one of the reasosn is they have been taught wrong that they are sinners and not saints. The Bible calles the redeemed saints not sinners so they accept sin, sinful habits as normal and they will also misrepresent Paul when he said he was the chief of sinners- he is referencing his old life under the law when he was a murderer. Romans 7 is his struggle under the law and its yoke. Christ has set us free from the law and its bondage. I have a thread here on Romans 7. I'll have to get a link.
Romans 7:7–25 unpacks verse 5, and Romans 8:1–17 unpacks verse 6. In verses 7–25 we see how sin via the law brings death to those in the flesh, and in Romans 8:1–17 we see how the Spirit grants life to those who belong to Jesus Christ. Romans 7:5–6 forecasts what Paul is about to say in remarkably clear terms. The Holy Spirit is never mentioned in Romans 7:7–25. But Paul refers to the Spirit 15 times in Romans 8:1–17, suggesting that the person described in Romans 7:7–25 is one who doesn’t have the Spirit in his life. The essence of what it means to be a Christian is to be indwelt with the...
They set their mark on men , NOT CHRIST .
Many love to embrace things that ought never to have been embraced and it cannot help them or save them .
PEOPLE do act like when paul said I AM CHIEF SINNER
that somehow that means PAUL WAS STILL CHIEF SINNER IN HIS SINS . big mistake .
Rather its paul was just about the worst of the worst , HE was CHIEF of sinners
now saved and now changed BY GOD . no longer walking as He once did . Too many love to embrace
some odd teachings indeed my friend .
Look at how adamant in serveral places paul was about TO LET it not once be named
and WHO YE SERVE iswhose ye are .
That GOD wont be mocked . But they desire to beleive in this other version that implies
somehow he was sinning a hundred , maybe a thousand times a day
NO SIR . paul would have called thier version of him , OUT and said Shall we continue IN SIN