God is Love

My love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:8
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. NIV

I know you face much uncertainty in the broken world you live in, My dear child. Governments may fail you. Family and friends may disappoint you. Circumstances may dash your hopes and dreams. And even your own frail body may let you down at times.

But I want you to know, dear one, that though the earth may fade away, My love will never fail you. It is unmovable and unshakeable in its devotion to you. My heart is steadfast and true, and every promise I make will come to pass because I am a Father who keeps His Word.

Yes, there will be a time when prophecies will end, and angelic tongues are stilled. But be comforted, My beautiful child, knowing that My love for you will last forever. So I want you to look at Me today, beloved, and not the crumbling constructs of the world surrounding you. I am your safe place and fortress and will never leave your side.
My love smiles upon you.

Numbers 6:25
May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. NLT

My dear child, you have no idea how much joy you bring to My heart! I am so captivated by you that I cannot stop smiling. I want you to feel this absolute delight in the core of your being today.

Today is a fresh opportunity for you to experience new mercies and a fresh outpouring of My grace in a greater measure than you have ever experienced. Even though there may be clouds that obscure your vision of Me, I want you to know today that the Son of My love shines brightly upon you.

So take a deep breath, My little one, and breathe in all the blessings that I have stored up for you in heavenly places. You live under an open heaven of joyful acceptance, where I declare to the entire cosmos that you are My beloved child, whom I love, and I am well pleased in you.
My love strengthens you.

2 Thessalonians 3:3
But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. NLT

I don't want you to rely on your strength today, My little one, for your strength is limited to your natural resources and endurance. And I don't want you to be afraid of being weak, either. For your weakness is the doorway to My Son's unlimited strength.

This is simply how My Kingdom works... The weaker you feel, the stronger you are because My grace is made perfect in your weakness. When you no longer have to rely on your strength to navigate life, you will realize that I have empowered all the resources of heaven to give you grace and help you in your time of need.

So don't be afraid of anything that may oppose you today, My child. For I am your faithful Father, and I will protect you from the evil one. All you need to do is be still, and I will fight for you.
My love multiplies in you.

2 Peter 1:2
Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, NKJV

My dear child, I want to give you an increasing supply of all My goodness today. The grace and peace I have in store for you have no limits or end. I am a God of abundance, and I love giving good gifts to My children.

If you are willing to open your heart to receive in this moment, I will do the rest. My love, grace, and peace will overflow through you by My own Spirit. But remember, dear one, receiving is as simple as breathing.

It does not require any effort from yourself; it is only a simple childlike faith to believe that I am your Father and the giver of every perfect gift. So yield to the ever-increasing expanse of My fruitfulness today that is being poured out by My own Spirit, and let My grace and peace be multiplied in you.
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