"IN Christ".. The Simplicity of it.


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Here is the simplicity that is "in Christ"... as Paul teaches.

God who is Righteous, wants "all who have sinned", to become restored into Spiritual Union with Himself.

He can't join Himself, Spiritually, to SIN.....and "ALL have sinned"..

So, God created Salvation, through Christ, to deal with our sin, so that is is forever resolved.

Like this..

1.) "God hath made JESUS to be sin for us, so that 'IN HIM"... we might become the Righteousness of God"

Now, notice that Salvation is designed to cause you to become "the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God"..

And this is to become 'IN CHRIST".

A.) So, Jesus dies for your sin, and that solves it.. as Jesus is your SIN Bearer... who was JUDGED to DEATH on The Cross.... for ALL YOUR SIN..
And now being "made free from sin".. God can join Himself to you, Spiritually, and that is you being given the "new birth" as born again, whereby you become a "NEW Creation" "IN CHRIST"... as "ONE with God".

Thank you : JESUS
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