Anniversary update...


Well-known member
I'm posting this as an update from a Facebook post, from 7 years ago, that was updated this past Saturday-2-10-24.

My last cancer surgery was February 10, 2004.
Today is February 10, 2024.

An addendum
I'm adding a statement, something I think is extremely important. It's written in psalm 50, verse 15,
Psa 50:15 WEB Call on me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

I wish I could describe the importance of this passage to me. But, I will say...
God really does deliver us in our day of trouble. Not quite in the manner we may want, or think is most important, but he delivers those who call on him.
Over the years, I've told him- if this really is true, then I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with honoring you! So, here... I really want to emphasize... I'm telling God, whose name is YHVH, and whose son is Jesus, THANK YOU FOR DELIVERING ME! I know it's not because I'm such a good guy. But rather because you are so gracious, kind, and compassionate! Thank you!

end addendum

I need to update... it's 20 years. I'm reaffirming the truthfulness of these things.

I'm still alive, still learning, still fighting the good fight, and still thankful.

I find it interesting that life is never as easy as some like to claim it is. Indeed! Highly disconcerting as well.

But, God is faithful, and true, and loving. I'm still learning what these things mean, but what I understand of them now is far more than what I knew of them then.

Thank you to all who've been in my life, and have not quit on me.

To my wife, for staying by my side when I don't make it easy, because I don't understand what I think should be understandable, and far easier that it is.

To my pastor for continuing to teach the written word of God, and not making church about opinions and ideas of man.

To my friends, and siblings in Christ, for just being patient, if not entirely sure on what you see. Living with, instead of dying from a normally terminal disease is far more freaky than you're aware.

Learning to focus on life when death surrounded me, and felt like it encased me for so many times, and years has been a real challenge. If you have ever seen the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life", from 1946, with Jimmy Stewart, after his jaunt through Pottersville, he's back at the bridge, and finds himself praying, "God, I want to live again. Please, let me live again." I've been there, and beyond, praying that same prayer, and learning what that means. What's the saying from the Robin Williams movie, Hook.... to live, that's the great adventure.

There are many times when death seems easier to face than life, so I thank you for your time and effort in learning along side me. Even if from a distance. You can see God do something in my life. Something I've only ever read in stories, and heard about from a very far, and safe distance. He really does save to the uttermost, those who come to him through Jesus.
Thank you to my blood family too. You watched me go through something that so many others have experienced, and then saw something so few people have seen. You experienced your own views of this. Thank you for not entirely freaking out and running away because it was so overwhelming.

Life sprung from death. Hope sprung from despair. Joy sprung out of sadness and heartache.

And above all others, and all else, God, thank you for letting me live, for loving me, for not closing the door on me. You see me in ways that no others can, yet you love me. Thank you.

I still do not understand, nor have I been able to make sense of these years, and now 27 years.
But this one thing I do know.

God is exactly who the bible describes him to be. He is love. He is patient. He is far kinder than I ever thought, or believed possible. He far gentler than I've ever known. He is truer than I ever thought possible. On and on the list goes.

Come. See Jesus. He's worth far more than we could ever conceive, from a distance. Come close, and see Jesus!
Now 20 years later... I can say with even greater confidence... as it's written, whosoever shall believe in Jesus shall not be disappointed!
"It's a Wonderful Life" My favorite movie. They certainly don't make them like they used to. I understand what you're talking about as I've been dealing with liver cancer for the past 12 years. The doctors call me their miracle patient.

The good news is that Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. I'm alive today Because of him. Before I came to believe in Jesus I was dead inside and didn't know a thing about love. Now I'm more alive than I've ever been and know how to love others all because of him.

Thank you for sharing that testimony with us.
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