Where do demons come from?


Everyone familiar with the Bible knows it talks about angels and demons. But most would be surprised to learn that there’s no verse in the Bible that explains where demons came from. Christians typically assume that demons are fallen angels, cast from heaven with Satan (the Devil) right before the temptation of Adam and Eve. But guess what? There’s no such story in the Bible. The only description of anything like that is in Revelation 12:9—but the occasion for that whole episode was the birth of the Messiah (Rev 12:4–6), an event long after Adam and Eve.

So if the Bible doesn’t record an ancient expulsion from heaven by hordes of angels who then became known as demons, where do demons come from?

There’s actually a straightforward answer to that question, but it’s likely one you’ve never heard of: In ancient Jewish texts like the Dead Sea Scrolls, demons are the disembodied spirits of dead Nephilim giants who perished at the time of the great flood.

I'm not making this stuff up here is a link to a reputable source. Are the demons the disemboweled spirits of the Nephilim?

The first four verses of the Bible’s flood account read:

When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.’ The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. Gen 6:1–4

So these sons of God were transgressors of the divinely-ordained boundary between heaven and earth by producing children with human women. Those children are referred to as Nephilim. The term “Nephilim” doesn’t mean “fallen ones”; it means “giants.”

The key to understanding how these giants were perceived as demons in the biblical narrative was an idea that got a lot of focus in Jewish writings produced after the Old Testament—is the term Rephaim. In the Old Testament, the Rephaim are described as giant warlords, but also as frightening, sinister disembodied spirits (“the shades”) in the Underworld, called Sheol in Hebrew. The disembodied spirits of these giants were therefore associated with the abode of the dead, something everyone feared, since everyone feared death.

A non-biblical psalm found among the Dead Sea Scrolls calls demons “offspring of man and the seed of the holy ones,” a clear reference to the disembodied spirits of the divine-human offspring from Genesis 6:1–4

And that's where demons come from. Michael Heiser's book on this topic describes it a lot better than I can.
But guess what? There’s no such story in the Bible. So if the Bible doesn’t record an ancient expulsion from heaven by hordes of angels who then became known as demons, where do demons come from?

His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. (Rev. 12:4 NKJ)

So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. (Rev. 12:9 NKJ)

By the abundance of your trading You became filled with violence within, And you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing Out of the mountain of God; And I destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the fiery stones. (Ezek. 28:16 NKJ)

The word trading here is also associated with slandering and spreading lies in the Hebrew, showing the same pattern of Satan as in the garden.

All that stuff is extra-Biblical.

Not a word of it in the Bible, itself.
Everyone familiar with the Bible knows it talks about angels and demons. But most would be surprised to learn that there’s no verse in the Bible that explains where demons came from. Christians typically assume that demons are fallen angels, cast from heaven with Satan (the Devil) right before the temptation of Adam and Eve. But guess what? There’s no such story in the Bible. The only description of anything like that is in Revelation 12:9—but the occasion for that whole episode was the birth of the Messiah (Rev 12:4–6), an event long after Adam and Eve.
I've heard this argument before from some.....still not convinced it didn't take place before Adam and Eve. And even if what you're reading did take place more so at the time of Christ still doesn't mean the Nephilim being demons is true. Still could have been something of the angelic realm departing before Genesis too.
There’s actually a straightforward answer to that question, but it’s likely one you’ve never heard of: In ancient Jewish texts like the Dead Sea Scrolls, demons are the disembodied spirits of dead Nephilim giants who perished at the time of the great flood.
Not sure the Dead Sea scrolls said this but even if they did. Doesn't mean anything. Strange esoteric books or scrolls were written about subjects in those days as in our current day.
I'm not making this stuff up here is a link to a reputable source.
I know you're not. I've heard it all before.
Are the demons the disemboweled spirits of the Nephilim?

So these sons of God were transgressors of the divinely-ordained boundary between heaven and earth by producing children with human women. Those children are referred to as Nephilim. The term “Nephilim” doesn’t mean “fallen ones”; it means “giants.”
OK so you're claiming demons are the disembroiled spirits of the Nephilim. With all due respect I think your evidence for this is pretty weak. So demons were Nephilim giants? So when Jesus dealt with the mad man of Gadara and it was said he was possessed by Legion....thousands.....thousands of Nephilim giant spirits were in this man? Luke 8:30 And the same with Mary Magdalene. Lk 8:2 .7 devils were cast out of her....So they were giants? I get it you can say spiritual things are different than natural but hmmmm.... just can't buy it. There's just something about it that my spirit says no. Could I be wrong? Perhaps. Don't think so though.
I've heard this argument before from some.....still not convinced it didn't take place before Adam and Eve. And even if what you're reading did take place more so at the time of Christ still doesn't mean the Nephilim being demons is true. Still could have been something of the angelic realm departing before Genesis too.

Not sure the Dead Sea scrolls said this but even if they did. Doesn't mean anything. Strange esoteric books or scrolls were written about subjects in those days as in our current day.

I know you're not. I've heard it all before.

OK so you're claiming demons are the disembroiled spirits of the Nephilim. With all due respect I think your evidence for this is pretty weak. So demons were Nephilim giants? So when Jesus dealt with the mad man of Gadara and it was said he was possessed by Legion....thousands.....thousands of Nephilim giant spirits were in this man? Luke 8:30 And the same with Mary Magdalene. Lk 8:2 .7 devils were cast out of her....So they were giants? I get it you can say spiritual things are different than natural but hmmmm.... just can't buy it. There's just something about it that my spirit says no. Could I be wrong? Perhaps. Don't think so though.
I've heard this argument before from some.....still not convinced it didn't take place before Adam and Eve. And even if what you're reading did take place more so at the time of Christ still doesn't mean the Nephilim being demons is true. Still could have been something of the angelic realm departing before Genesis too.

Not sure the Dead Sea scrolls said this but even if they did. Doesn't mean anything. Strange esoteric books or scrolls were written about subjects in those days as in our current day.

I know you're not. I've heard it all before.

OK so you're claiming demons are the disembroiled spirits of the Nephilim. With all due respect I think your evidence for this is pretty weak. So demons were Nephilim giants? So when Jesus dealt with the mad man of Gadara and it was said he was possessed by Legion....thousands.....thousands of Nephilim giant spirits were in this man? Luke 8:30 And the same with Mary Magdalene. Lk 8:2 .7 devils were cast out of her....So they were giants? I get it you can say spiritual things are different than natural but hmmmm.... just can't buy it. There's just something about it that my spirit says no. Could I be wrong? Perhaps. Don't think so though.
I went down this rabbit hole as a young believer. It makes good fantasy not biblical reality.
Thanks for the replies and the good insight. For me it's just something interesting to talk about. I wanted to see if anybody was interested in this besides myself. My next post I'll go deeper into it. Actually I think it calls for a different thread explaining the difference between Angels and Demons.
Thanks for the replies and the good insight. For me it's just something interesting to talk about. I wanted to see if anybody was interested in this besides myself. My next post I'll go deeper into it. Actually I think it calls for a different thread explaining the difference between Angels and Demons.
Yes angels are those who never sinned. Demons are those who sinned and fell. They are the absence of good and angels are the absence of evil and are good. That’s it in a nutshell as far as I’m concerned:).
Yes angels are those who never sinned. Demons are those who sinned and fell. They are the absence of good and angels are the absence of evil and are good. That’s it in a nutshell as far as I’m concerned:).
Yes I must agree that pretty much sums it up.
I see the three major errors with demons like this:

1. Claiming God created demons evil to begin with in some way.
2. Making demons some form of humans, confusing the distinction.
3. Claiming that there are no more demons today.
I see the three major errors with demons like this:

1. Claiming God created demons evil to begin with in some way.
2. Making demons some form of humans, confusing the distinction.
3. Claiming that there are no more demons today.
Very interesting thread. I'm just learning about where they come from but I do know where they're going. But for the time being they're here on earth and can wreak havoc. They have an agenda and they have the ability to carry out that agenda.

They possess knowledge. In Mark 1:24, the demon in the man in the synagogue at Capernaum said to Christ, “I know who You are, the Holy One of God!” In Acts 19:15, the evil spirit in the man at Ephesus said to the seven sons of Sceva, “Jesus I know [acknowledge], and Paul I know [know about]; but who are you?”

Demons possess will. In Matthew 12:44, the unclean spirit who has gone out of the man but can find no place of rest, says, “I will return to my house from which I came.” In Luke 8:31–33, the demons in the man of Gadarenes displayed very strongly their will not to be cast into the abyss, but rather to be allowed to enter into the swine.

Demons possess emotion. In James 2:19 we read, “Even the demons believe—and tremble!”

Another fact that attests the personality of demons is their ability to speak. This is recorded in many passages of the New Testament. From the standpoint of psychology, we normally attribute the concept of personality to anything that is able to express its meaning in intelligible speech.

By every standard, therefore, we see that demons display all the attributes of personality. This is of tremendous importance. Christian believers are in no position to deal with demons successfully until they recognize that they are persons, not things. A demon is not a habit or a mental state or a psychological condition. A demon is a person.
By every standard, therefore, we see that demons display all the attributes of personality. This is of tremendous importance. Christian believers are in no position to deal with demons successfully until they recognize that they are persons, not things. A demon is not a habit or a mental state or a psychological condition. A demon is a person.
The Bible does talk a certain amount about Satan's kingdom or demons. It's really unusual how the Christian community deals with it. People tend to deal with it in an extreme ether way. You either get some who want to sweep it under the rug almost denying they even exist even suggesting the people of Jesus day just didn't understand people's conditions rightly.....they really didn't have demons at all.....it was just the superstitious thought of the day.

That would go to say though that Jesus himself was likewise just as ignorant for he cast out devils wherever he went and told his disciples to do the same. The Bible makes no apologies for acknowledging their involvement within the human race although many religious Christians skip over wanting to have them a topic for discussion. Some say by even mentioning them you're glorifying them taking your attention off of Christ. That's possible for sure and one needs to be measured to what degree they do talk about them as a study, but we're to get what's important of such knowledge and live a life of victory over them.

The Bible says we're not to be ignorant of Satan's devices 2 Cor 2:11 and we're not to set aside that Paul stated, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against....Eph 6:12 and he goes on talking about in a short verse or so about the Kingdom of Darkness it's beak down, structure etc. Now Paul didn't go into too much detail about it.....but he or God through him did want us to know that we are in a warfare down here. The Christian life down here isn't life on a cruise ship as some might like it ....but we're on a battle ship. Now it's really a warfare that Jesus WON...Jesus conquered principalities and powers (of Satan's kingdom) Col 2:15 but we must assert our victory by declaring our victory in Christ.

As we submit ourselves to God and resist the devil the Bible says, he or they....the devil and demons will flee from us! Jm 4:7 Some of course might jump in and agree and say, discussion over now never to talk about it again...FINE...but just make sure you truly do KNOW how the Kingdom of Darkness basically operates and that you truly do know how to realize your victory and see it manifested. . If I see an interest here of wanting to discuss this more I will but we'll seek to keep our conversation measured and balanced with the word of God and stay with the basics of what its revealed.
I agree with the comments made in this thread. I've heard it said that we're not to go to the extreme and look for a demon under every rock. Then again you need to be aware and not drink the Kool-Aid. Because there has been some real serious killer cults in the last 50 years. Jamestown alone took the lives of 909 people. And nearly killed a US congressman. So yeah they're out there.
Thanks for the replies and the good insight. For me it's just something interesting to talk about. I wanted to see if anybody was interested in this besides myself. My next post I'll go deeper into it. Actually I think it calls for a different thread explaining the difference between Angels and Demons.
Here is a bit of a summary from the pov of Pre-Conception Existence theology (PCE).

The first thing YHWH created was all the spirits created in HIS image, that is, able to be a proper bride for HIM and able to share the full communion and fellowship described as the heavenly marriage. PCE contends that everyone was created with a free will and the equal ability and opportunity to put their faith in HIM and so become HIS chosen Bride or to reject HIM and so become eternally evil.

We know that people pre-existed the "Let there be light!" creation of the physical universe because we are told that ALL the Sons of GOD sang HIS praise when they witnessed it being created, Job 38:7.

When HIS creation had reached a proper maturity HE proclaimed HIS Divinity to us all, Colossians 1:23 ...if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant. and HIS gospel of salvation from sin for all who would put their faith in HIM as their GOD and saviour. Since HIS purpose was our marriage to HIM, we had to have a free will, uncoerced by anything in our creation or experience that would force us to chose to believe HIM and to put our faith in HIM or to regard HIM as a liar and a false god.

This resulted in the separation of all HIS people into three groups: 1. those who put their faith in HIM perfectly, 2. those who chose to rebuke HIM as a false god and a liar even while knowing that if HE ever did prove HE was our GOD and creator that they would be condemned to suffer hell and 3. those who put their faith in HIM as their GOD but who used their faith in HIM as their saviour from sin to go their own way into sinfulness once they had HIS election promise of salvation and felt free from any danger of hell. In short, by our free will some became the holy elect, some became the sinful elect and others others became the eternally reprobate, becoming demonic in their nature.

YHWH is light and the light cannot create darkness or evil. No evil person was ever created by GOD by any means or any system at all. All sinners and demons were self created by their own personal free will choice to sin against HIM and rebel against HIS call to be holy. Period.
There’s no such story in the Bible. The only description of anything like that is in Revelation 12:9—but the occasion for that whole episode was the birth of the Messiah (Rev 12:4–6), an event long after Adam and Eve.

I think you may have passed off the import of these verses a bit too fast... While they are indeed placed within the context of Christ's birth, they might be in the nature of a parenthesis about this world and the people who live here.

In verse 4, the dragon sweeps some people out of their place and hurls them into the earth violently. This happens shortly before his fight with GOD's holy angels. That these stars are sinners is proven by the dragon's power over them but who are they? Why does he fling them down just before his major battle with the heavenly host? If they were demons, why not use them in his coming war?

In my Christian opinion, these are the fallen elect, those who chose by their free will to rebel against GOD's commands once they had received HIS promise of election to salvation. As sinners by their free will they were given over to Satan but as elect, they would not fight for Satan against GOD so they were useless to him and he hurled them into the earth, specifically Sheol. Then GOD's army hurled Satan and his demonic angels into the earth, into sheol, from where all sinners are fed into, sown into, mankind to fulfill HIS promise of redemption and sanctification of the those sinners who were HIS elect. This suggests that Earth is a prison planet with a rehab centre in it for those sinful people of HIS kingdom who can be saved.

This also suggests the meaning of why both the people of the kingdom and the people of the evil one are sown, not created, into mankind so they can live together to open the eyes of the sinful elect to their need to repent and turn from the pleasures and profits of sin as we read about in the parable of the weeds, Matt 13:24-30 and 36-43.

Questions about Angels & Demons​

This place has all the answers and then some.

Yes I have to agree. Any questions when they have about angels and demons could surely be answered from that page. At the very least it would get you thinking in the right direction. Thanks for sharing Ray. You don't mind if I call you Ray do you?
Yes I have to agree. Any questions when they have about angels and demons could surely be answered from that page. At the very least it would get you thinking in the right direction. Thanks for sharing Ray. You don't mind if I call you Ray do you?
Sure, You can call me Ray. Just don't call me late to dinner.
there’s no verse in the Bible that explains where demons came from.
My favorite "theory" as a "Gap Theoryist" (from Derek Prince decades ago) is that Demons are the spirits of beings who inhabited the earth in a previous creation before the Adamic creation that the Bible concentrates on.

Is it true??? Who cares. I'll ask later (if I even have to). That there ARE demonic entities is a "Given".
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