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God IS love. Don't doubt His motives in calling you. Don't leave Him at the door knocking. Don't break His heart by turning Him away. Like any good Husband, He wants only that which is for your good. He will never abuse you, hurt you, let you down, disappoint you, dishonor you, or be unfaithful. Whatever your needs are, He will meet them. Whatever endangers you, He will remove. He will never take away that which is good for you, nor give anything that which will hurt you.
He already knows everything there is to be known concerning who you are, where you have been, all you have done. And He still loves you. In Him there is no condemnation, no shame, no embarrassment. Whatever debt you feel you owe God for whatever transgressions you may have made, that debt is paid for. In full. There is no interest to be further deposits to be more installments necessary to make up the price of your ransom. The Son of God has already paid the full price of your redemption in the name of His Father, therefore you are His. Wholly His, lock, stock, and barrel. Let Him now take charge of that which He has purchased with His own blood, and begin a new life; an abundant life; a life free from sin, addiction, worry, fear.
Let today be the first day of eternity.
He already knows everything there is to be known concerning who you are, where you have been, all you have done. And He still loves you. In Him there is no condemnation, no shame, no embarrassment. Whatever debt you feel you owe God for whatever transgressions you may have made, that debt is paid for. In full. There is no interest to be further deposits to be more installments necessary to make up the price of your ransom. The Son of God has already paid the full price of your redemption in the name of His Father, therefore you are His. Wholly His, lock, stock, and barrel. Let Him now take charge of that which He has purchased with His own blood, and begin a new life; an abundant life; a life free from sin, addiction, worry, fear.
Let today be the first day of eternity.