Will The Real Mr. And Mrs. Shapiro Please Stand Up!


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The Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants have specific implications for Jews and Gentiles, particularly in the context of marriage. These are the differences in applying these covenants to a Jewish husband and a Gentile wife, and a Gentile husband and a Jewish wife:

Abrahamic Covenant

The Abrahamic Covenant, found in Genesis 12, 15, and 17, is an unconditional promise made by God to Abraham and his descendants. The covenant includes the promise of land, descendants, and blessings.

  1. Jewish Husband and Gentile Wife:
    • Jewish Husband: The Jewish husband is a physical descendant of Abraham and a beneficiary of the covenant promises. His identity and obligations under the covenant remain intact.
    • Gentile Wife: The Gentile wife, by marrying a Jewish man, does not automatically become a part of the Abrahamic covenant. However, she may choose to convert to Judaism, thereby adopting the faith and practices of her husband, including the covenant's blessings and obligations. But she is not the seed of Abraham and thus not in covenant.

  1. Gentile Husband and Jewish Wife:
    • Jewish Wife: The Jewish wife, as a descendant of Abraham, retains her covenant identity and obligations. Her Jewish heritage is matrilineal, meaning her children would also be considered Jewish according to traditional Jewish law.
    • Gentile Husband: The Gentile husband does not become part of the Abrahamic covenant by marriage alone. However, he can convert to Judaism, thereby embracing the covenant promises and obligations without being in covenant since he is not Abraham's seed.

Mosaic Covenant

The Mosaic Covenant, given to the Israelites at Mount Sinai (Exodus 19-24), includes the Law (Torah), which encompasses moral, ceremonial, and civil laws.

  1. Jewish Husband and Gentile Wife:
    • Jewish Husband: He is bound by the Mosaic Law and expected to follow its commandments. His household, including his wife, would be influenced by these practices and laws.
    • Gentile Wife: While not automatically bound by the Mosaic Law, she would be expected to respect and possibly participate in Jewish customs and laws as part of the household. Conversion to Judaism would fully integrate her into the Jewish community but not in covenant as she is not Abraham's seed.

  1. Gentile Husband and Jewish Wife:
    • Jewish Wife: She remains bound by the Mosaic Law and expected to observe its commandments. Her adherence to these laws would influence her household, including her husband.
    • Gentile Husband: He is not bound by the Mosaic Law unless he chooses to convert to Judaism. However, living in a Jewish household may involve participating in Jewish customs and laws.

Practical Implications

  • Conversion: In both scenarios, the Gentile spouse has the option to convert to Judaism, which would integrate them fully into the Jewish covenantal framework, without being in either the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants not being Abraham's seed.
  • Household Practices: The Jewish spouse's adherence to the Mosaic Law would influence the household's religious practices, dietary laws, Sabbath observance, and participation in Jewish festivals and rituals.
  • Children: In traditional Jewish law, the children of a Jewish mother are considered Jewish, regardless of the father's status. If the mother is Gentile, the children would need to undergo formal conversion to be recognized as Jewish.


  • Jewish Husband and Gentile Wife: The wife may adopt Jewish practices and consider conversion. The household will follow Jewish laws and customs. The Gentile wife would know what she was getting herself into.
  • Gentile Husband and Jewish Wife: The wife will follow Jewish laws, influencing the household. The husband may adopt some practices and consider conversion knowing what he was getting himself into. None of these circumstances are done in ignorance or of having them forced upon the person.
The application of these covenants depends on the individuals' choices regarding religious observance and conversion, affecting their household's religious identity and practices. Overall, an obedient Jewish husband or wife would continue in the covenantal obligations and commands in any future marital union with any Gentile spouse.
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