do not believe that Jesus of Nazareth is The Christ unlike the Traditional text that does... proclaim Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ.

Can you provide proof for this?
Now just who... would be most likely to measure Bible translation accuracy with the idea of SALES? Answer: MERCHANTS.
I do not disagree that SALES is not a metric of ACCURACY, however the "quote" was merely informing the reader that the order on the list did not change much from year to year over the past decade. The order remained fairly constant so the popularity (measured by sales) remained fairly constant.

SALES is a fair measure of POPULARITY.
Apologies for this long post. I think it illustrates the underlying concept of this thread.

I've wanted to put together this analogy for a while now. It demonstrates my understanding of the transmission history of the New Testament text. I wanted to illustrate this using two completely different languages than what we usually associate with the New Testament texts. I think it demonstrates the concepts and issues more clearly.

Imagine that there is a family of manuscripts (labled [F]) which contain the following:
It's raining, it's dropping. Since the Crones are hopping around in the Hut, therefore, throw away every Pot.

There exist a lot of manuscripts with this text. Scholars recognize that this is idiomatic English and it has been long ago accepted that this almost certainly reflects what the original author wrote and meant. The most powerful religious leaders support this viewpoint and strongly defend this position against any dissenters. However, these manuscripts are known to be relatively young. While linguistic scholars confirm this is proper English, there are a few anomalies that suggest the author was not a native English speaker. They point out the capitalized nouns, for example.

Well, there have been some other manuscripts discovered after [F]. They contain very similar content but they've been confirmed as an older version of the text.
It rains, it drops. The Crones are hopping in the Hut around hop. Throw every Pot away.

It's still English. It mostly makes sense but it contains some odd grammar. Scholars are unsure why it is different. They theorize that since this family of manuscripts are fewer in number and from an area where English is a secondary language that it's been corrupted with the bad theology known to have existed at that time.

During this same time, another family of older manuscripts was discovered [E]. These were found in another part of the country.
It rains, it drops. The old Hags are hopping. Hop in the Cabin around. Throw all Pots down.

Again it's English. It mostly makes sense but displays some odd and stilted grammar. The meaning of the text is different than [F] and [D] - the action of throwing the pots does not depend on the actions of crones/hags. Also the text is arranged in 4 distinct statements and could very well be in the form of rhyming poetry. [F] does not have this feature.

Well, the staunch supporters of [F] will have none of this. They claim that [E] for sure is a corruption of the original. Look at the evidence. It uses the word "Hags" for "Crones". And it adds to the text – there is an extra word "old" that [F] does not have. It uses "Cabin" for "Hut". And instead of "throwing away", an entirely different meaning of "throwing down" occurs. This can't possibly be from the original author.

Confusion reigns. Scholars are at a loss to figure out which manuscript is the original one. And each manuscript has its devoted followers. They continually bicker and fight with each other using evidence to support their particular views. They even go so far as calling each other "unbeliever" and will have nothing to do with anyone who disagrees with their opinion. There are even entire denominations built up around a particular family of manuscript.

Unbeknowst to the vast majority of those that are dealing with these three manuscript families, in a different country, there is a family of manuscripts in a different language. They are of similar age to the earlier [D] and [E]. This text is in German [C]
Es regnet, es tropft
die Hexen hüpfen
in der Hütte herumhüpfen
wirf jeden Topf weg.

There are some scholars who know both English and German and have compared the various manuscripts. What they discover is that [D] is a word for word translation of this German [C]. That explains the stilted grammar in English. It also explains the carry over of capitalizing all the nouns. The English translation [D] wanted to preserve the exact wording of this text even if it meant that it resulted in awkward English. No one would ever talk this way but the Scripture specifically says to not add or take away from the words of Scripture.

These scholars recognize that the text was originally written in German, not English. While the overall concepts are clearly translated into English, there are some unfortunate differences that have crept in which cause native English readers of those manuscripts to misunderstand the original intent.

But the majority of English scholars and complacent followers of the religious leaders are mostly ignorant that they don't know what they don't know. And even when some are presented with these facts, they choose to ignore the evidence. There are some that do spend time to investigate but are motivated to discredit this evidence in order to protect the status quo and their jobs and positions and ego. Afterall, the system has been in place for centuries and nothing will be allowed to upset it.

There is yet one more family of manuscript that exists in that different country. This family can not be dated but it is of ancient origin. There is a long standing tradition that it is the original version of the text.
[ B]
Es regnet, es tropft
die alte Hexen hüpfen
hüpfen in der Hütte herum
wirf alle Töpfe um.

It is very close to [C]. Hardly different at all. But certain words are different which do not change the meaning. Certain verbs are arranged slightly differently. Only slight differences in shades of meaning. Those same scholars familiar with both German and English recognize that [E] is a word for word translation of this manuscript. It preserves the rhyming and poetic form of this text. This could very well be the closest to the original text and reflects the actual intent behind the text.

However, again, no English scholar attached to any major institution will support this evidence or even give it the time of day. They will take every opportunity to discredit it and claim that German [C] and [ B] are translations of the original English. But they can't determine which English manuscript that is. And the fighting continues.

But unknown to all, but suspected by some, there used to be a text that has been lost to the ravages of time. It is the actual original text.
As reagalat, as tropfalat
dia alde Weibla hopfalat
hopfat en dr Stuba rom
schmeissat älle Häfa om.

(original German Swabian text)

It's rainin', it's droppin'
the hags are a-hoppin'
hop around in the hut
throw down every pot.

(Idiomatic English of the original)

The original text was in a dialect of German. It was in Swabian. Looked down upon by the High German speaking as a folksy language. If you compare this text with all the others, you can see the path of transmission and where the changes took place and why they are the way they are.

In the grand scheme of things and for an unknown reason, [A] never survived. But [ B] as an exact word for word version in High German spread and was accepted as the authentic version which expressed the true intent of the text. More people spoke High German than Swabian and [ B] would be understood and spread farther than [A] ever could.

At a time very close when [ B] was made, [E] was translated into English and was a true reflection of the [A] text itself. The original text then existed in both High German and English. However, early on, English speakers lost contact and actually shunned anyone of German background. It didn't take too long for [E] to be (falsely) regarded as the original text. But it wasn't very good English and was course sounding and awkward. Why would God allow such mistakes in His communication with Mankind? So as time went by it was "corrected" into better, more grammatically correct English. But it still contained some flavor and characteristics of the older versions. There was respect for the text even though there was no remaining understanding about the history of the transmission of the text.

But then the religious leaders got involved and through power and agenda they manufactured history to support their views. They actively forbade research of dissenting views and over the centuries manufactured opinions became accepted facts. And human nature needs a sense of belonging and stability and naturally supports the "side" they feel comfortable with. Even if ultimately what they believe is not correct.

This analogy illustrates what my research has uncovered. I'm by no means the only one who has come to this conclusion. Usually this view point has been expressed by very few and obscure scholars who published their research in the 1800's and early 1900's. But their methods of explanation is not friendly to our modern short attention span.

In addition, what I've found is that many of those who have come to somewhat similar conclusions in our modern times are attached to questionable and faulty theology and want to use these topics to further their own agendas. But that's a whole other discussion.

It takes much effort to navigate the confusion to determine the actual facts of this matter.
I do not disagree that SALES is not a metric of ACCURACY, however the "quote" was merely informing the reader that the order on the list did not change much from year to year over the past decade. The order remained fairly constant so the popularity (measured by sales) remained fairly constant.

SALES is a fair measure of POPULARITY.
Anything new gets lots of attention, even if it's not something spiritually good! Many proclaiming Christianity don't read much of the Word anyway, traditional or modern; and studying the Word is the only way to spiritual growth, but many believers are content with remaining a carnal Christian.
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