Fellowship With Transgenders

Olde Tymer

Well-known member
FAQ: Should Christians shun transgenders?

REPLY: Absolutely not!

Transgendering isn't specifically addressed in the Bible, viz: it's a gray area, and as
such ought to be approached in accord with the 14th chapter of Romans which
says, in so many words, that we are not permitted to engage transgenders with
debating nor abuse them with judgmental criticism

Transgendering is a rough road to travel due to embarrassing therapy regimens;
and side effects, complications, negative public opinion, doubts, regrets,
disappointment, and mood swings that many would rather not talk about. So be
especially careful with your dialogue so as not to push them to the point where
you'll be forcing them to maintain their poise with fibs.

A little empathy, and a whole lot of tact and courtesy, can be very useful in helping
someone get thru the day, ergo: don't become a hell for transgenders, instead,
become a haven because people really ought to feel safe with Christians instead of

Matt 7:12 . . So in everything: do to others what you would have them do to you.
You can't shun Homosexuals. If you did that you would be leaving them in their sinful condition condemned to hell. So in order to share the gospel you have to talk to them. Hopefully they repent and accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

The real problem is accepting the gay agenda. That becomes quite insane. The bible absolutely does not condone Homosexuality.
Jesus Himself reaffirmed and deepened the sexual morals of the Law. He stated that all sexual acts outside of marriage defile us, and He stated emphatically that marriage as God intended referred to the lifelong union of one man and one woman.

The Bible explicitly states that heterosexuality is God’s intended norm for the human race—and the only form of union acceptable to God in marriage. Its a given fact that the Bible, from beginning to end, is a heterosexual book.

Paul looked at homosexual practice in Romans 1 as a direct result of humankind’s rejection of God, something contrary to His created order, and he listed it along with many other sinful practices. There is absolutely no doubt that he was condemning homosexual practice. The good news is that he declared that the blood of Jesus could save people from homosexual sin.

The hard part is reaching them for the love of Jesus. But the word tells us... one man plants another man waters but god gives the increase.
I wouldn't want trans or homosexuals in my church or Bible study. The church is the called out and is supposed to consist of believers. Yes, I know the scripture about "someone walking in", and if an LGBTQIALSMFT walked in, I'd be fine with that person staying for the rest of the time.

Outside of a meeting of believers, I wouldn't shun those people, but I might inadvertently drive them away if I told them the truth.

On the other hand, I was told by a gay guy that the only way he'll talk to me is if I respect his homosexuality. I'm not talking to him anymore.
I wouldn't want trans or homosexuals in my church or Bible study.

I have yet to figure out why it is that so many Christians are in the habit of
conflating gender dysphoria with gays and lesbians; but I suspect the mistake is
due to a failure on their part to research the condition-- easily done by simply
taking the time to look for it on YouTube.

From what I've learned thus far: gender dysphoric folk are not what I'd call a bad
influence. For the most part they are simply harmless guys and girls who truly
believed they'd be happier as the opposite sex; and actually quite a few do find
satisfaction in that direction; though of course many oftentimes discover that the
dream was better than the reality as there are some rather inconvenient
complications associated with their surgeries.

NOTE: Transgendering isn't specifically addressed in the Bible, viz: it's a gray area,
and as such ought to be approached in accord with the 14th chapter of Romans
which says, in so many words, that we are not permitted to engage transgenders
with debating nor abuse them with judgmental criticism.
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I have yet to figure out why it is that so many Christians are in the habit of
conflating gender dysphoria with gays and lesbians; but I suspect the mistake is
due to a failure on their part to research the condition-- easily done by simply
taking the time to look for it on YouTube.

From what I've learned thus far: gender dysphoric folk are not what I'd call a bad
influence. For the most part they are simply harmless guys and girls who truly
believed they'd be happier as the opposite sex; and actually quite a few do find
satisfaction in that direction; though of course many oftentimes discover that the
dream was better than the reality as there are some rather inconvenient
complications associated with their surgeries.

NOTE: Transgendering isn't specifically addressed in the Bible, viz: it's a gray area,
and as such ought to be approached in accord with the 14th chapter of Romans
which says, in so many words, that we are not permitted to engage transgenders
with debating nor abuse them with judgmental criticism.
It's not addressed in the bible because it's not real it's made up. Transgender and nonbinary people have a mental problem. Psychiatric care is what they need. It's not a gray area, It's deception from the father of lies. That's why Christians with discernment are not fooled.

Although no one is flawless, and everyone falls short of God's perfection; I would be
very careful about labeling gender dysphoria as a sin.
You're free to think whatever you like. But if a man that thinks he is a woman and has sex with another man it's a sin. And that is definitely in the bible.

Since we're talking about the bible what does it tell us to do when we fall short of the glory of God and sin?

We are to confess our sin and ask for forgiveness. The problem here is the people were talking about do not believe that they are committing a sin And most likely don't believe in God.

I'm sorry to bring this to your attention but I feel that you are being deceived. We are in the world but we're not of the world. And what your condoning Is definitely of the world. Satan is ruler of this world.

Please confine your remarks to gender dysphoria. This thread wasn't set up to
discuss gays and lesbians.

Thank You.
Transgender is a term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender identity is a person’s internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or boy or girl.) For some people, their gender identity does not fit neatly into those two choices. For transgender people, the sex they were assigned at birth and their own internal gender identity do not match.

Please explain to me how gays and lesbians would not fit that description?

If you're born a man and you think you're a woman who are you going to have a sexual desire for? A man right?
It's not addressed in the bible because it's not real it's made up. Transgender and nonbinary people have a mental problem. Psychiatric care is what they need. It's not a gray area, It's deception from the father of lies. That's why Christians with discernment are not fooled.

I have yet to figure out why it is that so many Christians are in the habit of
conflating gender dysphoria with gays and lesbians; but I suspect the mistake is
due to a failure on their part to research the condition-- easily done by simply
taking the time to look for it on YouTube.

From what I've learned thus far: gender dysphoric folk are not what I'd call a bad
influence. For the most part they are simply harmless guys and girls who truly
believed they'd be happier as the opposite sex; and actually quite a few do find
satisfaction in that direction; though of course many oftentimes discover that the
dream was better than the reality as there are some rather inconvenient
complications associated with their surgeries.

NOTE: Transgendering isn't specifically addressed in the Bible, viz: it's a gray area,
and as such ought to be approached in accord with the 14th chapter of Romans
which says, in so many words, that we are not permitted to engage transgenders
with debating nor abuse them with judgmental criticism.
they despise their Creator God who made both men and women, male and female.

they are sinning by telling God what did you make me this way.
FAQ: Should Christians shun transgenders?

REPLY: Absolutely not!

Transgendering isn't specifically addressed in the Bible, viz: it's a gray area, and as
such ought to be approached in accord with the 14th chapter of Romans which
says, in so many words, that we are not permitted to engage transgenders with
debating nor abuse them with judgmental criticism

Transgendering is a rough road to travel due to embarrassing therapy regimens;
and side effects, complications, negative public opinion, doubts, regrets,
disappointment, and mood swings that many would rather not talk about. So be
especially careful with your dialogue so as not to push them to the point where
you'll be forcing them to maintain their poise with fibs.

A little empathy, and a whole lot of tact and courtesy, can be very useful in helping
someone get thru the day, ergo: don't become a hell for transgenders, instead,
become a haven because people really ought to feel safe with Christians instead of

Matt 7:12 . . So in everything: do to others what you would have them do to you.
So according to Matthew 7:12 We should give the transgenders a ride to the psychiatrist office for some counseling.

Unfortunately what our society condones is allowing them to visit or Grammar School classes in drag for gay story hour.

FAQ: Should Christians shun transgenders?

REPLY: Absolutely not!

Transgendering isn't specifically addressed in the Bible, viz: it's a gray area, and as
such ought to be approached in accord with the 14th chapter of Romans which
says, in so many words, that we are not permitted to engage transgenders with
debating nor abuse them with judgmental criticism

Transgendering is a rough road to travel due to embarrassing therapy regimens;
and side effects, complications, negative public opinion, doubts, regrets,
disappointment, and mood swings that many would rather not talk about. So be
especially careful with your dialogue so as not to push them to the point where
you'll be forcing them to maintain their poise with fibs.

A little empathy, and a whole lot of tact and courtesy, can be very useful in helping
someone get thru the day, ergo: don't become a hell for transgenders, instead,
become a haven because people really ought to feel safe with Christians instead of

Matt 7:12 . . So in everything: do to others what you would have them do to you.
It would seem that Paul’s views on homosexual practice are quite clear—and quite clearly negative. After all, in 1 Corinthians 6:9 he explained that “passive homosexual partners” and “practicing homosexuals” will not inherit the kingdom of God, while in Romans 1 he explained how God gave sinful people over “to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error”. This seems pretty clear!
It would seem that Paul’s views on homosexual practice are quite clear—and quite clearly negative. After all, in 1 Corinthians 6:9 he explained that “passive homosexual partners” and “practicing homosexuals” will not inherit the kingdom of God, while in Romans 1 he explained how God gave sinful people over “to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error”. This seems pretty clear!
no matter how you slice it there is sexual perversion in transgenders. they have abandon the natural way God made them as Paul described in Romans 1.
no matter how you slice it there is sexual perversion in transgenders. they have abandon the natural way God made them as Paul described in Romans 1.
Correct and no matter what we're called to love them and pray for them. I would support anyone that has a ministry that goes out attempts to reach homosexuals or transgenders or gay people whatever you want to call them. John 3:16 applies to them also.

If one of them were to become saved the angels in heaven would sing. It's in the bible!
Correct and no matter what we're called to love them and pray for them. I would support anyone that has a ministry that goes out attempts to reach homosexuals or transgenders or gay people whatever you want to call them. John 3:16 applies to them also.

If one of them were to become saved the angels in heaven would sing. It's in the bible!
Absolutely brother !
So according to Matthew 7:12 We should give the transgenders a ride to the psychiatrist office for some counseling.

Unfortunately what our society condones is allowing them to visit or Grammar School classes in drag for gay story hour.

View attachment 680
They actually don't want anything to do with Christians. They see Christians as the reason they've been persecuted. In their minds it's time for Payback. You ever notice how any movement or cult that's being controlled by Satan always go after the children?gay2.jpg
Please explain to me how gays and lesbians would not fit that description?

It is my firm personal belief that transgendering is a gray area for Christians.
Whether it really is a gray area for Christians or not makes no difference as the
principles outlined in in 14th of Romans allow an individual's conscience to dictate
their thinking in matters relative to faith, i.e. fully persuaded in their own mind.

Plus, seeing as how I truly believe transgendering is a gray area, then the rules
spelled out in the 14th of Romans forbid me to debate the subject.
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