Shirt Pocket Homilies

FAQ: Atheists have plenty of logical reasons for rejecting Christianity and the Bible.
What logical reasons do you have for accepting those things?

REPLY: None.

FAQ: How it is that you trust Christianity and the Bible without knowing for sure
whether they're true?

REPLY: My conscience insists Christianity and the Bible are true, viz: it's an intuitive
conviction that I am unable to shake off.

Why does anybody believe what they believe? Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Bahá'í,
Hare Krishna, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, Catholic, Baptist, Judaism, Voodoo,
Wiccan, Jain, Druze, Native American, etc, etc, etc. The answer? Because it grips
their heart-- the core of their being --which is very different than persuading
someone with logic and reasoning.

When folks are persuaded to buy into a religion by means of logic and reasoning,
they can be just as easily persuaded to give it up by logic and reasoning. But
someone whose heart is gripped by their religion is not easily removed regardless
of how strong, how sensible, how convincing, nor how logical the opposition's
argument. In point of fact, one of the prerequisites to salvation is believing with
one's heart rather than one's head. (Rom 10:8-9)

FAQ: Are you suggesting people end up in Hell merely because their intuition failed
to convince them that Christianity and the Bible are true?

REPLY: My personal opinion? I suspect atheists are not entirely honest. They profess
very sensible reasons for rejecting religion while down deep inside they're a mite

Mark Twain once said he didn't believe in an afterlife; nevertheless expected one.
Twain likely meant that for humor, but may have been telling us something about
Heb 5:4-6 . . Christ did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high priest.
But God said to him: You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. (cf. Ps

Melchizedek served as a high priest in Abraham's day. (Gen 14:18-20, Heb 5:10)
Abraham's day was at least four centuries prior to the covenant that established
Aaron as a high priest for Moses' people.

In a nutshell; when people's high priest is patterned after Melchizedek, then they
are in no danger for failure to comply with Aaron's covenant (a.k.a. Moses' law)
because that particular covenant isn't retroactive. (Deut 5:2-4 & Gal 3:17)

That was quite an advantage for Abraham, to wit: seeing as how he wasn't
obligated to comply with Moses' law, then he was at liberty to walk with God
another way, ergo: seeing as how Jesus is Christianity's Melchizedek, then neither
are we obligated to comply with Moses' law which includes, but isn't limited to, the
Ten Commandments.

Matt 11:28-30 . . Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will
give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my
burden is light.
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