In Calvinism is God a deceiver ?

They believe two, to, or too that if I made a grammar mistake and put down the wrong 2 that was God ordained as well. They would say it's all for the glory of his grace but they never explain just how. How can it bring glory to him which means to help see him in a positive light by not doing unto others as he would have them do unto himself....that is to make someone look stupid. What glory could he possibly receive from that? Such actions would be the opposite of a loving and kind being and would make him the author of confusion. 1 Cor 14:33 states he's the opposite of that!
Amen brother the logical, moral and biblical oxymorons are written all over that belief system.
The cause and effect principle. There is no effect without a cause. In calvinism God is always the first cause of all that occurs, comes to pass. Every molecule that moves is caused by God. There is nothing that happens that is not caused by God.

A1- If EDD is true, then God determines all Christians to affirm some false theological beliefs.

A2- If God determines all Christians to affirm some false theological beliefs, then God is deceptive and His Word (the Bible) cannot be trusted.

A3- God is not deceptive and His Word can be trusted.

A4- Therefore, God does not determine all Christians to affirm some false theological beliefs.

A5- Therefore, EDD is false.

“Think about it: If a wizard, a demon, or a Jedi using a mind trick used their power to necessitate your false beliefs, then these folks would properly be referred to as deceptive agents. Now, suppose a Jedi intentionally used his power to determine and necessitate all people to affirm false beliefs about ultimate reality. It would be fair to describe this fellow as a ‘Jedi of deception.’ If a demon used his power to determine and necessitate all humans to affirm false beliefs about ultimate reality, it would be fair to say that this being is a ‘demon of deception.’

What’s the difference between a demon of deception and a deity of deception? Does a deity who intentionally uses his power to determine and necessitate all humans to affirm false beliefs about ultimate reality suddenly become non-deceptive just because this being has more power than demons? Is this deity who determines all humans to affirm false beliefs about ultimate reality suddenly become non-deceptive just because he created the universe? If Loki, the ‘god of mischief,’ created the universe, is he no longer a ‘god of mischief’? Of course not. Loki is still untrustworthy, and so is any deity who intentionally uses his power to determine every single human — including all Christ followers — to affirm false theological beliefs.”

hope this helps !!!
Tim Stratons deity of deception argument is a difficulty for Calvinists who affirm EDD exhausive divine determination is true
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