God's Love And Presence

Get Thee Behind Me, Satan!

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

As believers living under the New Covenant, we are taught that we have authority over Satan and demonic spirits. (Luke 10:19.) Resisting the devil at his onset is vital to victory over the enemy. (1 Peter 5:8,9.)

The Bible teaches us how we can have dominion over the works of darkness. We can learn how to open the windows of heaven and close the gates of hell.

The mouth is either a door to blessing or to trouble. We may open a few wrong doors with our mouth; we should learn how to close them quickly. Repentance and application of the blood of Jesus by faith is the way to close doors that have been opened to Satan such as the doors of strife, anger, and unforgiveness. We must be quick to forgive; offense and strife are not emotional luxuries we can afford.

The door of compromise is Satan’s favorite entrance by which to gradually draw us into a web of sin that is devastating for us in the end.
The Bible teaches us the importance of keeping a tender and clean conscience. Without proper respect for the conscience, we will never enjoy authority over the devil.
Remember: Knowing what to do will not do you any good unless you do it!

Do This:
Master sin by doing the Word on a daily basis. Obey the promptings of the Spirit and keep a clear conscience.

Joyce Meyer, Life in the Word: Devotional
Learn To Enforce the Defeat of the Devil

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.…
— HOSEA 4:6

A growing interest in the supernatural in these last days makes it more important than ever that we become knowledgeable about key truths in order to avoid the pitfalls of deception. Everything that looks good isn’t God; everything that is supernatural isn’t spiritual.
This is no time for us believers to have our heads stuck in the sand.

First, we must realize that the devil, demons, and evil spirits are real. (1 Peter 5:8.)

Second, we must recognize Satan’s tactics and know his vulnerable points as well as he knows ours, so we can counterattack him. (2 Corinthians 2:11.)

Third, we need to have knowledge of and exercise our God-given authority. (Luke 10:19.) We have authority and power to walk all over the devil! Satan has no right to do anything to us unjustly. We can protect ourselves with knowledge of God’s Word.

This is a very important day and hour in which we are living. Only when we determine to seek the truth — from God’s Word, through anointed teachers and preachers, and in our own personal study and prayer time — will we know how to successfully overcome the deception of the enemy and help others do the same.

Know your enemy! Enforce his defeat! You can fight the devil and win!

Pray This:
“Father, thank You for giving me authority over all the power that the enemy possesses so that he cannot harm me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Joyce Meyer, Life in the Word: Devotional
Are You Wearing Your Armor or Carrying It?

Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.

God supplies us with what we need to walk in victory. He supplies us with the armor and instructs us to put it on. We are to wear it, not carry it!
Many believers are carrying their armor instead of wearing it. God-inspired action is essential to victorious living.

Weak-willed, weak-minded believers are no threat to the devil. God desires that we possess the land. It will never happen unless we know the importance of staying strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

We must be determined to finish our course and not give up. God-inspired, God-directed action is the key to victory. Too many people attempt to stand in their own strength, and they always fail.

Strength comes from spending time with God and purposely drawing from Him. Trusting God and praying are vital power sources.
When we wait in God’s presence, there is a divine exchange. We exchange our nothingness for His everything. Our weakness is swallowed up in His strength.
Be strong in the Lord. Put on the whole armor of God. Don’t carry it — wear it!

Say This:
“I am a believer. I walk in faith. God’s strength is in me so that I always overcome. I am more than a conqueror.”

Joyce Meyer, Life in the Word: Devotional
The Word, the Name, the Blood

For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.

The closer we approach the Second Coming of Jesus, the more fiercely Satan attacks. He seeks to defeat the corporate Church and its individual members.

There is no hope of defeating the devil without a revelation concerning the power of the Word, the name, and the blood of Christ.
The Word of God is not only a defensive weapon, but also an offensive one. As we speak the Word out of our mouths in faith, we wield a mighty two-edged sword that destroys the enemy.

Jesus gave us the power of attorney to use His name. The believer who truly has faith in the power of Jesus’ name — and uses the name — will do great harm to the kingdom of darkness.

The blood is also a powerful weapon. We use our mouths in prayer to put the blood by faith on whatever needs protection.
God’s grace showers blessings on us as we pray according to the Word, in the name, depending on the shed blood.
The Word, the name, and the blood are at the top of the list of those simple, but powerful, tools given to the Church to thoroughly defeat Satan.
Use your spiritual weapons!

Pray This:
“Father, thank You for giving me Your Word, Your name, and Your blood so that I am not weak and defenseless against the devil.”

Joyce Meyer, Life in the Word: Devotional
The Word, the Name, the Blood

For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.

The closer we approach the Second Coming of Jesus, the more fiercely Satan attacks. He seeks to defeat the corporate Church and its individual members.

There is no hope of defeating the devil without a revelation concerning the power of the Word, the name, and the blood of Christ.
The Word of God is not only a defensive weapon, but also an offensive one. As we speak the Word out of our mouths in faith, we wield a mighty two-edged sword that destroys the enemy.

Jesus gave us the power of attorney to use His name. The believer who truly has faith in the power of Jesus’ name — and uses the name — will do great harm to the kingdom of darkness.

The blood is also a powerful weapon. We use our mouths in prayer to put the blood by faith on whatever needs protection.
God’s grace showers blessings on us as we pray according to the Word, in the name, depending on the shed blood.
The Word, the name, and the blood are at the top of the list of those simple, but powerful, tools given to the Church to thoroughly defeat Satan.
Use your spiritual weapons!

Pray This:
“Father, thank You for giving me Your Word, Your name, and Your blood so that I am not weak and defenseless against the devil.”

Joyce Meyer, Life in the Word: Devotional
Great devotional, thanks for sharing it.
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