40 years this February 15th, 2025 of marriage

Wow amazing brother congrats
When i remember that almost nineteen years ago i was drawn to Christ
and then realize that in nineteen years i would have been seventy three in that may
I think MAN this life is but a vapor . But then i realize by the signs of the times
by the grace of GOD , what makes one think we even have Tomorrow on this earth .
And the remembrance of the coming of the LORD brings GREAT JOY to this heart .
This life does fly by my friend . But look on the wonderful bright side , Those who BELIEVE ON ME shall never die
and our end is far far far better than ever our beginning was .
We popped out of the womb crying but shall GO TO HIM REJOICING . isnt that lovely . THERE IS ALL HOPE IN THE LORD .
The reverse is also true blessed is the wife who's man loves the Lord above all and loves his wife as Christ loves the church and cherishes her.
oh yes indeed my friend . Yes indeed . FOR WHO SO EVER puts the LORD FIRST , IS BLESSED .
To love the LORD GOD above all and then our neighbor as ourself is the commandment which do fullfill the righteousness of the law .
And that love IS SHED upon our hearts BY the HOLY GHOST .
Sadly the chuches seem to have put the love upon humanity first
but that is why so many lay sick in sin and remain in unbelief , and are not edified but rather are still in danger .
Wow amazing brother congrats
Civic have you noticed how also that this generation is huge
about saying LOVE FULLFILLS the righteousness of the law
BUT THEN turn around and use a version of love that ALLOWS TRANGRESSION of the law .
In other words they dont seem to realize LOVE wont trangress either . IT FULLFILLS .
meaning their acceptance of sins , lies , unbelief , THAT AINT LOVE , THAT IS TRANGRESSION . but they think this is love
and loving .
Civic have you noticed how also that this generation is huge
about saying LOVE FULLFILLS the righteousness of the law
BUT THEN turn around and use a version of love that ALLOWS TRANGRESSION of the law .
In other words they dont seem to realize LOVE wont trangress either . IT FULLFILLS .
meaning their acceptance of sins , lies , unbelief , THAT AINT LOVE , THAT IS TRANGRESSION . but they think this is love
and loving .
one of the reasosn is they have been taught wrong that they are sinners and not saints. The Bible calles the redeemed saints not sinners so they accept sin, sinful habits as normal and they will also misrepresent Paul when he said he was the chief of sinners- he is referencing his old life under the law when he was a murderer. Romans 7 is his struggle under the law and its yoke. Christ has set us free from the law and its bondage. I have a thread here on Romans 7. I'll have to get a link.

one of the reasosn is they have been taught wrong that they are sinners and not saints. The Bible calles the redeemed saints not sinners so they accept sin, sinful habits as normal and they will also misrepresent Paul when he said he was the chief of sinners- he is referencing his old life under the law when he was a murderer. Romans 7 is his struggle under the law and its yoke. Christ has set us free from the law and its bondage. I have a thread here on Romans 7. I'll have to get a link.

They set their mark on men , NOT CHRIST .
Many love to embrace things that ought never to have been embraced and it cannot help them or save them .
PEOPLE do act like when paul said I AM CHIEF SINNER
that somehow that means PAUL WAS STILL CHIEF SINNER IN HIS SINS . big mistake .
Rather its paul was just about the worst of the worst , HE was CHIEF of sinners
now saved and now changed BY GOD . no longer walking as He once did . Too many love to embrace
some odd teachings indeed my friend .
Look at how adamant in serveral places paul was about TO LET it not once be named
and WHO YE SERVE iswhose ye are .
That GOD wont be mocked . But they desire to beleive in this other version that implies
somehow he was sinning a hundred , maybe a thousand times a day
NO SIR . paul would have called thier version of him , OUT and said Shall we continue IN SIN
What GOD has joined together let no man put asunder .
Marriage is Holy and as such
one must understand they are never to embrace a marriage
that man has put together and defies the marriage of what GOD has called marriage .
Mark my words one and all
GOD will never honor same sex marriage . HE did not design it and IS dead set against it .
When i remember that almost nineteen years ago i was drawn to Christ
and then realize that in nineteen years i would have been seventy three in that may
I think MAN this life is but a vapor . But then i realize by the signs of the times
by the grace of GOD , what makes one think we even have Tomorrow on this earth .
And the remembrance of the coming of the LORD brings GREAT JOY to this heart .
This life does fly by my friend . But look on the wonderful bright side , Those who BELIEVE ON ME shall never die
and our end is far far far better than ever our beginning was .
We popped out of the womb crying but shall GO TO HIM REJOICING . isnt that lovely . THERE IS ALL HOPE IN THE LORD .
Blessed is the man whose wife puts THE LORD first for that house is blessed
and Blessed is the Houshold whose husband puts the LORD first for blessed is that house .
TO the trenches my friend for the hour grows late and time in this world draws shorter by the day .
Let us stay diligent in the things of the LORD . Serving and always thanking HIM for all things given us IN CHRIST JESUS .
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