The Measure Is Up To You!


Well-known member
I call this, The Measure Is Up To You

If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”24 He (Jesus) went on to say, “Pay attention to what you hear. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and even more will be added to you. 25For whoever has will be given more. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.” Mk 1:24.25

Very important verse of scripture. We hear many wonder why this one of that one seems more blessed by God than others? Some seem to have more victory....others less. Some might even get jealous of others like a Cain who slew Able. God doesn't limit any one from walking in the victory of God but long, and desires ALL to do so. But how much WORD (that is WORD of God) are they mediating in their daily life? I don't like to say how much are they reading the Bible but like rather to say how much are they feeding their spirit each day with God's word. Bible reading sounds like a religious chore....feeding one's spirit imparts a thought one's spirit needs this. Jesus said the words that I speak unto you are spirit and life Jn 6:53 ......and we know it's the power in that WORD which empowers us. Heb 4:12 and ....sanctifies us. Jn 17:17

So to what measure do we give God? God knows we live in a world where he doesn't mind if we have an odd entertainment time. But does it go this way.....OK we can worship God and a feeding of our spirits for 15 minutes then we watch a three hour sports game? OK stop prayer.....the game is about to start! How about give the game 15 minutes and give God the three hours? How much are we measuring? God doesn't demand what the measure should be......but he does say weights can become sins that hold you back. (and no I' m not saying one can't watch a whole game of something but you get my point)
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