Christological Study, easy as A.B.C-1.2.3.


Well not really, but it's a start.

1. Christology is an interdisciplinary theological project requiring insight from biblical, historical, philosophical, practical, and systematic theologians.
2. To think rightly about the Trinity, the incarnation, or the atonement, the theologian must think about them all at once, in relation to each other.
3. The good news of Jesus the Savior presupposes the long story of the eternal Son of God’s entering into human history, and the doctrinal categories provided by Chalcedon are a helpful conceptual resource for making sense of it.
I would encourage the need to seek God for spiritual revelation.

People often treat the Bible like a jigsaw puzzle that they are supposed to put together with their own intellect.

There are a lot of problems with that—you can make pieces fit that don't really fit, and create a kind of system that feels polished.

The verse "love with all your mind" is used to try to outweigh all the verses about humility and God's thoughts being above ours, pitting the Word of God against itself. The assumption is made, "loving with the mind means relying upon the mind," which of course, just opens the door to pride, which further opens the door to deception, and you get entire systems built of intellectually parsing the Bible like Calvinism.

"Flesh and blood" has not revealed this to you... it's very hard to humble ourselves like that.

I still struggle with wanting to tackle everything with my intellect, instead of helplessly waiting on the Lord.

We know there are a myriad of opinions even in the Christian world, and only one can be right.

But in all my years, I've never met a person with wrong beliefs who spent hours on their face in prayer asking God for the truth.
Well not really, but it's a start.

1. Christology is an interdisciplinary theological project requiring insight from biblical, historical, philosophical, practical, and systematic theologians.
2. To think rightly about the Trinity, the incarnation, or the atonement, the theologian must think about them all at once, in relation to each other.
3. The good news of Jesus the Savior presupposes the long story of the eternal Son of God’s entering into human history, and the doctrinal categories provided by Chalcedon are a helpful conceptual resource for making sense of it.
I've said this ad naseaum but its worth repeating- Theology is the study of God, His nature and character. What we believe is a direct result about who and what we think God is and does.

As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Out of the heart comes forth all kinds of evil. If we think God is loving, good, merciful then we will treat others with those same qualities. If we thing God is Sovereign controlling our every though ,action,deed etc... that He is wrathful, judge, jury, vengeful, angry, retributive etc..... then we will treat others the way we view God.

All one has to do is look at the life of Jesus in the gospels and read what He said and did and we can know exactly who and what God is like and follow His example. He unlocks the mystery of God and reveals exactly what God acts and thinks like. For His words and deeds are the very words and deeds of God. He always did and said what He saw the Father saying and doing- those are His words in John 5 for which the religious pharisees tried stoning Him for claiming to be God. We know what God is like by reading Jesus words, seeing how He acted and treated others. After all He said the entire OT was about Him. Its His words that are spirit and are life, its the gospel thats all about Him, He is the Savior, One must trust to be saved, its His name that is above all names, He is the Only Sovereign and Lord who is the True God and Eternal Life. So focusing on Christology there is no better study, pursuit, goal that to know Him as Paul said on many occasions. He counted all things as loss to gain Christ. The Holy Spirits work as Jesus taught in John 14-16 is to Glorify Christ and point us to Him.

Good theology results in good doctrine about the nature and character of God and our beliefs about Him that results in sound doctrine.
Bad theology results is unsound doctrine about the nature and character of God and those beliefs about Him result in unsound/false doctrine.

hope this helps !!!
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