America in Crisis

the context is human affairs, so nothing to do with God.
Or even souls, for the context of the quotes (as being interpreted here) is events of human flesh.

so..nothing here.
This could be the largest expose of criminal activity in the history of our nation! Who are the criminals? The Democrats - and this is only the first agency out of thousands to be looked at!
The outrage that is USAID seems to be just the tip of the iceberg that comprises the Washington swamp. The Democrats are over the top in their angry response, which very nearly approaches violence (if is hasn't already), as if their anger is justified in ANY way, shape or form.

They remind us that Elon Musk is unelected. Well, I don't remember electing any USAID official either. Nor was I asked to vote in favor of the corrupt expenses that they are guilty of shelling out. The Democrats are always generous with OUR MONEY, never their own. Like many, I had barely heard of this "organization" prior to this election. I guess its been around since JFK. But when Elon and his team unearthed a mountain of wasteful, offensive, and criminal expenditures - robbing the American people of our tax dollars without our knowledge and without our permission - the outrage is rightfully on our side, the Conservatives and the Republicans. The Dems falsely charge that Elon is lining his pockets with money from this agency. Elon made his money by being a wise entrepreneur. When they falsely accuse him of stealing, they are projecting what they would do if they were in his shoes. There is no proof of Elon stealing anything. In fact, the thievery is on the part of the USAID officials and employees who, along with all the other departments and agencies in the Federal government, saw no need to actually come to work, but rather chose to stay home, and yet still got paid. Elon and his team went through background checks just as everyone does who gets a security clearance.

The Democrats outlandish defense for all of this? - well, even if you add up all the expenditures of the USAID together, you're still only talking about 4% of our nation's budget. This is their rationalized excuse for their thievery.

Here is Marco Rubio's response to this:

"EXCLUSIVE: Secretary of State Marco Rubio is accusing USAID of "rank insubordination," adding "we had no choice but to bring this thing under control." The top U.S. diplomat made the comments in an exclusive interview with Fox News in El Salvador, just after announcing he would take over as acting director of the humanitarian agency.

"Rubio blasted USAID for being "completely unresponsive" telling Fox "they don’t consider that they work for the U.S., they just think they’re a global entity and that their master is the globe and not the United States, and that’s not what the statute says, and that’s not sustainable."

Did you catch that? "Their master is the globe, not the United States." That's just a covert way of saying, "We can do whatever we want."

The Democrats are outraged that Elon and his team are looking at Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid records, etc. "Oh no, they might actually have MY information now, without MY permission."

How idiotic! It's okay that the thieves that work for USAID have had OUR INFORMATION FOR DECADES WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION, but now that one of Donald Trump's appointees, Elon, and his team are looking at this information, not to enrich themselves, but to expose the government waste - well, this is like the end of the world!!!

For months, Donald Trump told the American people what he appointed Elon and Vivek to do. Apparently Vivek decided to change his course and run for governor of Ohio. The surprise is NOT that Trump is simply following through with what he wanted Elon to do. The surprise is the extent of the corruption in the Democrat party that they discovered. And make no mistake - this is almost exclusively the Democrats. There might be a small percentage of Republicans, usually known as RINO's, but the brunt of the crimes committed are on the Democrat side. After all, which party stands for BIG GOVERNMENT and BIG TAXES and BIG SPENDING? The larger the government, the larger the corruption.

Senator James Comer has written a book called All the President's Money, which details just some of the extortion of the criminal Biden family. Multiplied millions of dollars have been illegally extorted by the Bidens. Had it not been for a short time of Secretary Janet Yellen, Biden's Secretary of the Treasury, giving in to her conscience, Comer and the American people would most likely not have known the extent of the Biden family's extortion. And BIG MEDIA has criminally and dutifully covered up just about all of it. It is NO SECRET that the majority of BIG MEDIA are Democrats. Sure, they will put in a "token" Republican now and then, just to make it look like they are "balanced". It's no surprise that the media LOVES to interview "Republicans" who have turned against Donald Trump, to further demonstrate how "fair and balanced" they are. Have you noticed that they always speak of the Republicans as the "extreme right". Never do they label a Democrat as the "extreme left". What hypocrisy!

Are there sins on the Republican/Conservative side? Of course, we're not without fault. But the wheel that squeaks the loudest, must get the oil.
Just look at the party platforms of each party. I did that and it is immediately obvious where the brunt of the problems come from. Which party platform supports the Marxist, violent BLM? Antifa? Killing babies? SPECIAL "rights" for LGTBQ, Gays and Trans?, Drag queen shows in front of small children in libraries?, or even in the public square? Pride parades? Redefining Marriage?, Hate crimes?, Thought police?, criminalizing using the wrong pronouns?, mutilating the bodies of our children, so they can "Be" the sex they choose? opening our borders, allowing America to be invaded? letting criminals go free or greatly reducing their sentence? imprisoning any who speak against school boards or who speak against mandates? Defunding our police? Taking jobs away from those who refuse the COVID vaccine? Advocating Communism and attacking Capitalism? The list goes on - and the answer is obvious.

Dinesh Dzousa (sp?) became well known for exposing the truth of the Civil War, which Democrats still hate him for. That is that the Democrats were primarily (not exclusively) the ones who were the racists. They started the Ku Klux Klan, not the Republicans. They largely hated blacks and made them their slaves. Despite the Democrats insisting otherwise, the Civil War was primarily the anti-slavery Republican North against the pro-slavery Democrat South. Many books have been written to attempt to cover that up. I have one called, The Real Abraham Lincoln. It didn't take long for me to see the evil bias the author had against Lincoln. Sure, even President Washington and Jefferson and I'm sure many others owned slaves, which was wrong then, and is still wrong today. I'm sure many slaves were treated relatively decent. But just the fact that they were slaves at all, tells me that the majority of them were not treated well - i.e. given their freedom, until after the Civil War. But of course the racial attitudes and thoughts continued on for over a hundred years after that. Even today, some who call themselves Christians cannot seem to get rid of their racist attitudes. Only God can help us eradicate our evil tendencies.

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The Democrats have sent billions of dollars of taxpayer money, without our permission, to Hamas, and enemy of America, LGTBQ and Trans causes worldwide, to extreme leftist billionaire George Sauros, to support illegal aliens, to DEI initiatives worldwide, leftist comic books. USAID has 10,000 employees world-wide. They also sent money to other enemy nations. You can be sure that much of that money went into their own pockets as well. This is WASTEFUL AND TRIATOROUS to the MAX at the same time. And all of this was done SECRETLY, so that the American people and even Congress could not detect what they were doing. The leaders ought to be tried for treason and massive theft from the American people. At a minimum, USAID should be shut down, and all "employees" fired.
So while the people of North Carolina and several other states were suffering from Hurricane Helene, USAID was sending 50 million dollars worth of condoms to Gaza and 20 million dollars worth of Trans comic books to Guatamala. What outlandish hypocrisy!! Biden told us that FEMA was out of money!!! What a cruel and evil lie! These are the evil kind of people the Democrats have become - yes and some "Republicans".
'I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks,
be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority;

that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life
in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.'

(1Ti 2:1-4)

Hello @dwight92070,

They are just people; and as we know from Scripture, 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God', no matter how well meaning. I don't believe anyone enters public service without good intentions, but corruption can take hold insidiously and defile so easily, even the best of men. There but for the grace of God go all of us. Let him that is without sin cast the first stone.

It is not without good cause that we are told to pray for those in authority over us.

In Christ Jesus
'I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks,
be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority;

that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life
in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.'

(1Ti 2:1-4)

Hello @dwight92070,

They are just people; and as we know from Scripture, 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God', no matter how well meaning. I don't believe anyone enters public service without good intentions, but corruption can take hold insidiously and defile so easily, even the best of men. There but for the grace of God go all of us. Let him that is without sin cast the first stone.

It is not without good cause that we are told to pray for those in authority over us.

That's pretty naive, to think that every potential politician has good intentions. When people see others enter politics for a salary of $176,000 a year - this is what representatives make and then after 10 years or less, they are worth millions, you know many are there to get their "cut of the pie", not to mention power and notoriety. Even the starting salary is 2 1/2 times what I was making when I retired 2 years ago. Nancy Pelosi has 40 years in as a representative and she's worth $340,000,000.
At $176,000 a year, it would take her 1932 years to earn that much! And she is just one example. Obama and wife are worth $70,000,000. He earned $400,000 a year for 8 years as President. At $400,000 a year, that would 175 years to earn that much. Bill and Hillary Clinton are worth $240,000,000. Obviously, there is MUCH ROBBERY and criminal activity going on.
These are not "stones", they are simply facts. To point out criminal activity and identify criminals as such is not "throwing stones". If that were true, then Elon Musk is guilty and I am too. Is a police officer "casting stones" when he arrests someone for robbing a bank? No, he is simply identifying the crime and the person who committed it.
I fully believe the scriptures you quote, but if we all had your attitude (by misinterpreting those verses), nobody would be held accountable for the theft of trillions of dollars.
Remember, not only did Jesus say, "Judge not lest you be judged." (In other words, be prepared to be judged in the same way that you judge others.) I judge a large percentage of Democrat leaders as criminals, and a fair amount of Democrat non-leaders. Am I prepared to be judged the same way? Yes, because I have not lied, stolen, cheated and deceived to get money or power. I didn't say I was without sin - I am not, but as I am made aware of my sin, I confess it and receive His forgiveness. But Jesus also said: "Judge with righteous judgment." He commands us to judge righteously, that is not hypocritically, being guilty of the same sin.
We are to pray for leaders and judging them is not a sin. King David judged his enemies all the time - he even prayed that their sin would return back on their own heads. And he was a man after God's own heart. Moses and the Israelites rejoiced when they saw God actually kill their enemies! They even created worship songs about God doing just that!
"The fear of the Lord is to hate evil." And it's also the beginning of wisdom. That doesn't mean we hate people, but we hate the evil acts they engage in, and we rejoice when and if God STOPS them and brings them to justice. Do we pray for their souls? Of course we do. But we cannot ignore their evil actions.
I would rejoice to see justice given to all those in the government who stole tax payer money. Have you noticed ANY Democrat admit what they have done, and asking his fellow Americans to forgive him? Not ONE! They won't even talk about their crimes. Instead they condemn Elon who is simply pointing out their crimes. They're too arrogant to humble themselves, repent, and in some way, make restitution.
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All of us Just ignore politics and stop linking it to anything of God.
There is no topic that does not relate to God. After all, He created all things, including governmental authorities. Romans 13:1-7, which is inextricably intertwined with politics. Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him." Mat. 28:18 Any leader who does not acknowledge that he has NO authority, unless Jesus has given it to him, or loaned it to him - is NOT a true God-given authority. Are we to submit to such leaders? Yes, UNLESS he tells us to sin. If he attempts to "lord it over" our lives and direct our lives, that is a sin. We cannot submit to that.
We are led by the Holy Spirit. If Jesus has allowed him some authority, then he will punish evildoers and praise those who do good.
God did not create this earth... sorry but He created Eden, a most
perfect lovely home for His sons and daughters...and not upon this earth...
and not this dystopian ugly place , a fallen situation because of adam,
where people are ill and evil esau elites harm souls.. of course He has final judgment...
but all this before us will End... and very soon. it's ugly beyond belief. Submitting
to rulers? more like 'rendering to insane caesar' from our prison cells
inside this dungeon prison.
anyone in power, with lots of money -- you bet thats a serpent soul..
regardless how 'nice' they seem to be....
That's pretty naive, to think that every potential politician has good intentions. When people see others enter politics for a salary of $176,000 a year - this is what representatives make and then after 10 years or less, they are worth millions, you know many are there to get their "cut of the pie", not to mention power and notoriety. Even the starting salary is 2 1/2 times what I was making when I retired 2 years ago. Nancy Pelosi has 40 years in as a representative and she's worth $340,000,000.
At $176,000 a year, it would take her 1932 years to earn that much! And she is just one example. Obama and wife are worth $70,000,000. He earned $400,000 a year for 8 years as President. At $400,000 a year, that would 175 years to earn that much. Bill and Hillary Clinton are worth $240,000,000. Obviously, there is MUCH ROBBERY and criminal activity going on.
These are not "stones", they are simply facts. To point out criminal activity and identify criminals as such is not "throwing stones". If that were true, then Elon Musk is guilty and I am too. Is a police officer "casting stones" when he arrests someone for robbing a bank? No, he is simply identifying the crime and the person who committed it.
I fully believe the scriptures you quote, but if we all had your attitude (by misinterpreting those verses), nobody would be held accountable for the theft of trillions of dollars.
Remember, not only did Jesus say, "Judge not lest you be judged." (In other words, be prepared to be judged in the same way that you judge others.) I judge a large percentage of Democrat leaders as criminals, and a fair amount of Democrat non-leaders. Am I prepared to be judged the same way? Yes, because I have not lied, stolen, cheated and deceived to get money or power. I didn't say I was without sin - I am not, but as I am made aware of my sin, I confess it and receive His forgiveness. But Jesus also said: "Judge with righteous judgment." He commands us to judge righteously, that is not hypocritically, being guilty of the same sin.
We are to pray for leaders and judging them is not a sin. King David judged his enemies all the time - he even prayed that their sin would return back on their own heads. And he was a man after God's own heart. Moses and the Israelites rejoiced when they saw God actually kill their enemies! They even created worship songs about God doing just that!
"The fear of the Lord is to hate evil." And it's also the beginning of wisdom. That doesn't mean we hate people, but we hate the evil acts they engage in, and we rejoice when and if God STOPS them and brings them to justice. Do we pray for their souls? Of course we do. But we cannot ignore their evil actions.
I would rejoice to see justice given to all those in the government who stole tax payer money. Have you noticed ANY Democrat admit what they have done, and asking his fellow Americans to forgive him? Not ONE! They won't even talk about their crimes. Instead they condemn Elon who is simply pointing out their crimes. They're too arrogant to humble themselves, repent, and in some way, make restitution.
'Wherefore by their fruits
ye shall know them.'

(Mat 7:20)

Hello @dwight92070,

No naivety I can assure you: but I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt; and believe that every man should be considered innocent until proven guilty - Democrat or Republican.

' ... In the mouth of two or three witnesses
shall every word be established.'

(2Cor 13:1b/Matt. 18:16)

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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'Wherefore by their fruits
ye shall know them.'

(Mat 7:20)

Hello @dwight92070,

No naivety I can assure you: but I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt; and believe that every man should be considered innocent until proven guilty - Democrat or Republican.

' ... In the mouth of two or three witnesses
shall every word be established.'

(2Cor 13:1b/Matt. 18:16)

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
You don't think the billions of dollars of extremely wasteful and illegal expenditures proves guilt? Two million dollars for sex change operations in Guatemala, 20 million dollars for Sesame Street performances in Iraq, 101 million dollars for 29 DEI contracts at the Dept. of Education, 520 million dollars for a consultant to do ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investments in Africa, 25 million dollars to promote bio-diversity conservation in Lisset (sp?) livelihoods by developing socially responsible behavior in Colombia, 40 millions dollars to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants, 42 million dollars for social and behavior changes in Uganda, 70 million dollars for research of evidence-based solutions for developing challenges, 10 million dollars for Mozambique for medical male circumcision, 2.3 million dollars for strengthening independent voices in Cambodia, 14 million dollars for improving public procurement in Serbia, 486 million dollars to the consortium for election and political process strengthening, including 22 million dollars for inclusion and inclusive participant process in Moldolva, 21 million dollars for voter turnout in India, 29 million dollars to strengthen the political landscape in Bangladesh, 21 million dollars for fiscal federalism and 19 million dollars in addition to the 21 million for bio-diversity conversion in Nepal, 1.5 million dollars for voter confidence in Liberia, 14 million dollars for social cohesion in Mali, 2.5 million dollars for inclusive democracies in South Africa, 47 million dollars for improving learning outcomes in Asia, 100 million dollars for condoms for Hamas. And all of that is just ONE agency, USAID. But the list goes on and on.
None of these expenditures were approved by Congress or the American people, which means every one of them was illegal, robbery from the American taxpayers. As if that wasn't bad enough, the employees were getting paid for working fulltime, but most of them never even left their home, but collected their pay anyway. This is also robbery. Just this PARTIAL LIST totals $1,609,300,000, and this is just ONE AGENCY. For you to even suggest there was no proven guilt is naive in itself. This is a scandal of monstrous proportions and all involved need to be held accountable, starting with the leadership.
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So while the people of North Carolina and several other states were suffering from Hurricane Helene, USAID was sending 50 million dollars worth of condoms to Gaza and 20 million dollars worth of Trans comic books to Guatamala. What outlandish hypocrisy!! Biden told us that FEMA was out of money!!! What a cruel and evil lie! These are the evil kind of people the Democrats have become - yes and some "Republicans".
Gaza did not get 50 million dollars worth of condoms. And And I dont think Musk has any business in our records. They could appoint a Republican oversight committee---he is only around because he had money. Dude has no business. Trump is spending money like crazy, and Musk is firing people.. The country is mean and getting meaner.
Gaza did not get 50 million dollars worth of condoms. And And I dont think Musk has any business in our records. They could appoint a Republican oversight committee---he is only around because he had money. Dude has no business. Trump is spending money like crazy, and Musk is firing people.. The country is mean and getting meaner.

Dwight - All the thousands of unelected employees of USAID - it's okay for them to see our records, right? That is, on the relatively few days that they actually came to work - which was almost never - and yet they still got paid for staying home and doing nothing. Or the "smart" ones got another job and still got paid from USAID. Yeah, now there is a group of people we can trust - uh huh. Crooks, just like Biden.

Dwight - Musk is only around because he has money?

Dwight - At least he's not around to steal money like the rest of the Democrats.
Dwight - Trump is spending money like crazy? Really, tell me what has he spent money on, since you know? Biden has spent more than any other President. His absolutely LOVED to print money - that way, his supply was endless!
The truth is that the real problem people have with Trump and his team is that they are exposing the massive corruption of the Biden regime and the Democrats in general. The majority of them have TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome. They HATE him with a violent hatred, which is why there has been at least 3 attempts on his life.
But those who call themselves Christians are warned that to hate someone is equivalent to murder. Also true Christians should be happy that corruption is being exposed in our government - and they should rejoice when thieves are held accountable - and when freeloaders, who masquerade as government workers are revealed as the crooks that they are.
God-given authorities are sent by God "to punish evil-doers and praise those who do right." 1 Peter 2:13-14
God did not create this earth... sorry but He created Eden, a most
perfect lovely home for His sons and daughters...and not upon this earth...
and not this dystopian ugly place , a fallen situation because of adam,
where people are ill and evil esau elites harm souls.. of course He has final judgment...
but all this before us will End... and very soon. it's ugly beyond belief. Submitting
to rulers? more like 'rendering to insane caesar' from our prison cells
inside this dungeon prison.
You should try reading the Bible. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
Eden was on the earth. Genesis 2:8
Peter commanded us to obey rulers who punish evil-doers and praise those who do good. 1 Peter 2:13
You should not speak against what the Bible teaches.
You should try reading the Bible. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
Eden was on the earth. Genesis 2:8
Peter commanded us to obey rulers who punish evil-doers and praise those who do good. 1 Peter 2:13
You should not speak against what the Bible teaches.
just not 'this' current heavens and earth...
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