But specifically in Dr. Brown's presentation, what are the issues that you have with his material (include time markers)?
Heard him speak before so I'm biased already when I listen to his audio pod in India on the same subject.
Dr. Brown is one of the pushers of the unreliable targums and a great salesperson, beware!
Anyway, those that use the Targum(s) as their source material for what or who is the word of God always announce it as breaking news. A great selling point. Many of these targums actually Aramaic interpretations of many part of the OT cannot be reliably dated and if in fact they are reliable second-hand writings. There are many in circulation. Most were written of the 2nd century AD and beyond in their earliest form.
Dr. Brown makes logos the key personification of the Father God. Not true at all. It is his Spirit into our lives that is key! This is the extension of God's power to us that brings his own word or logos. Think of it as the message or content or substance of God that is communicated or impacted via his Spirit to us. And we personify the heck out of his Spirit as we see in scripture to the point that we think it is a person. Can you believe that..!? Here, Dr. Brown does the same thing with the word of the Father God to say it is now a person of human flesh..
The Father's divine logos is his internal activity of self-expression within himself. This is extended into his creation by his Spirit of God, his presence. The Spirit is the extension of God and carries the logos or word with it to provide purpose and effect. Without his Spirit transmitting his word to humankind, we would not know the word of God at all. Take a few minutes to let that sink in. Dr. Brown would have you believe that the word is everything....
Every believer knows the word of God within themselves, to varying degrees and at different times, because of the Spirit of God in their lives.
Again, as before, Dr. Brown makes a leap in faith to not only personify the word of the Father God, to also make it an actual person, as a human being.
He never explains the process for making this 'leap.' I would suggest you ask him.
I really would like to ask him myself and more. About aspects of the Philo writings and which one of these targums is he actually addressing as is basis and source.
As one Rabbi said of the targums:
Rabbi Judah (2nd century A.D.) declared with paradoxical vehemence, "He who translates a biblical verse literally is a liar, but he who elaborates on it is a blasphemer."