Universalism : A Free Ticket To Hell


Well-known member

1.) Lets say you are not a Christian.

You're not born again.. You've never Trusted IN Christ... You never cared.........and you still dont.

Then, someone who teaches UNIVERSALISM............tells you...>>"You're saved... You're a Christian......Everyone Is".

So, Reader..... what has just happened to the unbeliever?

= .) > They remain an unbeliever, ...not born again.......falsely believing they are going to Heaven.

So, this means they are going to HELL,.. John 3:36..... believing they are not,.......... because a Universalist, has just sent them there.

2.) Universalism, is Satanic, as it completely eliminates "FAITH", and "Justification by Faith"..

UNIVERSALISM denies that Jesus said "YOU must be born again".. .by lying this lie... "you already are"... "everyone is saved".

Universalism .. this Lie of the Devil.... is literally teaching that the Born again and the Christ Rejector, are THE SAME.

Universalism says that Jesus is a LIAR.. as Jesus said..."unless you believe in me, you shall die in your sins"..

Universalism teaches that the Christ Rejector and the CHRISTian... are Both are Saved... are .Both are going to Heaven.

That is a Satanic Lie. It is a "DOCTRINE OF DEVILS"..... designed to send people to Hell.

A.) Do not trust people who teach this (Universalism) = Satanic Lie.. Do not believe their Lies.
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