The world here are the Jews.
Sorry no
and you just ignored the evidence
There is no lexicon, No translation that will affirm your claim
World simply is not used to indicate Hebrews only and you have no support for your view
Kosmos The mass of mankind opposed to God John 17:6, 9, 14; 25; John 12:47; 1 John 5:19
b. of all mankind, but especially of believers, as the object of God’s love J 3:16, 17c; 6:33, 51; 12:47.
ARNDT, W. ET AL., A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature : a translation and adaption of the fourth revised and augmented edition of Walter Bauer’s Griechisch-deutsches Worterbuch zu den Schrift en des Neuen Testaments und der ubrigen urchristlichen Literatur, 446.
Metonymically, the world meaning the inhabitants of the earth, men, mankind (
Matt. 5:14;
John 1:29;
Rom. 3:6,
1 Cor. 4:13;
2 Cor. 5:19;
Heb. 11:7;
2 Pet. 2:5;
1 John 2:2).
Complete word study dictionary
(3) all of humanity (
Matt. 5:14;
John 3:16;
1 Cor. 4:13); Holman treasury of bible words
the inhabitants of the world: θεατρον εγενηθημεν τω κοσμω και αγγελοις και ανθρωποις,
1 Corinthians 4:9 (Winer's Grammar, 127 (121)); particularly the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human race (first so in Sap. (e.g.
Matthew 13:38;
Mark 14:9;
John 1:10,
29 (36 L in brackets);
Romans 3:6,
1 Corinthians 1:27f
Thayers Greek English lexicon
(c) by metonymy, the "human race, mankind," e.g.,
Matt. 5:14;
John 1:9 [here "that cometh (RV, 'coming') into the world" is said of Christ, not of "every man;" by His coming into the world He was the light for all men];
John 1:10;
John 3:16, 17 (thrice),
John 4:42, and frequently in Rom. 1 Cor. and 1 John; Vines expository dictionary
a study of κόσμος [world] in the fourth Gospel. The “world” is pictured as mankind in general (
John 7:24;
12:19, etc.) and is seen in a twofold relation to Christ. Primarily it denotes those who have rebelled against God (
John 17:25) and have followed their “ruler,” Satan (
John 12:31;
16:11); as such it is dominated by wickedness (
John 7:7) and has rejected Jesus (
John 1:10) and his disciples (
John 15:18;
17:14). On the other hand, however, it is still the object of God’s love (
John 3:16) and salvation (
John 3:17;
12:41), and Jesus came to provide life for it (
John 1:29;
6:33). The disciples are to continue Jesus’ salvific mission to the world (
John 17:17-19) Grant Osborne Exegetical notes on Calvinism
Note John use of the term world
The world is contrary to God and those that are his
The world knew not Christ (John 1:10).
The world hates Christ (John 7:7).
The world’s works are evil (John 7:7).
Unsaved Jews were of this world (John 8:23).
Satan is the prince of this world (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11).
Christ’s own are distinguished from the world (John 13:1, 14:19, 22).
The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit (John 14:17).
The world hates the disciples (John 15:18, 17:14).
The disciples were not of the world (John 15:19, 17:16). The world brings tribulation (John 16:33).
The disciples were out of the World (John 17:6).
Christ prayed not for the world when he prayed for his own (John 17:9).
Christ is not of the world (John 17:16).
The world did not know God John (John 17:25)
Do you want to claim those were speaking of Hebrews
24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Mt 15:23–24.
John 12:32 (KJV 1900) — 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
Jesus did not contradict Himself. You believe He did if you take "world" to be Gentiles. He wasn't sent to Gentiles. He was sent to Israel and to Israel He came, Gentile.
But nice try. Learn to study and stop adding to the bible. It shows you as a liar.
And no liar has eternal life in them.
Or do I have to post THAT Scripture, too.
Sorry you have no idea on how to study the bible. Your interpretation are driven by your obvious biases'
John 12:32 (KJV 1900) — 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw
all men unto me.
You just hate the idea Christ was given for all men