Heaven? Not Interested.

Olde Tymer

Well-known member
I've been approved for Heaven, which of course is a much better option than the
other place; but I am not looking forward to going. Heaven is a distant alien world
with which I am unfamiliar and about which I know practically nothing-- and will
have to start all over again from scratch to make a life there.

1Tim 6:7 . . For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out
of it.

That's the part about Heaven that I really hate: we leave this life without a single
one of our most cherished possessions. I will leave behind all my birding optics, my
guns, my photographs, my little model cars and motorcycles, my watches, my
books, my souvenirs, my knives, my tools, my music, my Fender stratocaster, my
home, my genuine Army lensatic compass, my backyard, etc, etc. Were I to list all
the things I will dearly miss in this life, it would be a lot.

There's a story in the New Testament about a very successful guy who ran out of
things to do so he decided to build himself some warehouses where he would store
all his prized possessions. Well; God spoke with that man in a dream and
announced his death with this question: Then who will get what you have prepared
for yourself?
1Tim 6:7 . . For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out
of it.
I like how the Bible makes us think about things. The verse you posted in first Timothy is talking about physical things of course. The flip side is:

Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

When I read that verse I think about storing up love. Acts of love, lots of love, words of love. A life Of love. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us: But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. That's where I want my heart to be.
I rather suspect that new arrivals in Heaven are whisked off to a sort of finishing
school where all the mistakes they've made with the Bible are corrected and all the
questions they've left blank are filled in.

Also that their manners get refined so they can blend into the general population
(a.k.a. gen pop) without stirring up the kind of trouble they're accustomed to down
here. It seems practical to me that diplomacy and tact would be paramount in that
world because for some folks, every disagreement is an act of war to be won at any

And who's to care for all the miscarriages, the still-born, the abortions, and the
underage children that arrive there every day? It seems fair to me that a tour of
duty in the NICU and the nursery should be a requirement for all in Heaven till
those little tykes are able to stand on their own.
Possibilities are endless. I think we all have our own list. One thing we know for sure because Jesus told us that he went to prepare a place for us and where he's going to be we will be also. So if it's good enough for the creator of the universe it has to be good enough for us. The exact details will be revealed. As long as their dogs and horses, I'm good to go.
I rather suspect that new arrivals in Heaven are whisked off to a sort of finishing
school where all the mistakes they've made with the Bible are corrected and all the
questions they've left blank are filled in.

Also that their manners get refined so they can blend into the general population
(a.k.a. gen pop) without stirring up the kind of trouble they're accustomed to down
here. It seems practical to me that diplomacy and tact would be paramount in that
world because for some folks, every disagreement is an act of war to be won at any

And who's to care for all the miscarriages, the still-born, the abortions, and the
underage children that arrive there every day? It seems fair to me that a tour of
duty in the NICU and the nursery should be a requirement for all in Heaven till
those little tykes are able to stand on their own.
we won't have a carnal mind
but will have His mind
We have yet to truly know what it means to "feel at home."

We are camping out right now.

Heaven will be the first time we will forever truly feel at home.
Well; speaking for myself; I feel truly at home right here, right where I am-- that
place up there is an alien world that will take some getting used to.

Now, one thing I am looking forward to in that alien world is Heaven's libraries
wherein everything to know that can be known about the present creation is stored.
Alas, curious minds like Carl Sagan will never be allowed access to that information
because he was at best an agnostic; at worst an atheist. Poor guy left here with so
many questions unanswered; and in the end, his pale blue dot is to be obliterated
along with everything else in the cosmos.
Well; speaking for myself; I feel truly at home right here, right where I am-- that
place up there is an alien world that will take some getting used to.

Now, one thing I am looking forward to in that alien world is Heaven's libraries
wherein everything to know that can be known about the present creation is stored.
Alas, curious minds like Carl Sagan will never be allowed access to that information
because he was at best an agnostic; at worst an atheist. Poor guy left here with so
many questions unanswered; and in the end, his pale blue dot is to be obliterated
along with everything else in the cosmos.
What a day that will be when we have our new bodies that are immortal and imperishable. Where there will be no more sin, death, evil. A real utopia where we get to be with Christ forever in person, face to face.
What a day that will be when we have our new bodies that are immortal and imperishable. Where there will be no more sin, death, evil. A real utopia where we get to be with Christ forever in person, face to face.

I'm not sure everyone on this forum is even saved.

Let's continue to preach the Gospel.
I've been approved for Heaven, which of course is a much better option than the
other place; but I am not looking forward to going. Heaven is a distant alien world
with which I am unfamiliar and about which I know practically nothing-- and will
have to start all over again from scratch to make a life there.

1Tim 6:7 . . For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out
of it.

That's the part about Heaven that I really hate: we leave this life without a single
one of our most cherished possessions. I will leave behind all my birding optics, my
guns, my photographs, my little model cars and motorcycles, my watches, my
books, my souvenirs, my knives, my tools, my music, my Fender stratocaster, my
home, my genuine Army lensatic compass, my backyard, etc, etc. Were I to list all
the things I will dearly miss in this life, it would be a lot.

There's a story in the New Testament about a very successful guy who ran out of
things to do so he decided to build himself some warehouses where he would store
all his prized possessions. Well; God spoke with that man in a dream and
announced his death with this question: Then who will get what you have prepared
for yourself?
Heaven is not a place, but a Person.
Only God is Eternal. Locations or places are not.
Heaven is not a place, but a Person.
Only God is Eternal. Locations or places are not.

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything
under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body.

Philippians 3:20-21
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything
under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his
glorious body.

Philippians 3:20-21
We are hid in Christ. Christ is God and Christ is eternal.
There is no real 'heaven' as a place other than God Himself.
Abraham's Bosom, Jesus' Bosom, these refer to being in the Presence of God.
Paradise, same thing.
We are hid in Christ. Christ is God and Christ is eternal.
There is no real 'heaven' as a place other than God Himself.
Abraham's Bosom, Jesus' Bosom, these refer to being in the Presence of God.
Paradise, same thing.

If heaven is a place no other than God Himself?
That would mean we are in Heaven right now.

For the last time I checked? God is omnipresent.
If heaven is a place no other than God Himself?
That would mean we are in Heaven right now.

For the last time I checked? God is omnipresent.
We only have the earnest (down “payment”) of the Holy Spirit today.
The fifth baptism a believer receives is after our death and everything God set out to do in the Plan of Man is accomplished then we will receive the baptism of love.
Until then we only know in part.
We only have the earnest (down “payment”) of the Holy Spirit today.
The fifth baptism a believer receives is after our death and everything God set out to do in the Plan of Man is accomplished then we will receive the baptism of love.
Until then we only know in part.
Then don't act like you know more than you should...
Then don't act like you know more than you should...
I stay within my measure.

Romans 12:3 (KJV 1900): 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

I don’t think more highly than I ought.
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