Faith Is A Constant


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One can truly believe there is a God, but lack the desire to believe in Him. Romans-One teaches that one can believe about God, that He is real, and at the same time not put trust in Him. Scripture says that He has proved to all that He is real by showing them all of what may be known about Himself (Rom 1:19). This revelation of Himself first comes by the “light” of nature, by us seeing the existence of what He has created. Creation itself is enough evidence for one to believe in God!

Therefore the Word declares none are “excused” from judgement for not wanting to believe in Him (v20). There are no genuine atheists, only those who falsely claim to disbelieve in His existence! In my opinion, the primary issue is that unbelief manifests one would rather continue in wrongful pleasures, instead of trusting and having faith in God (2Ti 3:4).

One of the greatest oxymoron concepts has to be the acceptance that one can claim to believe in God, then eventually claim not to believe in Him! To genuinely have faith in God is not something one can eventually apostatize from, because faith always produces. Faith can be diminished but never deleted once obtained. Thus, salvation is a constant like faith!

One professing Christianity can eventually claim to disbelieve, and if this is truly a permanent state of mind, it only manifests there was never any belief! One cannot claim to believe then claim to disbelieve—this wouldn’t make any type of sense at all. Genuine faith cannot become unbelief, and there’s nowhere in Scripture that declares this error, only misunderstanding of the way this issue is worded.

To believe is to be permanently convinced of something; otherwise it wasn’t belief, but just something you thought you believed in. One can think they believe in God and eventually discover that they don’t truly believe in Him; but one cannot truly believe in Him and then later truly disbelieve in Him. Therefore, we either believe, or still have yet to believe (1Jo 2:19).
What do you think about the Bible when it describes some have walked away from the faith , left the faith , deserted , denied and shipwrecked their faith ?

To believe is to be permanently convinced of something; otherwise it wasn’t belief, but just something you thought you believed in.
BUT, of course, to be accounted as BIBLICAL FAITH, it must have two specific attributes: SUBSTANCE, and Be an EVIDENCE.

Belief (Intellectual assent) has NEITHER. it has no "Substance", and it's "evidence" of NOTHING (except how you feel at the time).

Where FAITH comes from is specific - God's WORD TO YOU, (Rom 10:17) as it was with Abraham: "Go kill your Son on the mountain" Abraham says "yes sir" and tells his burden bearers, WE will go up the mountain alone, and WE will return. Obviously Abraham was convinced that WHEN He killed his son, his SON would be restored, and rejoin him on the way down the mountain. THAT'S FAITH.
What do you think about the Bible when it describes some have walked away from the faith , left the faith , deserted , denied and shipwrecked their faith ?

Hi and appreciate your reply and inquiry! This passage is a good example: " If you continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you have heard." This is one of many admonitions that let people know if they're saved or not. If we do not continue in the faith it will manifest that we are not genuinely in the faith, or we would continue. This also identifies those who falsely claim to be in the faith, for they eventually give up the hypocrisy.
BUT, of course, to be accounted as BIBLICAL FAITH, it must have two specific attributes: SUBSTANCE, and Be an EVIDENCE.

Belief (Intellectual assent) has NEITHER. it has no "Substance", and it's "evidence" of NOTHING (except how you feel at the time).

Where FAITH comes from is specific - God's WORD TO YOU, (Rom 10:17) as it was with Abraham: "Go kill your Son on the mountain" Abraham says "yes sir" and tells his burden bearers, WE will go up the mountain alone, and WE will return. Obviously Abraham was convinced that WHEN He killed his son, his SON would be restored, and rejoin him on the way down the mountain. THAT'S FAITH.
Hi, but not sure what you're truing to say. God bless!
Simply that a SIGNIFICANT PROPORTION of what religious folks CALL FAITH - isn't "Faith" at all, but is only "intellectual assent" which spiritually doesn't mean SPIT.
Yes, there will always be the "hypocrites," and they are an example of what is wrong. The important thing to know is the permanency of faith and salvation. I find that most who claim to be Christian are.

Thanks for the replies!
I think many can confuse believing that the Bible is true and they might call that FAITH as compared to adding actions which can show God obedience.

eg One might be asked do you believe the scripture which says God is the rewarder of those who believe God is and that he is a rewarded of those which diligently seek him? One might say YES to that. Question remains they therefore seek him? There's a great many I would think that would have to say no.

I think this would connect to what Jesus said these people honor me with their mouths but their hearts are far from me" Mt 15: 8 Jesus warned us in one place if the light that be within you is darkness how great is that darkness Matt 6:23 meaning I believe one may pride themselves that they're walking as an enlightened one and if all the while that's the last thing they are.....that's a very great deception to overcome. Solution we must be a doer of the word and not just a hearer only. If one doesn't allow the FAITH one has to inspire them to action then it surely doesn't move God to commend them for having it.
I think many can confuse believing that the Bible is true and they might call that FAITH as compared to adding actions which can show God obedience.
Hi, and appreciate the instructional reply! I see what you mean, but I believe that if one is convinced that the Bible is true, it is God working in him. We cannot truly believe in the Bible, which means believing in God, on our own supply; and every single believer is eventually brought to maturity in Christ (Eph 4:15). After all, "it is God who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure" (Phl 2:13).
eg One might be asked do you believe the scripture which says God is the rewarder of those who believe God is and that he is a rewarded of those which diligently seek him? One might say YES to that. Question remains they therefore seek him? There's a great many I would think that would have to say no.

I think this would connect to what Jesus said these people honor me with their mouths but their hearts are far from me" Mt 15: 8
Being immature in Christ could manifest disobedience, but Mat 15:8 is in reference to those who are not reborn. Also, those immature in Christ will eventually be brought to maturity (Phl 2:13).

God bless!
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