How do you know : If you are going to Hell?


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You can know right now if you are not going to Heaven., whereas, God knew it before you were born.

This is not the same as God causing it... as ForeKnowledge, is not pre-destination...

So, how can anyone at anytime KNOW they are going to Hell?

Well, if that is the destination of the reader, then here is why.

John 3:36 (Read the verse, look it up).

And how do you stop being that : '"damned" one?

Simply do this..

Jesus said..."you MUST be born again">

And how do you do that?
Well, you can't do that, so that is the first thing you have to understand... as "all have sinned" and "there is none righteous.. no not one"..

So, to stop being THAT ONE, you "must be born again".

A.) ALL who call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved".

ALL who BELIEVE..... = their "FAITH is counted by God, as (Christ's) Righteousness, become YOURS... = THE BELIEVER.

And what does that do for you, and how is that new birth accomplished??

1.) All your sin is forgiven.
2.) You received the Gift of Salvation, that is "the GIFT of Righteousness"..

And Now, .. being forgiven,.... and being made righteous, ....puts you in the place, literally, where God "Who is A Spirit"....can now join Himself to your Spirit.. (new birth).

This is "Spiritual union" with God... This is to become "IN Christ"... This is to become "One with God".. = This is "ETERNAL LIFE"... and that is what the NT defines as becoming a "New Creation"...

This is what Jesus MEANS, when He told you.. that "YOU must Be Born AGAIN"/

And remember this Reader.......If someone told you that "when you were water baptized, the water washed away your sin, and you are now become a CHRISTIAN, then they lied to you.... .. They LIED to you.

Thousands of water baptized people died and went to Hell today, and they all were told....."the water saved you, water baptism saves, the water washed away your sin".

No It didnt....
See, if water baptism could save you, then why Did Jesus have to die on The Cross, shedding His Blood for YOUR SIN and mine?

Water gets you wet...only.
Jesus is your Salvation, and He shed His blood and died and rose again = to PROVE IT.
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The first clue will be when you feel the temperature rising. After that you'll hear a lot of weeping, and gnashing of teeth.
The first clue will be when you feel the temperature rising. After that you'll hear a lot of weeping, and gnashing of teeth.

Some things to know about Hell.

1.) Its not a myth, and its not a garbage dump outside the Jerusalem Wall., or city limits.

2.) There is No Cross of Christ found in Hell, which means its only found on Earth, where Jesus already died on it.... and so, you have to go to the Cross of Christ when you are on earth, By FAITH.... or you'll end up in Hell where no Cross is Found, and faith wont help you then....

Moral of Story?

No Cross = No Salvaiton

No 2nd Chance in Hell

Noone can be born again, in Hell, and if you are not born again when you die, Hell is waiting for you.

"well, i dont believe in Hell".

You will., and God already does, so, who is going to be proven wrong?

A.) It wont be God.

AA.) Everyone who died and went to Hell, while you were reading my Thread..... ALL believe in Hell, now.

If we went on a national television talk show and told our views on the reality of hell, we would not be popular. Nor would we be believed. Hell is not “in” today. Church historian Martin Marty said, “Hell disappeared. And no one noticed.”
“ ‘Even conservative evangelicals are losing their taste for fire and brimstone’ … says University of Virginia sociologist Tamp Hunter, author of two books on contemporary evangelicalism. ‘Many evangelicals have a difficult time conceiving of people, especially virtuous nonbelievers, going to hell.’ ”

We have heard it said that if hell has disappeared from the current theological scene, can heaven be far behind? “Within some liberal religious circles it already has slipped from polite conversation. ‘There’s not much hell and not much heaven either,’ observes United Church of Christ theologian Max Stackhouse, a professor at Andover-Newton Theological School. ‘The prevailing opinion is that when you die you’re dead but God still cares.’ ”

Jesus possessed the most compassionate heart that ever beat in a man, and yet He spoke of hell, He warned of hell, He described hell. However, most preachers today may extol the glories or heaven, but repress the horrors of hell.

I believe the Bible. It tells us that heaven and hell are real. It also tells us that Jesus is coming again. How should we respond? Some will retain the status quo, unaffected in thought or deed by the knowledge of this awesome event. Others will have the fire of a first love rekindled in their hearts.

David Jeremiah and Carole C. Carlson, Escape the Coming Night
So, how can anyone at anytime KNOW they are going to Hell?
I believe that the person knows he/she is already living in hell.

Let's switch the focus from a future torment to a present torment.
Jesus came to free us from hell NOW. The hell experienced by anyone who lives away from God.
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