In Calvinism man is preprogrammed, just like a Robot- John MacArthur


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From Macs website.

“But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.” Now just think about that in an evangelistic context. Understand this, when you go to give someone the gospel: Because it’s the truth, they can’t believe it. Did you get that? Because it’s the truth, they can’t receive it. Because they are preprogrammed to believe lies. Verse 47, “He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God.”

Did you read that all men are preprogrammed to believe lies. This is what determinism teaches, what the doctrine of total depravity teaches and why irresistible grace much be believed in calvinism.

Robots and Computers are preprogrammed by their designers just like man in Calvinism. This is deterministic fatalism.

hope this helps !!!
God by means of divine decree determines all peoples decisions/actions
Potter by means of molding determines all pots decisions,actions,shapes, etc...
Programmer by means of preprogramming determines the Avatars/Robots decisions and actions
Puppeteer by means of strings determines all the puppets movements, actions, decisions
Author by means of writing a story determines all characters decisions, actions

This life in calvinism has everything completely and fully scripted with every thought, action, deed. Welcome to the world of the avatar. The world of make belief- sounds much like the world of Walt Disney.

hope this helps !!!
I guess I just have to put you on block/ignore.
I'm just quoting what a world renown spokeman for Calvinism teaches. And I have most every book Mac wrote. He still has one of my all-time favorite books I have ever read and still endorse. The Gospel according to Jesus.

Don't shoot the messenger. :)
Preprogrammed definition: (of instructions or data) programmed into an electronic device to control future action.
"the drones are designed to follow a preprogrammed route at the push of a button"

defined for clarity in this discussion. :)
That's why we Christians need to put on the whole armor of God to protect us against becoming infected By malware.

We need to put on the Girdle of Truth! May we stand firm in the truth of Your Word so we will not be a victim of Satan's lies. Amen
That's why we Christians need to put on the whole armor of God to protect us against becoming infected By malware.

We need to put on the Girdle of Truth! May we stand firm in the truth of Your Word so we will not be a victim of Satan's lies. Amen
Amen my friend !
From Macs website.

“But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.” Now just think about that in an evangelistic context. Understand this, when you go to give someone the gospel: Because it’s the truth, they can’t believe it. Did you get that? Because it’s the truth, they can’t receive it. Because they are preprogrammed to believe lies. Verse 47, “He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God.”

Did you read that all men are preprogrammed to believe lies. This is what determinism teaches, what the doctrine of total depravity teaches and why irresistible grace much be believed in calvinism.
I read it, but that ishn't what it said. He was speaking to the non-believers, and those who would never believe when He said "But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me." Why do these non-believers not believe? Because they are preprogrammed to believe lies. Verse 47 states this clearly. Because they are not of God, they are not hearing the word of God. They are incapable of recognizing or understanding the words of God. And this is from the mouth of God, unless you are unitarian of course. (Can't forget about them.)
Robots and Computers are preprogrammed by their designers just like man in Calvinism. This is deterministic fatalism.
You missed what the passage is saying. The reason why they are "preprogrammed" to believe lies is because they are not of God. Think about what that means. " are not of God." Just what does that mean? Is this in line with the parable of the wheat and the tares, and Jesus is saying that they are of the evil one? (Staying in line with the parable.) Is he telling them, in spiritual speak, that they weren't chosen by God, so they are not of God? Since they are not of God, God has no responsibility to accept them, right? Or is there some eternal police force or court room greater than God that can judge Him on that and say He must accept everyone, even if they don't belong to Him?

Again, that is where the divorce needs to occur. One has to understand God's nature, who He is, and all that means, before introducing humanity and life to the equation. If one doesn't try to understand who God is by what He has revealed to us, how can we properly understand the relationship between God and man?
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