You failed to correct your errors
Theos and Theon have the same root word
You have not shown that by translating divine they held that the Word was merely had godlike qualities
and you do not have 20 translation that read a god
The phrase ‘a god’ is particularly objectionable, because it makes Christ a lesser god, which is polytheism, and contrary to the express declaration of Scripture elsewhere (Deut. 32:39). For clearly if Christ is ‘a god,’ then he must be either a ‘true god’ or a ‘false god.’ If ‘true,’ we assert polytheism; if ‘false,’ he is unworthy of our credence.”39 Theologian Robert Reymond notes that no standard Greek lexicon offers “divine” as a possible meaning of theos, “If John had intended an adjectival sense [i.e., ‘the Word was divine’], he had an adjective (theios) ready at hand.”40 Indeed, it would have been much more logical for John to have employed the adjective theios if he wanted to communicate that Jesus was divine.