SEEING : The Devil

So where exactly do you find your oasis of truth.
while i dont teach/preach either one as per can or you can not but where do you get your scripture osas is not true. because i will tell you that the Bible does not say osas or osnas in them terms there is plenty of scripture that shows . how our salvation is kept by the Power of God and No man not even the devil can pluck us from the fathers hand. yes there is scripture of warning and yes we must take heed to it.
I SAID take you too seriously. I never said they NEVER do if you make some good points.

So what makes you pride yourself in thinking you're so unique? Do you think 100 % what you say about everything is correct? I'll give you I haven't known many that will hold that position abut everything but perhaps a few.

Sure and they don't have to accept what you're claiming either if they're seeking to make their assessments based on the word of God.

No how about we try this. How about you knock off even trying to imply someone is in a cult merely because you've been challenged with something.

No you wouldn't. You just wouldn't! There's a lot of people that go to churches that don't necessarily believe everything right down to every last detail of what a church claims they believe. (eg the when of the rapture, ;are certain things for today or not, healing, gifts of the Spirit and the list can go on an on) My point? You can assess what one believes by the case they make for a position by the word of God on this board. Correct me if I'm wrong It seems you're way of doing ;things is stereo typing people. You might consider dialing that back.

Sorry but you can have REAL conversations with people on here on the basis of them telling you what they believe and why.

I have NEVER ever claimed in over 60 years that I might not need help about something. I don't however accept someone's claim that I do and take it too seriously NOR SHOULD ANYONE ELSE. What case are you making that validates your assertion......if it doesn't line up with actual scripture it should go in the trash. If it does....something to maybe consider.

Well do you see what you've done right here? ;You've made an assumption and you've made an assertion which just isn't so. So you claim I showed up for I felt I needed help in knowing about The Devil? (that is what you're thread title is)
But I didn't show up for that reason. I clicked it on merely to see what the poster yourself was saying about it. Is it possible that something you might have said I might find enlightening. Perhaps...perhaps not. But I did not show up for the reason you're asserting.

Knock it off.
This is a message board and NO ONE has a right to tell anyone to run along. And sorry but your assertions are very arrogant. There's no way you can assume somebody is ashamed of their church merely because they won't yield to your compulsion of telling you ;where they go.. One has liberty to say or not say or tell or not tell and even if I told you that still doesn't tell you what I believe.
Just put Behold Lucifer on ignore. That's what I did. You can thank me for it later.
Before I opened it and read a few posts in this thread I thought it was about when your mother-in-law comes to visit. :ROFLMAO:
I understand you were just joking. Sometimes it's good to lighten up a little bit here. I got long great with my mother-in-law before she passed away at 90. But I'll tell you one thing you didn't want to get on the wrong side of her.


Song by​

Ernie K-Doe
(Mother-in-law, mother-in-law) (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
The worst person I know, (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
She worries me so, (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
If she leave us alone, we would have a happy home
Sent from down below, (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
Sin should be her name, (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
To me, they're about the same, (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
Every time I open my mouth, she steps in, tries to put me out
How could she stoop so low?
(Mother-in-law, mother-in-law) (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
I come home with my pay, (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
She asks me what I made, (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
She think her advice is a contribution
But if she will leave that will be a solution
And don't come back no more
(Mother-in-law, mother-in-law) my... (Mother-in-law, mother-in-law)
And regarding The Devil.

Once God has purchased us with the Blood of Jesus and we are "bought with a price" which is Christ's very life....
= The Devil has lost us, in one regard, and that is......He can't keep us out of Heaven.
So, He has "plan B", all ready and waiting, for the last 2000 yrs.
See, He's not new to this "Christian" thing. He was there when it Started as he watched The Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.
He managed it right to the end.
He thought that He had won the eternal war against God, once the Son of God was slain on the Tree, but that was his self deception, as this Crucifixion of The LORD Jesus, THE Christ, was OUR Victory and our Eternal Salvation.
Christ on the Cross was and is... the "Heel that crushed the serpent's head", that is revealed in GENESIS.
The Resurrection of Jesus proves its TRUE.
The Devil now knows this for the last 2000 yrs... and so, what he does now is very simple, yet so very very destructive.

= Satan KNOWS that he can't lead you to Hell if you are truly born again and not just water baptized and religious.... as the born again now exist as "seated in Heavenly places"... "in Christ".... BUT what he can do, is try to DECEIVE you out of the Gospel Truth and into multi-faceted "doctrines of devils".

Reader, most of you on this Forum, are continually being mentally assaulted with the Devil's work, as it is posted to you, endlessly as "Threads" and "posts" that seem to just be "disagreements" or "click bait Topic".
Its so much more and you can't discern it, because most of you have not been trained to see it and hear it.

That's why im here on the forum and on most of them.
To help you learn to HEAR the Devil's theology.

Listen , the Devil does not come to you with anything obvious.... as he is a spiritual snake, a veiled dark spirit, and His game is to mislead, misdirect, and manipulate you > using your own mind and self righteous tendencies.

Paul shows us in Hebrews (That Paul wrote) (never mind the scholars who are confused about this).... Paul shows us the one thing that is the Devil's masterplan for ruining the FAITH and Discipleship of a born again believer.

A.) What The Devil does, is he sends someone to you, on a Forum, or from a Pulpit, or from a TV Screen, or on an ONLINE "Christian" BLOG.. or in a Video, or in a commentary.... = to mislead you into a Grace denying belief system that is going to ruin your Christianity for life, and yet you'll BELIEVE you are "on Track" and "spirit filled and led" and "getting God's wisdom".. all of this.
How does the Devil do it?
Paul explains it like this...>"Who has BEWITCHED YOU< so that YOU No longer obey the TRUTH"...
= Satan brings to you "doctrines of devils" like Calvinism, or Mormonism or any "ism", and these all SEEM to be true.
Because the Devil has designed all his THEOLOGY around Truth. Its DISGUISED as Truth.
Its cunning, its clever, its dark and demonic and spiritual, but the LIGHT that it reveals IS DARK and not TRUTH.

An example is : Calvinism

Let me show you.

= God makes : Christians

Calvin deceives them.
Calvinism leads people to the truth. It says so in my signature.

There is no true religion in the world which is not Calvinistic—Calvinistic in its essence, Calvinistic in its implications.… In proportion as we are religious, in that proportion, then, are we Calvinistic; and when religion comes fully to its rights in our thinking, and feeling, and doing, then shall we be truly Calvinistic.… [Calvinism] is not merely the hope of true religion in the world: it is true religion in the world—as far as true religion is in the world at all.


Calvinistic theology includes all the essential evangelical doctrines, such as the deity of Christ, objective atonement, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit. It also includes many doctrines developed by theological giants such as Athanasius, Augustine, Anselm, and Martin Luther. Yet, it is not entirely correct to say, as did “Rabbi” John Duncan, “There’s no such thing as Calvinism [because] the teachings of Augustine, Remigius, Anselm, and Luther were just pieced together by one remarkable man [Calvin], and the result baptized with his name.”

Calvin’s synthesis is far more remarkable than that; he certainly was no midget standing on Augustine’s giant shoulders. Calvin’s presentation of the plan of salvation, choice of materials, and sense of the interconnectedness of biblical doctrine are unique. He was a genius in organization and systematization. His indebtedness to his predecessors does not detract from his originality, which is clearly evident in his doctrine of divine Sonship; his emphasis on the humanity of the Redeemer and His threefold mediatorial office as Prophet, Priest, and King; his explanation of the inward witness of the Holy Spirit; his development of Presbyterian church polity; and his exposition of how worship should be based on the Second Commandment, which the Puritans would later develop as the regulative principle of worship.

In addition, Calvinists throughout history have not been mere imitators of Calvin. For example, in their development of covenant theology, decretal theology, and the doctrine of assurance of faith, they labored hard to explain the whole counsel of God within the context of all the profundity, harmony, and consistency of Scripture.
Despite these various contributing strains, Calvinism is remarkably consistent and defined. As Valentijn Hepp writes, “Calvinism is the broadest and deepest Christianity; or, if you will, it is the purest Christianity; or, as I should prefer to qualify it, it is the most consistent and likewise the most harmonious Christianity.”

But what is at the heart of the Calvinistic system? Over the centuries, many scholars have sought to identify a single concept that governs Calvinism. Herman Bauke, a German Calvinist, lists at least twenty interpretations of the “basic principle of Calvinism.”

Some of these include:
• Predestination. While some scholars say predestination is the core of Reformed truth, that assertion can be misleading if it is understood to mean that everything proceeds from absolute predestination in such a way that what transpires in time matters little. This hyper-Calvinistic view leads to a tendency to move away from biblical revelation into a more rationalistic kind of theology.

• The covenant. While the covenantal relationship between God and man is emphasized in Reformed theology, it is not necessarily the controlling concept. All men are indeed either in covenant with God or are covenant-breakers, but Calvin did not structure all doctrines under this important truth.
• The sovereignty of God. Sovereignty means “rule”; hence, to speak of God’s sovereignty is to refer to God’s rule. God’s sovereignty is His supremacy, His kingship, and His deity. His sovereignty declares Him to be God, the incomprehensible Trinity who is nevertheless knowable insofar as He chooses to reveal Himself to us.
Calvinism leads people to the truth. It says so in my signature.

There is no true religion in the world which is not Calvinistic—Calvinistic in its essence, Calvinistic in its implications.… In proportion as we are religious, in that proportion, then, are we Calvinistic; and when religion comes fully to its rights in our thinking, and feeling, and doing, then shall we be truly Calvinistic.… [Calvinism] is not merely the hope of true religion in the world: it is true religion in the world—as far as true religion is in the world at all.


Calvinistic theology includes all the essential evangelical doctrines, such as the deity of Christ, objective atonement, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit. It also includes many doctrines developed by theological giants such as Athanasius, Augustine, Anselm, and Martin Luther. Yet, it is not entirely correct to say, as did “Rabbi” John Duncan, “There’s no such thing as Calvinism [because] the teachings of Augustine, Remigius, Anselm, and Luther were just pieced together by one remarkable man [Calvin], and the result baptized with his name.”

Calvin’s synthesis is far more remarkable than that; he certainly was no midget standing on Augustine’s giant shoulders. Calvin’s presentation of the plan of salvation, choice of materials, and sense of the interconnectedness of biblical doctrine are unique. He was a genius in organization and systematization. His indebtedness to his predecessors does not detract from his originality, which is clearly evident in his doctrine of divine Sonship; his emphasis on the humanity of the Redeemer and His threefold mediatorial office as Prophet, Priest, and King; his explanation of the inward witness of the Holy Spirit; his development of Presbyterian church polity; and his exposition of how worship should be based on the Second Commandment, which the Puritans would later develop as the regulative principle of worship.

In addition, Calvinists throughout history have not been mere imitators of Calvin. For example, in their development of covenant theology, decretal theology, and the doctrine of assurance of faith, they labored hard to explain the whole counsel of God within the context of all the profundity, harmony, and consistency of Scripture.
Despite these various contributing strains, Calvinism is remarkably consistent and defined. As Valentijn Hepp writes, “Calvinism is the broadest and deepest Christianity; or, if you will, it is the purest Christianity; or, as I should prefer to qualify it, it is the most consistent and likewise the most harmonious Christianity.”

But what is at the heart of the Calvinistic system? Over the centuries, many scholars have sought to identify a single concept that governs Calvinism. Herman Bauke, a German Calvinist, lists at least twenty interpretations of the “basic principle of Calvinism.”

Some of these include:
• Predestination. While some scholars say predestination is the core of Reformed truth, that assertion can be misleading if it is understood to mean that everything proceeds from absolute predestination in such a way that what transpires in time matters little. This hyper-Calvinistic view leads to a tendency to move away from biblical revelation into a more rationalistic kind of theology.

• The covenant. While the covenantal relationship between God and man is emphasized in Reformed theology, it is not necessarily the controlling concept. All men are indeed either in covenant with God or are covenant-breakers, but Calvin did not structure all doctrines under this important truth.
• The sovereignty of God. Sovereignty means “rule”; hence, to speak of God’s sovereignty is to refer to God’s rule. God’s sovereignty is His supremacy, His kingship, and His deity. His sovereignty declares Him to be God, the incomprehensible Trinity who is nevertheless knowable insofar as He chooses to reveal Himself to us.
Sounds like a man made religion to me. Glad I put my Geneva Bible in the trash decades ago.
God makes : Christians

Calvin deceives them....He turns them into : Calvinists..

A.) God is not a Calvinist.

So....Put that in your "signature".

You're the prime example regarding what Cavlin does to people's (minds.) @Biblelesson
God makes Calvinist and Calvinists are Christians. I thank God that he is illuminated my mind through His word the bible and the teaching of Calvinism.

Obviously you could use some help with this:

There is a science in theology and in biblical studies that we call hermeneutics. It is the science of biblical interpretation. It teaches objective principles and rules that govern our treatment of the text, lest we turn the Bible into a piece of clay that we can shape and form for our own desires, as the Pharisees did.

At the heart of the science of hermeneutics in Reformed theology is the regula fidei, or “the law of faith,” which says that no portion of Scripture must ever be set against another portion of Scripture. The first assumption here is that all of Scripture is the Word of God. The second assumption is that God does not speak with a forked tongue, that what He reveals in His Word is always consistent. It is sometimes said consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

If that adage is true, we have to say that the tiniest mind to be found is the mind of God. However, I believe consistency is the sign of clarity of truth, and God’s Word is consistent with itself.
God makes Calvinist and Calvinists are Christians. I thank God that he is illuminated my mind through His word the bible and the teaching of Calvinism.

Obviously you could use some help with this:

There is a science in theology and in biblical studies that we call hermeneutics. It is the science of biblical interpretation. It teaches objective principles and rules that govern our treatment of the text, lest we turn the Bible into a piece of clay that we can shape and form for our own desires, as the Pharisees did.

At the heart of the science of hermeneutics in Reformed theology is the regula fidei, or “the law of faith,” which says that no portion of Scripture must ever be set against another portion of Scripture. The first assumption here is that all of Scripture is the Word of God. The second assumption is that God does not speak with a forked tongue, that what He reveals in His Word is always consistent. It is sometimes said consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

If that adage is true, we have to say that the tiniest mind to be found is the mind of God. However, I believe consistency is the sign of clarity of truth, and God’s Word is consistent with itself.
Adonai did not make Calvinists. Calvinists does not make Christians either. Only Yeshua does that. Obviously you have the wrong biblical interpretation. John Calvin is not a Jew, so that disqualifies him entirely from any serious biblical discussion. Minds only can be illuminated through the Ruach Hakodesh (the Holy Spirit).
Adonai did not make Calvinists. Calvinists does not make Christians either. Only Yeshua does that. Obviously you have the wrong biblical interpretation. John Calvin is not a Jew, so that disqualifies him entirely from any serious biblical discussion. Minds only can be illuminated through the Ruach Hakodesh (the Holy Spirit).
Of course Calvinism doesn't make Christians, God makes Christians, Calvinists are Christians therefore God makes them. You couldn't be a Calvinist without God, You have to be a Muslim or something.
Of course Calvinism doesn't make Christians God makes Christians, Calvinists are Christians therefore God makes them. You couldn't be a Calvinist without God, You have to be a Muslim or something.
Edit by admin humanistic lawyer John Calvin who supposedly got religion. You absolutely can be a Christian ✝️ or a Messianic ✡️ Jew without John Calvin.
I did. I am no Muslim. The Bible is a Jewish ✡️ book written by Jews ✡️.
Edit by admin humanistic lawyer John Calvin who supposedly got religion. You absolutely can be a Christian ✝️ or a Messianic ✡️ Jew without John Calvin.
I did. I am no Muslim. The Bible is a Jewish ✡️ book written by Jews ✡️.
If you read my post you can see that you're misquoting me, I never said what you're accusing me of saying. Not only are you misquoting me but you're calling me ignorant over what you misquoted.
1a. No vulgarity, profanity, name calling, or slang expression(s) that could be interpreted as a suggestion of impropriety or generally regarded as demeaning in nature. (Ephesians 5:3-5) Address members by their screen names and do not mock or make fun of their names.
The thing about Satan In my opinion is that he is a spiritual being and to be seen He needs a host body to inhabit. He and his demonic hordes are called fallen angels in Scripture, Satan is described as their leader. They do not posses a physical body, but inhabit the spiritual realm of existence. Without the presence of a natural body of their own, their desire is to inhabit a body that belongs to someone else (Mark 5:1-13)

Many of us have heard about demonic possession, but very few of us know what it really is and what to watch out for. Here is what you need to know about diabolic attacks, and when the line is crossed from temptation to possession.

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