SEEING : The Devil


Well-known member
And regarding The Devil.

Once God has purchased us with the Blood of Jesus and we are "bought with a price" which is Christ's very life....
= The Devil has lost us, in one regard, and that is......He can't keep us out of Heaven.
So, He has "plan B", all ready and waiting, for the last 2000 yrs.
See, He's not new to this "Christian" thing. He was there when it Started as he watched The Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.
He managed it right to the end.
He thought that He had won the eternal war against God, once the Son of God was slain on the Tree, but that was his self deception, as this Crucifixion of The LORD Jesus, THE Christ, was OUR Victory and our Eternal Salvation.
Christ on the Cross was and is... the "Heel that crushed the serpent's head", that is revealed in GENESIS.
The Resurrection of Jesus proves its TRUE.
The Devil now knows this for the last 2000 yrs... and so, what he does now is very simple, yet so very very destructive.

= Satan KNOWS that he can't lead you to Hell if you are truly born again and not just water baptized and religious.... as the born again now exist as "seated in Heavenly places"... "in Christ".... BUT what he can do, is try to DECEIVE you out of the Gospel Truth and into multi-faceted "doctrines of devils".

Reader, most of you on this Forum, are continually being mentally assaulted with the Devil's work, as it is posted to you, endlessly as "Threads" and "posts" that seem to just be "disagreements" or "click bait Topic".
Its so much more and you can't discern it, because most of you have not been trained to see it and hear it.

That's why im here on the forum and on most of them.
To help you learn to HEAR the Devil's theology.

Listen , the Devil does not come to you with anything obvious.... as he is a spiritual snake, a veiled dark spirit, and His game is to mislead, misdirect, and manipulate you > using your own mind and self righteous tendencies.

Paul shows us in Hebrews (That Paul wrote) (never mind the scholars who are confused about this).... Paul shows us the one thing that is the Devil's masterplan for ruining the FAITH and Discipleship of a born again believer.

A.) What The Devil does, is he sends someone to you, on a Forum, or from a Pulpit, or from a TV Screen, or on an ONLINE "Christian" BLOG.. or in a Video, or in a commentary.... = to mislead you into a Grace denying belief system that is going to ruin your Christianity for life, and yet you'll BELIEVE you are "on Track" and "spirit filled and led" and "getting God's wisdom".. all of this.
How does the Devil do it?
Paul explains it like this...>"Who has BEWITCHED YOU< so that YOU No longer obey the TRUTH"...
= Satan brings to you "doctrines of devils" like Calvinism, or Mormonism or any "ism", and these all SEEM to be true.
Because the Devil has designed all his THEOLOGY around Truth. Its DISGUISED as Truth.
Its cunning, its clever, its dark and demonic and spiritual, but the LIGHT that it reveals IS DARK and not TRUTH.

See, Satan has read the Bible, He understands what Truth is, as He has known JESUS who is : THE TRUTH.....John 14:6.. but Satan can't be a part of it, as He FELL from Truth, and can't be born again. But He understands all about it, and He creates his lying theology so that its a hybrid.. Its a mix of truth and partial truths and its designed to cause your FLESH to feel good.
So, any type of Legalism, (Self Righteousness)... feels good to you, because Self Righteousness is Pride and pride feels good.
Pride feels GREAT, just like Sin feels GREAT.
So, The Devil created a lot of Theology that is This... = Pride.centered....... "all about me".. "all about what i do".. "all about how its all about me me me, doing it". Its all about me keeping this, and ME ME ME ME ME doing doing doing THAT, vs... "God did it for me, through Christ on the CROSS, and I believe it".
See that?
See the difference. ????
That ""ME"" Stuff..... is SELF Righteousness, and that is actually the Opposite of the Cross of Christ that is the Grace of God that is "the GIFT of Salvation".

Salvation is All of God, and none of you.
Salvation is "God did it, and we get it" = by FAITH.
Its "the GIFT of Righteousness" that is the "imputed Righteousness of Christ".

Listen to me..
Did you hang on the Cross and Die for your sin?
Then why do you think you can keep yourself saved by law keeping and commandment chasing and PERFORMING FOR GOD>.., when in fact, you could not save yourself to begin with... ???
See, if you could save yourself or keep yourself saved then WHY did Jesus have to come down here and DIE FOR YOU?

Some of you need to figure that out, ASAP., and keep it figured out.
Some of you need to get out of a CULT that is keeping you away from the Cross of Christ and the Grace of God.
That's a fact.

Now..Let me wind this short teaching up...

1.) The DEVIL's Gospel is..>"believe and perform"... Its "Keeping this, and doing that". "its getting Wet and joining a church"...

Its ""YOU DO IT""" "You finish it"......vs.. GOD DID IT FOR YOU = As Jesus dying on the CROSS..

Satan's Gospel is Self Righteous WORKS to try to save yourself and keep yourself saved..... Whereas The Gospel of the Grace of God is...>"a lost sinner is found by God's Salvation = WHO IS Jesus on the Cross". and this is "The Gift of Salvation" and "THE Gift of Righteousness", and "The Gift of Eternal Life".
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Reader, most of you on this Forum, are continually being mentally assaulted with the Devil's work, as it is posted to you, endlessly as "Threads" and "posts" that seem to just be "disagreements" or "click bait Topic".
Its so much more and you can't discern it, because most of you have not been trained to see it and hear it.
Sorry but don't you think that comes across as a pretty condescending thing to say. It implies your decrement is so much better than anybody else's. That remains to be seen.
That's why im here on the forum and on most of them.
To help you learn to HEAR the Devil's theology.
Keep in mind though Behold that might be what some others would like to say to you.
A.) What The Devil does, is he sends someone to you, on a Forum, or from a Pulpit, or from a TV Screen, or on an ONLINE "Christian" BLOG.. or in a Video, or in a commentary.... = to mislead you into a Grace denying belief system that is going to ruin your Christianity for life, and yet you'll BELIEVE you are "on Track" and "spirit filled and led" and "getting God's wisdom".. all of this.
So where exactly do you find your oasis of truth.
Sorry but don't you think that comes across as a pretty condescending thing to say. It implies your decrement is so much better than anybody else's. That remains to be seen.

Thank you for your opinion.

Keep in mind though Behold that might be what some others would like to say to you.

That's not important.

So where exactly do you find your oasis of truth.

The Apostle Paul.
And the reason you don't know that is something you need to work on.
Then acknowledge it's not likewise important for people to take too seriously

But they do.
As there is noone on any Forum like me. And that is why they do.
You dont have to like it.

So, lets try this.
Tell me what cult you are in, ... is it Catholic, Mormon, JW, Scientology, Mary Baker Eddy.....TULIP Hyper Calvinism?

What is your "church"... as if you'll tell me then i'll know what you believe and why, and then we can have a real conversation, and i can help you.
And if you think you dont need help, then think again, @Rockson.
See, my Threads attract people who need help, and that is why you showed up, tho you just want to argue is what you think.
But its more then that..
Believe it.

If you are ashamed to tell me, then run along .
But they do.
I SAID take you too seriously. I never said they NEVER do if you make some good points.
As there is noone on any Forum like me.
So what makes you pride yourself in thinking you're so unique? Do you think 100 % what you say about everything is correct? I'll give you I haven't known many that will hold that position abut everything but perhaps a few.

You dont have to like it.
Sure and they don't have to accept what you're claiming either if they're seeking to make their assessments based on the word of God.
So, lets try this.
Tell me what cult you are in, ...
No how about we try this. How about you knock off even trying to imply someone is in a cult merely because you've been challenged with something.

What is your "church"... as if you'll tell me then i'll know what you believe and why,
No you wouldn't. You just wouldn't! There's a lot of people that go to churches that don't necessarily believe everything right down to every last detail of what a church claims they believe. (eg the when of the rapture, ;are certain things for today or not, healing, gifts of the Spirit and the list can go on an on) My point? You can assess what one believes by the case they make for a position by the word of God on this board. Correct me if I'm wrong It seems you're way of doing ;things is stereo typing people. You might consider dialing that back.

and then we can have a real conversation, and i can help you.
Sorry but you can have REAL conversations with people on here on the basis of them telling you what they believe and why.
And if you think you dont need help, then think again,
I have NEVER ever claimed in over 60 years that I might not need help about something. I don't however accept someone's claim that I do and take it too seriously NOR SHOULD ANYONE ELSE. What case are you making that validates your assertion......if it doesn't line up with actual scripture it should go in the trash. If it does....something to maybe consider.

See, my Threads attract people who need help, and that is why you showed up,
Well do you see what you've done right here? ;You've made an assumption and you've made an assertion which just isn't so. So you claim I showed up for I felt I needed help in knowing about The Devil? (that is what you're thread title is)
But I didn't show up for that reason. I clicked it on merely to see what the poster yourself was saying about it. Is it possible that something you might have said I might find enlightening. Perhaps...perhaps not. But I did not show up for the reason you're asserting.
If you are ashamed to tell me, then run along .
Knock it off. This is a message board and NO ONE has a right to tell anyone to run along. And sorry but your assertions are very arrogant. There's no way you can assume somebody is ashamed of their church merely because they won't yield to your compulsion of telling you ;where they go.. One has liberty to say or not say or tell or not tell and even if I told you that still doesn't tell you what I believe.
So what makes you pride yourself in thinking you're so unique?

You said im unique.
Thank you.

Ive not said anything like this..
What i said is that noone else on any Forum, can do what i do.
Because im of a different generation and my Theology is not contemporary, and my Call from God is mine.
Its what im to do..

Now...Look this up.

"Pauline Theology".

(Google) and then that'll confuse you, and i can help you with that also..

Do you think 100 % what you say about everything is correct?

I teach "the simplicity that is in Christ" according to Paul's Doctrine.

This is always 100% correct.

You dont know what that is, so, you are in no position to try to finger point, in my direction.

You need to re- set your mind to "learn"., as you have a lot to learn, and I can help you.

Let me assure you that when the NT says that God's gives "teachers", ... that this is true.
And the reason He does is so that you dont stay stuck in a cult, or stay here.

Hebrews 6:1

Sure and they don't have to accept what you're claiming either if they're seeking to make their assessments based on the word of God.

And if you knew any, you'll hear me.
See, you are not yet a deep Student of the NT, and that is being proven by the fact that you are not able to recognize that what im teaching is Paul's Theology.
I can help you.

No how about we try this. How about you knock off even trying to imply someone is in a cult merely because you've been challenged with something.

How about you not being ashamed of your "church" and telling me what it is, instead of trying to hide it?

You dont have to be afraid., but if you want to continue to hide what "church" you belong to.. then you certainly may @Rockson

If i were you, id probably want to hide it also.

No you wouldn't. You just wouldn't! There's a lot of people that go to churches

Not interested in that point of view.

You dont need more "church".
Thats pretty obvious.

Sorry but you can have REAL conversations with people on here on the basis of them telling you what they believe and why.

Again, thank you for your opinion.

I have NEVER ever claimed in over 60 years that I might not need help about something.

Yes, i told you that.
Thanks again....for the confirmation.
And remember...

"arguing is not the same as learning".

I don't however accept someone's claim that I do and take it too seriously NOR SHOULD ANYONE ELSE.

What i do is Teach.
See my Thread's for an update.
No one is making you read what i write.
But if you do, you'll learn some things, and the best thing you can do, is ask questions about things you want to know that are related to the NT.

Now, you are wanting to argue.
So, instead.
Let me show you what you need to study, as if you were in my Classroom.

You need to study these verses, as they will really help you, once they become your "sound" Theology.

Romans 3:21-28
Hebrews 13:9
2 Corinthians 5:19
John 3:17
Romans 4: 8

Knock it off. This is a message board and NO ONE has a right to tell anyone to run along.

Are you on my Thread or am i on yours?

So, as you are on MY Thread, you are here because of what I WROTE.

Dont forget that... and i would appreciate it, if you could at least TRY to write ONE POST that is related to the Thread's Topic.
Try that.
Give that a shot. @Rockson , as then you'l have a LEGIT reason to keep talking to me.
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You said im unique.
Thank you.
Remember that can be taken in a not so good way too that you can uniquely be being foolish in thinking you're infallible about everything. One can think more highly than they ought about themselves.
Ive not said anything like this..
What i said is that noone else on any Forum, can do what i do.
Because im of a different generation and my Theology is not contemporary, and my Call from God is mine.
OOOOOOOOOK. You'll forgive us though if we assess based on scriptures' as to whether your claim has any credibility or not and for us not to be afraid in telling you it doesn't? Or would you go to the noble Bereans and tell them they have no right to assess with the scriptures whether what you're saying is correct?

Its what im to do..
Perhaps. Perhaps not. Let's look at what you've got to say.
(Google) and then that'll confuse you, and i can help you with that also..
:) You do make me smile when you say that. Look I've been using google since they first came around about 99/2000 and everybody else was using Yahoo. Trust me I don't think Google will confuse me.
I teach "the simplicity that is in Christ" according to Paul's Doctrine.

This is always 100% correct.
Whether you're preaching the gospel according to Paul is a matter to be assessed.
You need to re- set your mind to "learn"., as you have a lot to learn, and I can help you.
Perhaps I do. Perhaps I don't. So bring to the table what you want to say. Oh and A....others may be able to help you too regardless as to whether you think you need such right now or not. At least consider it.
Let me assure you that when the NT says that God's gives "teachers", ... that this is true.
And the reason He does is so that you dont stay stuck in a cult, or stay here.
True.....and oh you too if you're in one.
How about you not being ashamed of your "church" and telling me what it is, instead of trying to hide it?

I've already told you. I'd suggest it's an arrogant thing for you to assert one is ashamed of telling you something they don't need to do. I think I probably have on this site told people the type of church I go to.....I have on other boards. Never had ever a concern not to but my point is true. You CAN read how I respond to your posts and teaching and KNOW what I believe. If I told you what institutional church I go to you can go down a rabbit hole and claiming I believe A, B, C, D and E and make me have to spend considerable time explaining that's not what I believe. You CAN however go to my posts and SEE WHAT I BELIEVE.
You dont have to be afraid.,
I'd say you don't have to be afraid in admitting that you're wrong in making the charges that you do. I like to believe I am a forgiving type of individual so no worries.

If i were you, id probably want to hide it also.
If you were me you'd be acknowledging that your assumptions and assertions are unfounded.
But if you do, you'll learn some things, and the best thing you can do, is ask questions about things you want to know that are related to the NT.
Come on Maaaaan! (Joe Biden saying) This is a message board. This is not a teaching, indoctrination seminar! The best thing that people should do here is if they have reservations about what you're teaching they can likewise show to you scriptures that demonstrate to you that perhaps you're wrong. ;And don't put that down as someone who is in an unjust way just wanting to argue.
Let me show you what you need to study, as if you were in my Classroom.
If you demonstrate what you say has credibility people might rightly want to consider that. Your place here therefore is to demonstrate such.
Give that a shot. @Rockson , as then you'l have a LEGIT reason to keep talking to me.
I'd say it can be a VERY LEGIT reason to respond to your posts if you're making assertions which are beyond reasonable so that others wouldn't be taken in. Unfortunately there are many who will just accept any Tom, Dick or Harry who comes along making claims they're God's mouth piece to a generation. The scriptures say don't be so ignorant to accept that.
I'd say you don't have to be afraid in admitting that you're wrong

Whenever you want to learn some bible, just let me know.

I can help you.
Ive helped thousands.
And all of them start just like you, generally..
The get "offended" and those who are smart, actually go and read my Threads.
And if you will take that time.....then that will give you the proof that im not just some casual forum member who is trying to get you to chase the law and commandment to try to save yourself.

Here let me give you a teaching and you can study this.... if you have time.

And here is what you need to know.
I dont cut and paste other people's theology..
You wont find that i post verses, as most what i do is speak the verses in my Threads, and if you know some NT, then you'll recognize that im quoting Paul, all the time, but i dont quote the Chapter and Verse.... all the time.
Im not going to post to you, "church fathers" or "what scholarship thinks" as my proof text.
I also dont correct the word of God, with "koine greek" as you find the FAKIRS doing here, and on other forums, who can't even read K. Greek while they pretend to be a Greek Teacher.
And so you know, i dont use commentaries.

That means, when you read my posts and if you study my Threads, then what you are reading is what i was writing, when i was writing it, right then.

I post what i teach my Students.

Here is one for you. @Rockson


Lets find out if you are trusting in Christ or trusting in self, falsely believing you are trusting in Christ.


God said...... If you take Jesus, I'll take you.

That's the Gospel.
Now....The technical part, the theology of it all, can sometimes get in the way of the simple truth of it.

God said, ""if you take my Son into your heart, believing, i'll make you my Son/Daughter forever = because you once did.""

Being born again, is proof you have given God what He required, and He gave you what He promised.
Its done.
Being born again, is the proof that you have become "in Christ" " One with God'... and now have Eternal Life.

See how SIMPLE that is??
Just you, Jesus, and God.

= "the simplicity that is in Christ".

You take Jesus, = God takes you.
You BELIEVE, and God does the rest for you, as it His Salvation you are being Given as a GIFT.
WE all come to God as a sinner, ungodly, hell bound, and God rescues us from Hell, saves us forever, and gives us Eternal Life through Christ.
= The GIFT of Salvation.

Notice that God did it all?
You part is to let Him.
That is Real FAITH.

Another view...

Lets say there is no bible, no theology, no seminary, no denominations, and all there is on this earth, is just people who have sinned.
God says to us all..."I can't have a relationship with you, as my Spirit is Holy, and your spirit is not..
= Your Sin has separated us, and i am going to offer my Son for you, for ALL your sin, so that by this eternal sin offering, (The Cross of Christ).. i can have you as my own Son/Daughter....forever "

God says...>"will you take my Son into your heart, believing what i just told you ??
Will you let my Son Jesus die for all your sin, so that i can have you as my Son/Daughter, forever" ??
"Will you give me your TRUST ???? as "faith is counted as (Christ's) righteousness and you will be "justified by faith".

Reader.... @Rockson = Have you said "yes"? Do you remember that day, moment that you TRUSTED IN CHRIST?

That is : "The simplicity that is IN Christ"..

= You take JESUS, and God takes you.
God offers His Son on The Cross, to eternally establish you as His Son/Daughter..
This is the Blood Atonement doing that for you.
This is the eternal redemption that is found only "in Christ". John 14:6

Reader, what is your part in God's Salvation?
You are to receive it, by faith.
That's YOUR part. and nothing more, unless you can die on the Cross for all your sin.
I wouldn't try it, if i were you.

You are to receive God's "GIFT of Salvaiton">... by BELIEVING That God will do what He said,.... always keeping your eyes on Jesus who is made unto you, RIGHTEOUSNESS, Redemption... Eternal Life, Eternal Forgiveness, Sanctification, and Justification.

GOD told us, If you will take my Son, i will make you forever mine....forever.
Do you trust Him?

Reader.....Jesus proved this is all True when He rose from the Dead.
And He did.
Jesus is ALIVE !.


""all that Call......all that Come....all that WILL.. I will make you Mine Forever, God says."" John 3:16
Whenever you want to learn some bible, just let me know.
Haha.....well you can let me know too for the same thing. I'm usually always around here somewhere.
I can help you.
Well it's good if I took the time to read what you say and I'd find that would be true. Not claiming I need your help or don't need it. Put on the table what you think you have to offer and we'll see.
Ive helped thousands.
;Ha. Sounds like the claim some made about Saul and David. Saul has slain his thousands but David his tens of thousands. So you're thinking you're in the thousand range?
And all of them start just like you, generally..
Start off like me what?
The get "offended" and those who are smart, actually go and read my Threads.
Look Behold you might find it more inclined with wisdom to let somebody else blow your horn instead of yourself. Prov 27:2
Lets find out if you are trusting in Christ or trusting in self, falsely believing you are trusting in Christ.
OK let's do that. Or we could find out where your doctrine is not totally sound. Lets go ahead then.
Doing so. :)
God said...... If you take Jesus, I'll take you.

That's the Gospel.
Now....The technical part, the theology of it all, can sometimes get in the way of the simple truth of it. haven't even touched upon what salvation is based as in the substitionary work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Understanding that that he took our sin and gave us his righteousness, and that the precious blood of Jesus has blotted out our sins. You can't just tell people take Jesus and he'll take you.
All I can say is WOW:devilish:

Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Matthew 16:23

Heavenly Father, Your warriors prepare for battle. Today we claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God.

We put on the Girdle of Truth! May we stand firm in the truth of Your Word so we will not be a victim of Satan's lies.

We put on the Breastplate of Righteousness! May it guard our hearts from evil so we will remain pure and holy, protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.

We put on the Shoes of Peace! May we stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel so Your peace will shine through us and be a light to all we encounter.

We take the Shield of Faith! May we be ready for Satan's fiery darts of doubt, denial, and deceit so we will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.

We put on the Helmet of Salvation! May we keep our minds focused on You so Satan will not have a stronghold on our thoughts.

We take the Sword of the Spirit! May the two-edged sword of Your Word be ready in our hands so we can expose the tempting words of Satan.

By faith your warriors have put on the whole armor of God! We are prepared to live this day in spiritual victory! Amen!! haven't even touched upon what salvation is based as in the substitionary work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Finally, you suggested a Legit question.
I appreciate this, as everything else you've posted is just noise.

So, here you go.

2 Corinthians 5:20

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were (and is) making an appeal through us; we earnestly plead with you on behalf of Christ, come and BE reconciled to God."""

Reader.... and @Rockson

"BE reconciled to God"

"BE" means "BELIEVE" = and your "faith is counted as Righteousness" and you will be "Justified by faith"., without water and without works.

= "The GIFT of Salvation".

Once you = BELIEVE (FAITH in Christ)...., God will forgive all your sin, and eternally reconcile you to Himself through the finished work "SACRIFICE" = of Jesus on the Cross.

This is the New Covenant.

This is the New Testament

This is the Blood Atonement.

Understand ? @Rockson

WE, the Christians are to tell the unbelieving world to come and "BE Reconciled to God" as Jesus has made it possible by shedding His blood and dying for all their/our sin.

This is the "Preaching of the Cross", that is the Gospel of THE Grace of God., which is: = "the POWER of God, unto SALVATION".
Finally, you suggested a Legit question.
I appreciate this, as everything else you've posted is just noise.
Sorry but that was merely for the reason to drown out the 7-10 things you said that were the same. I can list them but how about we just get to what substance you have to say.

-2 Corinthians 5:20

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were (and is) making an appeal through us; we earnestly plead with you on behalf of Christ, come and BE reconciled to God."""

Reader.... and @Rockson

"BE reconciled to God"

"BE" means "BELIEVE" = and your "faith is counted as Righteousness" and you will be "Justified by faith"., without water and without works.

= "The GIFT of Salvation".

Once you = BELIEVE (FAITH in Christ)...., God will forgive all your sin, and eternally reconcile you to Himself through the finished work "SACRIFICE" = of Jesus on the Cross.

This is the New Covenant.

This is the New Testament

This is the Blood Atonement.

Understand ? @Rockson
Sure and I did understand this years before you posted this. So why did you post this,

That's the Gospel.
Now....The technical part, the theology of it all, can sometimes get in the way of the simple truth of it.

Now I don't want to criticize you just for the sake of criticizing you. But the gospel IS NOT just you take Jesus and he'll take you. This gospel is preaching about the substitutionary work that Jesus did on he cross. Paul preached Christ and him crucified. 1 Cor 2:2 so I'd advise you NOT to say that the technical part of theology that it can get in the way. Now you be open to receive help yourself and except this as a sound exhortation.
WE, the Christians are to tell the unbelieving world to come and "BE Reconciled to God" as Jesus has made it possible by shedding His blood and dying for all their/our sin.

This is the "Preaching of the Cross", that is the Gospel of THE Grace of God., which is: = "the POWER of God, unto SALVATION".
Very good but lets see if you understand how Rom 10:9,10 applies to all of this.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Rom 10:9,10

So tell me what it means that confession is made-----> unto salvation.
Exactly how does one see the devil? Does he have a body? Like a tail and carrying a pitchfork. Horns and pointed ears. I always thought that the devil is an invisible spirit person, which means that he does not have a physical appearance.

Like what it says in Ephesians 6:12 because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.

Exactly how does one see the devil?
Really not significant or having any relevance as to how he looks as in image to our physical eyes but rather what are his ways and devices we need to be aware of. Paul said we're not to be ignorant of these things. 2 Cor 2:11
Like what it says in Ephesians 6:12 because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.
. We do have the ability and capacity to walk in the Spirit and in practice overcome devil forces but word of warning though....we are to be sober and vigilant 1 Pt 5:8,12 and doing our part to develop God's spiritual strength in us by daily fellowship with God in prayer and feeding our spirits with God's word.
I see what you're saying. Like when people say don't look for the devil under every rock. It's just an expression right? And then there's the opposite where some people totally disregard any reference to Satan and just ignore that part of the spiritual Realm.
It just might be possible to see the devil in the eyes of a murderous psychopath. Those dead, cold, dark, empty eyes.

There was a kid in school, who was deeply involved in gangs and Meth. On every level he was a “bad apple,” although for some reason I was able to establish some form of positive relationship with him.

One day, he went off the rails and was flailing, screaming, and hitting everyone and everything in sight. I attempted to intervene and calm him down, and when I did he looked at me and I froze.

He looked liked he could have killed me right then and there and then had a bag of Doritos. There was nothing but emptiness in his eyes. Nothing. Just deep dark emptiness.

This wasn’t drugs or anger. It was something else. Something dark and terrible. A complete lack of any feeling, emotion, or care.
It just might be possible to see the devil in the eyes of a murderous psychopath. Those dead, cold, dark, empty eyes.

There was a kid in school, who was deeply involved in gangs and Meth. On every level he was a “bad apple,” although for some reason I was able to establish some form of positive relationship with him.

One day, he went off the rails and was flailing, screaming, and hitting everyone and everything in sight. I attempted to intervene and calm him down, and when I did he looked at me and I froze.

He looked liked he could have killed me right then and there and then had a bag of Doritos. There was nothing but emptiness in his eyes. Nothing. Just deep dark emptiness.

This wasn’t drugs or anger. It was something else. Something dark and terrible. A complete lack of any feeling, emotion, or care.
I know exactly what you're talking about. People like that kid you mentioned are usually labeled Psychopaths but I think they're demon possessed.
And regarding The Devil.

Once God has purchased us with the Blood of Jesus and we are "bought with a price" which is Christ's very life....
= The Devil has lost us, in one regard, and that is......He can't keep us out of Heaven.
So, He has "plan B", all ready and waiting, for the last 2000 yrs.
See, He's not new to this "Christian" thing. He was there when it Started as he watched The Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.
He managed it right to the end.
He thought that He had won the eternal war against God, once the Son of God was slain on the Tree, but that was his self deception, as this Crucifixion of The LORD Jesus, THE Christ, was OUR Victory and our Eternal Salvation.
Christ on the Cross was and is... the "Heel that crushed the serpent's head", that is revealed in GENESIS.
The Resurrection of Jesus proves its TRUE.
The Devil now knows this for the last 2000 yrs... and so, what he does now is very simple, yet so very very destructive.

= Satan KNOWS that he can't lead you to Hell if you are truly born again and not just water baptized and religious.... as the born again now exist as "seated in Heavenly places"... "in Christ".... BUT what he can do, is try to DECEIVE you out of the Gospel Truth and into multi-faceted "doctrines of devils".

Reader, most of you on this Forum, are continually being mentally assaulted with the Devil's work, as it is posted to you, endlessly as "Threads" and "posts" that seem to just be "disagreements" or "click bait Topic".
Its so much more and you can't discern it, because most of you have not been trained to see it and hear it.

That's why im here on the forum and on most of them.
To help you learn to HEAR the Devil's theology.

Listen , the Devil does not come to you with anything obvious.... as he is a spiritual snake, a veiled dark spirit, and His game is to mislead, misdirect, and manipulate you > using your own mind and self righteous tendencies.

Paul shows us in Hebrews (That Paul wrote) (never mind the scholars who are confused about this).... Paul shows us the one thing that is the Devil's masterplan for ruining the FAITH and Discipleship of a born again believer.

A.) What The Devil does, is he sends someone to you, on a Forum, or from a Pulpit, or from a TV Screen, or on an ONLINE "Christian" BLOG.. or in a Video, or in a commentary.... = to mislead you into a Grace denying belief system that is going to ruin your Christianity for life, and yet you'll BELIEVE you are "on Track" and "spirit filled and led" and "getting God's wisdom".. all of this.
How does the Devil do it?
Paul explains it like this...>"Who has BEWITCHED YOU< so that YOU No longer obey the TRUTH"...
= Satan brings to you "doctrines of devils" like Calvinism, or Mormonism or any "ism", and these all SEEM to be true.
Because the Devil has designed all his THEOLOGY around Truth. Its DISGUISED as Truth.
Its cunning, its clever, its dark and demonic and spiritual, but the LIGHT that it reveals IS DARK and not TRUTH.

See, Satan has read the Bible, He understands what Truth is, as He has known JESUS who is : THE TRUTH.....John 14:6.. but Satan can't be a part of it, as He FELL from Truth, and can't be born again. But He understands all about it, and He creates his lying theology so that its a hybrid.. Its a mix of truth and partial truths and its designed to cause your FLESH to feel good.
So, any type of Legalism, (Self Righteousness)... feels good to you, because Self Righteousness is Pride and pride feels good.
Pride feels GREAT, just like Sin feels GREAT.
So, The Devil created a lot of Theology that is This... = Pride.centered....... "all about me".. "all about what i do".. "all about how its all about me me me, doing it". Its all about me keeping this, and ME ME ME ME ME doing doing doing THAT, vs... "God did it for me, through Christ on the CROSS, and I believe it".
See that?
See the difference. ????
That ""ME"" Stuff..... is SELF Righteousness, and that is actually the Opposite of the Cross of Christ that is the Grace of God that is "the GIFT of Salvation".

Salvation is All of God, and none of you.
Salvation is "God did it, and we get it" = by FAITH.
Its "the GIFT of Righteousness" that is the "imputed Righteousness of Christ".

Listen to me..
Did you hang on the Cross and Die for your sin?
Then why do you think you can keep yourself saved by law keeping and commandment chasing and PERFORMING FOR GOD>.., when in fact, you could not save yourself to begin with... ???
See, if you could save yourself or keep yourself saved then WHY did Jesus have to come down here and DIE FOR YOU?

Some of you need to figure that out, ASAP., and keep it figured out.
Some of you need to get out of a CULT that is keeping you away from the Cross of Christ and the Grace of God.
That's a fact.

Now..Let me wind this short teaching up...

1.) The DEVIL's Gospel is..>"believe and perform"... Its "Keeping this, and doing that". "its getting Wet and joining a church"...

Its ""YOU DO IT""" "You finish it"......vs.. GOD DID IT FOR YOU = As Jesus dying on the CROSS..

Satan's Gospel is Self Righteous WORKS to try to save yourself and keep yourself saved..... Whereas The Gospel of the Grace of God is...>"a lost sinner is found by God's Salvation = WHO IS Jesus on the Cross". and this is "The Gift of Salvation" and "THE Gift of Righteousness", and "The Gift of Eternal Life".
One thing that Christians have not learned is that the CROSS is very offensive to the Jewish people. It's like using the 'N"
word towards a African American. The Jewish people has been severely persecuted by people who claimed to be followers
of Messiah whether they were the Crusaders, members of the Klu Klux Klan, and Inquisitors. Because of its association with people who persecuted them,the term "cross" became anathema to the Jewish people, even though what took place on it was the greatest statement
of Adonai's love to people in history--- Jews as well as Gentiles. The Jewish Messianic Bible uses the terms "execution stake",
"stake" or "tree" instead of "cross"
Galatians 5:11 – But if I, brothers, still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been removed.

Crucifixion was invented by the Persians around 500 B.C., perfected by the Romans in the days of Jesus, and not outlawed until the time of Emperor Constantine, who ruled Rome in the fourth century A.D. In the days of Jesus, crucifixion was reserved for the most horrendous criminals. Even the worst Romans were beheaded rather than crucified. The Jews also considered crucifixion the most horrific mode of death, as Deuteronomy 21:22–23 says: “And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree, his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall bury him the same day, for a hanged man is cursed by God.”

The ancient Jewish historian Josephus called crucifixion “the most wretched of deaths.”1 The ancient Roman philosopher Cicero asked that decent Roman citizens not even speak of the cross because it was too disgraceful a subject for the ears of decent people.

Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, German soldiers crucified Jews at Dachau by running bayonets and knives through their legs, shoulders, throats, and testicles. Under the leadership of Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge performed crucifixions in Cambodia. Today, crucifixion continues in Sudan and other places to treat Christians like Christ was treated.

The pain of crucifixion is so horrendous that a word was invented to explain it: excruciating literally means “from the cross”. A crucified person could hang on the cross for days, passing in and out of consciousness as their lungs struggled to breathe while laboring under the weight of their body. It was not uncommon for those being crucified to slump on the cross in an effort to empty their lungs of air and thereby hasten their death.

At this point during a crucifixion, the victims labored to breathe as their body went into shock. Naked and embarrassed, the victims would often use their remaining strength to seek revenge on the crowd of mockers who had gathered to jeer at them. They would curse at their tormentors while urinating on them and spitting on them. Some victims would become so overwhelmed with pain that they would become incontinent and a pool of sweat, blood, urine, and feces would gather at the base of their cross. Simply put, the cross was offensive.

Today, the cross remains offensive. In every generation, there is a parade of false teachers who like to teach that Jesus died only to be an example for us when facing injustice, and not as our substitute in our place for our sins.

In Paul’s day, and every day since, the cross remains offensive for one simple reason. The cross of Jesus Christ is the utter repudiation of human potential. If we were good people, had good hearts, and were evolving to fix our lives and right our wrongs, then Jesus’ death was a complete waste of time.

At the cross we see the heart of all humanity as we murdered God. At the cross we also see the heart of God as He died to give us grace.

Do you find the cross, and its’ repudiation of human potential, as an offense?

Wilbur M. Smith, The Incomparable Book
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