Is There Any Evidence that the New Testament was Originally Written in Greek?

Because you disregard history and the vital role that the Greek OT (LXX) played with its κυριον naming of God then of course it doesn't make sense to you. Carry on with your JW view of history.
Are you honestly claiming that the tetragrammaton occurs anywhere in the Greek New Testament? Show just one example.
And what's with the ad hominems about accusing someone to be a JW? (this is against the forum rules, btw) What do they have to do with this topic at all?
And you are denying the historical facts about scribal processes of the Jewish tradition? You're going to have to provide evidence for that claim as well.
Are you honestly claiming that the tetragrammaton occurs anywhere in the Greek New Testament? Show just one example.
And what's with the ad hominems about accusing someone to be a JW? (this is against the forum rules, btw) What do they have to do with this topic at all?
And you are denying the historical facts about scribal processes of the Jewish tradition? You're going to have to provide evidence for that claim as well.
Your Hebrew tetragrammaton view is a hallmark of JW beliefs. I didn't say you're a JW but you most certainly exhibit JW tendencies.

Also, I didn't claim that the Hebrew tetragrammaton occurs in the GNT. What I'm claiming is that you disregard history when you skip over the vital role that the Greek OT (LXX) played with its κυριον naming of God.
Your Hebrew tetragrammaton view is a hallmark of JW beliefs. I didn't say you're a JW but you most certainly exhibit JW tendencies.

Also, I didn't claim that the Hebrew tetragrammaton occurs in the GNT. What I'm claiming is that you disregard history when you skip over the vital role that the Greek OT (LXX) played with its κυριον naming of God.
Just stop it already. I did nothing of the sort. Learn your history and then you might make some more informed comments.

Where are the people that actually know things and want to discuss topics?
Just stop it already. I did nothing of the sort. Learn your history and then you might make some more informed comments.

Where are the people that actually know things and want to discuss topics?
You still do not acknowledge the importance of the LXX and its contributions to the names of God such as κυριον. Where are the people who are informed about the LXX and are willing to discuss historical topics like that?
Very true. If it was written in Hebrew, only those who understood Hebrew would benefit. During that era only the religious leaders knew Hebrew. Not even the common people knew Hebrew.

So how well did the Gospel spread? The Greek text spread west through the Roman Empire. And the Aramaic text spread east through the Parthian Empire, to India and beyond all the way to China. So which text did more to spread the Gospel? Which one proves that the original text was in Greek?
If that is the case, it may be the fault of Thomas who was sent to India, he didn't really excel at logical thinking.
You still do not acknowledge the importance of the LXX and its contributions to the names of God such as κυριον. Where are the people who are informed about the LXX and are willing to discuss historical topics like that?
If you've truly studied the LXX you will have discovered it's a pretty corrupted text.
If you've truly studied the LXX you will have discovered it's a pretty corrupted text.

It is corrupted in many places, but it also is a valuable witness.

It preserves the original meaning in some places better than the MT and also sheds light on difficult Hebrew once in awhile.

It is also an influential version on the NT's formation and theological terms.

And, for the ability at the time, a decent translation that is even eloquent at times.
It is corrupted in many places, but it also is a valuable witness.
It's a witness to the fact that there was a Hebrew text at the time of the translation.
It preserves the original meaning in some places better than the MT and also sheds light on difficult Hebrew once in awhile
And how exactly do you know what the "original meaning" was? Do you have the original text of the authors in your possession? Such a silly statement you make.
It is also an influential version on the NT's formation and theological terms.
From a Greek primacy viewpoint that would be accurate. However, none of the NT authors used the LXX in any way when they were writing their Aramaic texts.
And, for the ability at the time, a decent translation that is even eloquent at times.
If it displays eloquence, it is reflecting that which is in the original Hebrew. A translation remains only that - a translation.
Do you have the original text of the authors in your possession? Such a silly statement you make.

It's only silly from a point of extreme skepticism.

Unless you see Moses literally write the books out at the time, anything can theoretically happen.

This is the very kind of argument Muslims and such people use to say the entire Bible is corrupted and none of it is accurate.
It's only silly from a point of extreme skepticism.

Unless you see Moses literally write the books out at the time, anything can theoretically happen.

This is the very kind of argument Muslims and such people use to say the entire Bible is corrupted and none of it is accurate.
What? It's hard to take anything you say seriously. You aren't even rooted in reality anymore. When people degenerate into lunatic statements, all discussion is over.
And how exactly do you know what the "original meaning" was? Do you have the original text of the authors in your possession? Such a silly statement you make.
Nobody has the originals. Such silly questions you ask.
From a Greek primacy viewpoint that would be accurate. However, none of the NT authors used the LXX in any way when they were writing their Aramaic texts.
The Apostles overwhelmingly copied from the LXX when they wrote their NT epistles. Their stamp of approval of the LXX is evident for any logical person to see.

Which imaginary Aramaic text did they copy from to form their imaginary Aramaic NT? Oh I forgot, you mentioned that text was burnt in a frenzied bonfire. How convenient for you.
If it displays eloquence, it is reflecting that which is in the original Hebrew. A translation remains only that - a translation.
As they say here on the South, if it's good enough for Paul then it's good enough for me.
Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, and conquered death. Jesus chose Saul of Tarsus to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. Paul spoke Greek and Hebrew. The purpose is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world in the best way; to the Greek speaking world. It is by Jesus Christ the gospel was spread in Greek. I would not second guess Jesus or God's will on this topic. Jesus chose the Apostle Paul because he would write in Greek to spread the Gospel. I have no problem believing it without textual evidence, the evidence is in the Bible itself, we have one.
Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, and conquered death. Jesus chose Saul of Tarsus to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. Paul spoke Greek and Hebrew. The purpose is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world in the best way; to the Greek speaking world. It is by Jesus Christ the gospel was spread in Greek. I would not second guess Jesus or God's will on this topic. Jesus chose the Apostle Paul because he would write in Greek to spread the Gospel. I have no problem believing it without textual evidence, the evidence is in the Bible itself, we have one.
Sure. True. You attempt to explain the Greek transmission through the Roman domain. You do not explain the transmission to the other half of the known world.
It is more important how the gospel got to you. Not the rest of the world. You have a computer to find How Christianity spread. Your testimony is your witness to others. That is what Jesus wants you to tell others; how did God save me.
It is more important how the gospel got to you. Not the rest of the world. You have a computer to find How Christianity spread. Your testimony is your witness to others. That is what Jesus wants you to tell others; how did God save me.
Great dodge!!! Love how you will not answer the question because you now realize your statements do not tell the complete story of the Gospel.
Great dodge!!! Love how you will not answer the question because you now realize your statements do not tell the complete story of the Gospel.
I do not need to answer questions that a person cannot or is too lazy to find out for themselves. I'll be glad to go beyond a college professors stance on an issue that you cannot find an answer. However, your questions are easy to find with a simple google search.
Here is modern scholarships consensus on the original language of the N.T.

Oh, I didn't know that. Wow, you are so great to do a internet search and provide this never before seen information. Truly, here is the answer that everyone has been looking for. LOL.

Seriously, you haven't read the first post of this thread where this has all been dealt with.
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