Is Arminianism/Free Willism Humanism and Pelagianism?

So you're saying Arminians are semi-Pelagians, then.
No semi Pelagians hold man can make the first move towards God.

The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology defines semi-Pelagianism as follows: “A term which has been used to describe several theories which were thought to imply that the first movement towards God is made by human efforts unaided by grace
IF within this discussion we use man to mean "a sinner by his own will, not GOD's will" then what does that have to say about those who chose to be holy and became elect, the angels and when and how we had the choice to sin seeing as we are sinners from conception?

MAN and human refer to sinners, either the sinful people of the kingdom or the evil people of the evil one...and sinners are enslaved to evil so they cannot do or want anything to do with salvation outside of GOD's grace.
IF within this discussion we use man to mean "a sinner by his own will, not GOD's will" then what does that have to say about those who chose to be holy and became elect, the angels and when and how we had the choice to sin seeing as we are sinners from conception?

MAN and human refer to sinners, either the sinful people of the kingdom or the evil people of the evil one...and sinners are enslaved to evil so they cannot do or want anything to do with salvation outside of GOD's grace.
Given grace and the ability God gave to man, he can believe and be saved by God
John 3:16 is not humanism or Pelagianism

The view that Christ did not die for the whole world but only for those who will believe is a theological view known as “limited atonement.” It is the third, and most debated, in a list of five cardinal positions coming out of the Protestant Reformation, typically labeled as Calvinism: Total depravity of man, Unconditional election of believers, Limited atonement provided by Christ’s death, Irresistible grace of the Holy Spirit in conversion, and Perseverance of the saints in the faith.

A large part of the evangelical Christian church holds to four of these five points, the question of the extent of the atonement being a sticking point. John Wesley, father of Methodism, said regarding the definition of “world” in John 3:16, “[it refers to] all men under heaven; even those that despise his love, and will for that cause finally perish. Otherwise, not to believe would be no sin to them.”
John 3:16 is not humanism or Pelagianism

The view that Christ did not die for the whole world but only for those who will believe is a theological view known as “limited atonement.” It is the third, and most debated, in a list of five cardinal positions coming out of the Protestant Reformation, typically labeled as Calvinism: Total depravity of man, Unconditional election of believers, Limited atonement provided by Christ’s death, Irresistible grace of the Holy Spirit in conversion, and Perseverance of the saints in the faith.

A large part of the evangelical Christian church holds to four of these five points, the question of the extent of the atonement being a sticking point. John Wesley, father of Methodism, said regarding the definition of “world” in John 3:16, “[it refers to] all men under heaven; even those that despise his love, and will for that cause finally perish. Otherwise, not to believe would be no sin to them.”
John 3:17 (NASB 2020) — 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.
John 3:17 (NASB 2020) — 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.
Thank you Jesus. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. Salvation has been so good to me.
John 3:16 is not humanism or Pelagianism

The view that Christ did not die for the whole world but only for those who will believe is a theological view known as “limited atonement.” It is the third, and most debated, in a list of five cardinal positions coming out of the Protestant Reformation, typically labeled as Calvinism: Total depravity of man, Unconditional election of believers, Limited atonement provided by Christ’s death, Irresistible grace of the Holy Spirit in conversion, and Perseverance of the saints in the faith.

A large part of the evangelical Christian church holds to four of these five points, the question of the extent of the atonement being a sticking point. John Wesley, father of Methodism, said regarding the definition of “world” in John 3:16, “[it refers to] all men under heaven; even those that despise his love, and will for that cause finally perish. Otherwise, not to believe would be no sin to them.”
No semi Pelagians hold man can make the first move towards God.

The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology defines semi-Pelagianism as follows: “A term which has been used to describe several theories which were thought to imply that the first movement towards God is made by human efforts unaided by grace
Exactly as all Arminians and Provisionists hold to a preceding Grace. Irresistible grace is unbiblical whereas Gods Grace preceding man’s decision is biblical.

hope this helps !!!
Exactly as all Arminians and Provisionists hold to a preceding Grace. Irresistible grace is unbiblical whereas Gods Grace preceding man’s decision is biblical.

hope this helps !!!
The truth i believe is somewhere between Calvinism and Armininism. I also believe in Crisis theology when something horrible happens to you in a crisis and you look to Adonai and Yeshua for help and saving grace. That crisis experience happen to me in my conversion.
The truth i believe is somewhere between Calvinism and Armininism. I also believe in Crisis theology when something horrible happens to you in a crisis and you look to Adonai and Yeshua for help and saving grace. That crisis experience happen to me in my conversion.
Makes me think of that old saying "There are no atheists in foxholes" Notice when 9/11 happened they were praying to God all over the place on TV and everywhere. My crisis experience lasted about 25 years. But when I heard the gospel and accepted Jesus I got out of that terrible Lifestyle. No turning back!
Makes me think of that old saying "There are no atheists in foxholes" Notice when 9/11 happened they were praying to God all over the place on TV and everywhere. My crisis experience lasted about 25 years. But when I heard the gospel and accepted Jesus I got out of that terrible Lifestyle. No turning back!
Everybody's conversion experience to Yeshua takes different avenues. Glad you accepted Yeshua as your personal savior.
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