So you are now agreeing that we should follow their example of obedience to what God has commanded?I never affirmed otherwise.
You are the one who associated this section of Scripture with Paul and others, but it doesn't hold.
The fact that we are under the New Covenant does not mean that we no longer need to obey the Torah.Contradiction above.
It is the case that the Colossians were keeping God's holy days, that they were being judged by pagans because they were keeping them, and Paul was encouraging them not to let anyone judge them for keeping them, so was speaking in favor of the Sabbath being binding, which is certainly does not contradict Jeremiah 31:33 as saying that the New Covenant involves following the Torah.Either one, the Sabbath is not binding.
Jesus taught to keep the Sabbath by word and by example. Likewise, the New Covenant speaks against sin and defines sin as the transgression of the Torah (1 John 3:4). In 1 Peter 1:16, we are told to be holy for God is holy, which is a quote from Leviticus where God was giving instructions for how to do that, which includes keeping His Sabbaths holy (Leviticus 19:2-3). Keeping the Sabbath holy testifies that there is a Creator who created the world in six days, who rested on the 7th day, who is holy, who sanctifies us, and who saves us out of bondage, so if you believe in the truth of these things, then you will live in a way that testifies about their truth by keeping the Sabbath holy rather than a way that denies these things by refusing to keep it holy. What is holy to God should not be profaned by man, so we would still be obligated to keep the Sabbath holy even if God had never commanded anyone to do that.Still no New Covenant command that says otherwise.
I can supply quite a few examples of the other 9 commandments. Very ckear.
But not one for the 7th day Sabbath.
Nor can you.