Eve Added to the Word of God ..... ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ”

In keeping with standard biblical usage of the metaphor of eating to express experiencing something to understand it, Rev 10:8-10, it wasn't the knowing the difference between good and evil that caused any problem as such knowledge was necessary to live with GOD but the eating of that knowledge, the experiencing of that knowledge by ingesting and proving it by the practical method of choosing to sin to see if the warnings were true, ie, to test GOD or to rebel against HIS definitions of the reality of the natural and consequences for sinning.

You may reject that GOD creates evil people by having them to be created sinful in Adam but it is obvious that HE did create a not good in the garden if you accept that Adam was created in the garden because HE tells us straight out HE did it this way:
Genesis 2:18 The LORD God also said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make for him a suitable helper.” Berean Standard Bible
The very good spoken of later was only possible because GOD fixed the not good situation HE had earlier created. Was this not good a part of HIS creation or did Adam introduce it into GOD's plan? I think that Adam's seeking to find his suitable helper among the animals gives us a clue that Adam's being alone and out of step with God was his fault, not GOD's, even before he ate.
You intimated that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was unclean. Nothing you have said here dismisses that notion. We were not talking of eating, or experience or Adam's loneliness.

Prove the Tree itself was unclean or set aside the silly notion because the scriptures say not to touch anything unclean (2Cor.6:17) that not touching the Tree was an unspoken command in the Garden. Thankyou.
And GOD tells us to: 2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.” which is the word of GOd which is also what she said.

The fact that we are ignorant about whether we have a short shortened version of HIS word in the command as Adam spoke it which Eve expanded for us in accord with HIS later revelation doesn't give up the liberty to castigate her without due process...

Yes, you did in post #8 above. You suggested Eve was possibly giving us the full command which included not touching by quoting 2Cor.6:17 which is in reference to not touching anything unclean. Ergo, based on that understanding, you would have to conclude the Tree is unclean. Do you not see what you did?
Rules of logic are abnormal thinking and mere debating gimmicks...I suspected as much.

Yes, you did in post #8 above. You suggested Eve was possibly giving us the full command which included not touching by quoting 2Cor.6:17 which is in reference to not touching anything unclean. Ergo, based on that understanding, you would have to conclude the Tree is unclean. Do you not see what you did?

Sometimes it seems.. too many "man on the street" interviews ....

Pastor Jay Leno 😇
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Who taught what using underwear?

It seemed obvious.

Only Adam heard the command, so it stands to reason what Eve repeated to the Snake was what Adam told to Eve. So in a sense, Adam simply wasn't a good teacher.

Notwithstanding, Eve wasn't named yet, since she hadn't yet become the mother of all living.
That's right. She was mother of all dead.
And the woman said to the serpent...
“We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree
which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor
shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ” Genesis 3:2-3

Eve added to the word of God. The command from the Lord never stated, "shall not touch it."
They were only forbidden to "eat" the fruit.

To the disdain to those who always see insight as something to be disdained when it was not their insight?
This is how the Lord opened my eyes to understanding why Eve said what she did...

Adam and the woman peacefully shared many happy idyllic days together in the Garden.
Lounging around without a care. Having sex innocently whenever it moved them...
And always having food supplied for them day and night.
Sex inside of marriage? Nah. Didn't happen. Sex occurred after they disobeyed (4:1.)
They knew no fear of need before the fall.
All the while..
Satan observed and studied them by watching their pattern of behavior.
Can't be. The angels that sinned had been locked up before man's creation, and the temptation came from within the woman:

14 But every [wo]man is tempted, when he is drawn away of h[er] own lust, and enticed.
James 1:13–14.

The same for Jesus at His temptation.
One day he noticed that the woman was being intrigued by the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
She may have spent many days walking by it and observing it it..
Some call it.... "female curiosity." Its a psychological term that psychologists have done studies about.

Well then............... ( I wonder what heresy this one will fall under) 😉
Yeah, it's called "adding to the bible."
But then again there is man's curiosity also.
Back in the Garden.
One day while observing the fruit on the tree out of sheer curiosity she reached out getting her hand closer as to see how the fruit feels to touch.
Adam who was observing her, shouted out.... "DON"T EVEN TOUCH IT!!!!"
Way too much over-thinking it.
This was a tree and fruit they had previously eaten from.
And there we have it. That is how she got she was not to even touch it.
I must say much to the disdain of those who hate thinking with what the Lord has given us in writing to think with?

‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ”

That is how she ended up adding to the Word of God!

Satan after observing her naïve innocence and curiosity with the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, chose her as the obvious one to tempt...
After all she was close to the tree when the serpent approached her
Maybe by inches. Adam was with her.

...and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Gene 3:6.
And so.. (here come the haters again)
God wants us to mature in knowledge as to be able to gain insight given to us by means of the filling of the Spirit.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,
so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:9-11​

Note what that says....
Such growth in knowledge? When its accurate in understanding? Causes love to abound more and more in the believer.
Its not some cold, calculating, intellectual methodology when insight comes from God!
Meaning.. Your love for the Word should not be motivated by some religious sense of duty simply to memorize Scripture.
Unsaved people - even saved people - for the most part don't have desire to read the Scripture.

17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
Gal. 5:17.
Those who study that way? Academically, not in the Spirit? They will react and hate insight because they will project their own deficiency in understanding unto the one having insight..
And, thus? Will be judging themselves as they judged another.
In spite of it all.... The Lord wins every time. And, for that reason?

There comes a point when one must just speak the truth in love, and let the chips (on someone's shoulder) fall as they may.

grace and peace....
Strength and honor.
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