Studying Scripture Passages


Active member
I find analyses of scripture making many mistakes and missing key insights. This appears largely in scholarly writings (even when finding good info too) and thus would be likely in more common writings. There are reading comprehension errors commonly issues of reading comprehension and grammatical breakdown. Too much effort may be placed on words and sentences while missing the bigger questions. Of course some texts that just have great challenges to overcome so one can understand it

One effect I would like is to help raise the level of analysis of scripture. I see too many areas where the problems appear lacking in the analysis compared to what I have noted. This certainly does not deny the layers of contributions by scholars.

One tip that seems to have gotten me good mileage when interpreting verses and passages is to consider the weight of each word. Ask if each word has contributed to your sense of meaning of the verse and its context. For example, when you look at the word “then” in Rom 4:1, do you consider both what context is brought from Rom 3 into 4:1-3 and do you ask what relevance Abraham has to the discussion? – of why he was introduced there.

The starting point is to make sure to take the whole wording of the verse into consideration. This can sharpen your mind and make the task natural as you get used to such focus.
(oops. I was not careful to put this in normal discussions area instead of the controversial one.)
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