

LUKE 12:37
Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching.

Jesus tells a story of two slaves who work for an absentee master. One slave is good and faithful, and the other is
evil and faithless. The good slave represents believers who will be on the earth before the Lord’s return, while the evil servant represents unbelievers. Every person in the world holds his life, his possessions, and his abilities in trust from God, and they will all be held accountable to the Lord for what they have done with that trust. In the case of this evil servant, the dominant attitude is one of calloused procrastination. He doesn’t believe the master is going to come back anytime soon, so he has no motivation to cease doing evil. Christ’s words warn him to be careful because he doesn’t know the schedule.

A man told me not long ago that he wanted to become a Christian, but it wasn’t convenient for him right now. Well, because it wasn’t convenient for that man to accept Christ, it won’t be convenient for him to get into heaven.

There is going to be a day when that decision has to be made or it will no longer be available. If you haven’t trusted Him yet, why don’t you do it today? Receive Him as your Savior and your Lord.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

LUKE 15:20
And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.

One writer I read said that the way parents treat their children in daily living has more impact on their children’s spiritual development than the family’s religious practices, including having a family altar, reading the Bible together, and attending church services regularly.
Parenting is a difficult job. But we need to remember that when the rebellious son in Luke 15 came to himself, he found a loving father waiting for him at home. That father had probably made mistakes in his parenting, but he did not stop loving either of his two sons—and the younger son, at least, knew it.

Sometimes the stress of parenting makes us want to stop loving and leave. But if we remain, and continue to love, we do more to negate the chances of rebellion in our children than anything we could ever do. May God help us to love our children as He loves us.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

PSALM 2:12
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.

Do you remember learning to ride a bicycle? It was a trust issue—nothing more, nothing less. There came a time when you had to take the training wheels off, place your feet on the pedals, and allow that bike to take flight down the street.
No textbook, no parental word of advice would accomplish the mission. But once you made the leap of faith—you never again lost the aptitude for bike riding. Why? Trust.

To experience the fullness of worship, we must trust the One we worship. And to trust Him, we must know Him. Have you ever felt as if you knew all the facts about God, but your prayers never passed the ceiling? Have you ever sung a hymn without being able to bring the words to life? Have you ever realized that your morning devotions have become a dry Bible study rather than a warm visit with your heavenly Father?

We need truth, and we need sound theology. The right information is essential. But above all else, we need relationship. Once we’ve come into His powerful and loving presence, we’ll never struggle to trust Him again—any more than we’ll have to take a refresher course in bike riding.

Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

PSALM 71:6
By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother’s womb.

We have the theology for prosperity down pat, but sooner or later our prosperity will give way to adversity. If you don’t have your theology finely tuned for that part of your life, you won’t do well. Unexpected, unannounced, uncharted, unplanned—adversity comes to everyone.

Every believer should be able to review the compassion of God. Stop and think about all the paths God has led you down like a shepherd throughout your spiritual life. God has been faithful to you! Is there any reason you have to doubt His faithfulness now? As the psalmist says, from our mother’s womb God took us and He has upheld us from our birth.

Even if we have been a believer for only a matter of days or weeks, the grace of God has brought us life and health and strength. God’s past faithfulness and compassion toward us is a heritage upon which we build our faith in the future.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

2 SAMUEL 22:33
God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect.

I have little power, but God has all power. If it is going to be, it is going to be up to Him. Not only does He have the power to bring things into existence, but to keep them out of existence as well. I have conceived a lot of things in my mind that God, in His wisdom and by His grace, has kept me from having. He has the power to do both.

So every day I need to end my prayer saying, “Lord, I know that, first of all, You are in control. Thank You. My life may seem out of control, but You are not. You are in control.” The throne in heaven is not empty. God is there, seated and in sovereign control. He said a word and the worlds were made. He spoke and the moon and stars were flung out into space. He’s an awesome, almighty, powerful God.

And my prayer links me with Him. I don’t have to get up every morning and psych myself up for the day, because God’s power is always there. All I’ve got to do is plug into Him.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

The desire of the lazy man kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.

Billy Graham tells this of his upbringing: “I was taught that laziness was one of the worst evils, and there was dignity and honor in labor. I could abandon myself enthusiastically to milking the cows, cleaning out the latrines, and shoveling manure, not because they were pleasant jobs, but because sweaty labor held its own satisfaction.”

Through godly rearing, Billy Graham developed the valuable character quality of diligence. A diligent man is one who works hard at every task, no matter how important or how menial. He uses his time efficiently and always puts forth his best work. Though he may feel sluggish at times, he refuses to be a sluggard. He is a man ruled by discipline, not feelings.

Against the backdrop of people who avoid work, cut corners, and do half-hearted jobs, a diligent man stands out. Practicing diligence is an excellent way to stand out for Christ at home, in the workplace, and even at church. Today, complete each one of your tasks, however big or small, with diligence.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

1 PETER 4:10
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

Ministry” and “service” are from the same Greek word and mean essentially the same thing. There is no ministry apart from service. No one can have an impact in ministry who is not also willing to serve, to be a servant.

There is always a price tag attached to service. It might be health; it might be convenience; it might be aggravation; it might be humility. Whatever the cost, it is what adorns the neck of those who minister.

Ministry in the church is like being a parent. The most successful parents are those who learn to sacrifice for their children. And while we parents think our children never are going to realize what we have sacrificed in service to them, they eventually do. And what we have sacrificed for them comes back to us as the fruit of a close and intimate relationship with them. And it’s the same way in ministry in the church. The more we give of ourselves in ministry to others, the more we will get back in return. I heard the speaker John Maxwell say once, “If you are going to go up, you have to give up.” There is no way to advance in ministry without giving of ourselves.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.

A person who is a good person is an individual of lofty ideals, noble purposes, strong character, reliable conduct and trustworthy integrity. The only one who truly embodies all of those characteristics is Jesus Christ.

We come to understand the word goodness as we see it alongside the word righteousness. Someone has said that justice is what God gives to us that we deserve. Goodness goes beyond that and is that which God gives us beyond what we deserve.

The great characteristic of goodness as it is found in relationship with righteousness is generosity. It is what a person gets that isn’t deserved. It is what God gives to a person that could never be earned. Goodness in its relationship to righteousness teaches us about generosity.

You don’t have to be rich to be generous. But what do you do with what you have? We need to take a good long look at our lives and ask God how our attitudes have been to the needs around us. If we’ve been protective and closefisted, we need to say, “God, by the grace You will give me, I will change.” Begin to bear fruit in your life, the fruit of a generous spirit.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

The desire of the lazy man kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.

Billy Graham tells this of his upbringing: “I was taught that laziness was one of the worst evils, and there was dignity and honor in labor. I could abandon myself enthusiastically to milking the cows, cleaning out the latrines, and shoveling manure, not because they were pleasant jobs, but because sweaty labor held its own satisfaction.”

Through godly rearing, Billy Graham developed the valuable character quality of diligence. A diligent man is one who works hard at every task, no matter how important or how menial. He uses his time efficiently and always puts forth his best work. Though he may feel sluggish at times, he refuses to be a sluggard. He is a man ruled by discipline, not feelings.

Against the backdrop of people who avoid work, cut corners, and do half-hearted jobs, a diligent man stands out. Practicing diligence is an excellent way to stand out for Christ at home, in the workplace, and even at church. Today, complete each one of your tasks, however big or small, with diligence.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

ISAIAH 30:15
In quietness and confidence will be your strength.

Have you ever felt like a goldfish swimming around in a blender full of water—with someone’s finger on the “high” switch? Many of us are altogether too busy, running on overdrive, overextended in our schedules and underdeveloped in our souls. Instead of green pastures and still waters, we’re accustomed to clogged freeways and blaring cell phones.

King Solomon is a good example of a man who was so busy in the work of God that he neglected his walk with God. The result? He developed a great empire and a lean soul.The Lord is more concerned with our relationship with Him than with our productivity for Him, and the wise person knows that a healthy soul requires a certain amount of “quiet” and “still” and “rest.”

“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while,” Jesus told the disciples in Mark 6:31. “Be still and know that I am God,” advises the Lord in Psalm 46:10.

Is something in your life consuming you, pulling you away from intimacy with God? Are you too busy for your own good? A man had a plaque installed on his dashboard that read “Beware the Barrenness of Busyness.” Why not take a deep breath, get away from all distractions, open your Bible, and commune with Him right now?

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

MARK 11:25
If you have anything against anyone, forgive him.

It’s impossible to have a good marriage without learning how to forgive because it’s impossible to have a marriage without hurting one another at one time or another. Why? Because both partners are flawed human beings. Someone has said that the six most important words in a marriage are, “I admit I made a mistake.” Do you know how hard it is to say those words?

Forgiveness is at the very core of relationships within the home and within the church. Whether someone has something against us or we have something against another, we are to be the proactive ones and forgive, restoring the relationship. In an ideal world, when there had been some discord or hurt in a marriage, a husband and wife ought to run into each other as they are both going to seek the forgiveness of the other, restoring harmony in the relationship.

Can you imagine a marriage that would not prosper if it were built on communication and conversation that is trustworthy, gentle, open, kind, and forgiving? While staying married is a worthy goal, a better goal is to be married—and happily so!

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

1 TIMOTHY 1:16
For this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe in Him for everlasting life.

You’ve probably heard the great American prayer: “God give me patience, and I want it NOW!” We are constantly being reminded that everything can be done in a hurry. Yet God says He wants to teach us to wait.

God wants to develop within us a quality of being patient and longsuffering. Someone has defined long-suffering as a long holding out of the mind before it gives way to action or passion. It is the power to see things through.

If there is any quality we need in our lives today, it is patience. It is the hardest of all the qualities for us to learn today because we think everything has to be done quickly. But it is the virtue I believe is closest to the heart of God. God is a God of longsuffering, patience, and for-bearance.

A person who has the fruit of longsuffering is patient with people who nag. He or she does not criticize and irritate when criticized and irritated. This person does not disappear when frustrated or angered. Patience, longsuffering, knows how to sit still and wait its turn. It is slow to retaliate and does not seek to get even. It waits patiently with joy.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

1 JOHN 1:3
You also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

A famous British playwright was leaving Liverpool by ship. He noticed that the other passengers were waving to friends on the dock. Just before the ship was to leave, he rushed down to the dock and stopped a little boy. “Would you wave to me if I pay you?” he asked the boy. “Of course,” he agreed.

The writer gave him a few shillings, then ran back aboard and leaned over the rail. Sure enough, the boy was waving to him. The playwright disliked solitude and loneliness so much that he had gone so far as to create an artificial friend. To him, though, even the semblance of friendship was better than the crushing loneliness he felt.

The key to assurance in life is fellowship. Fellowship with people locks out the grim feelings of loneliness. And fellowship with God keeps away the threat of eternal solitude.

In this epistle, John wanted to make it clear to his readers that they could fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. He stressed the importance of love: Since Christians have experienced the love of God in their lives, they have no need to fear either in this life or in the life to come.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

True peace gives not only a calm exterior, but a very quiet inside as well. Peace seems to be an elusive quality that everyone chases after and few people find.

Romans 5:1 says, “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God.” What does that mean? Is God my enemy? Have I been at war with God? God is holy and humans are sinful. They are on different sides. As creatures apart from God, we are at enmity with God.

But the Bible says God provided Jesus Christ that we might have peace with God. I see that picture so beautifully illustrated by the cross itself. Pointing up to heaven, it pictures that Jesus Christ, the God/Man, reached up and took the hand of the Father. Pointing down toward earth, it pictures that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, reached down and took hold of fallen human beings. With one hand in the hand of God and the other hand in the hand of man, the only unique personality who was God and man brought the two together and made peace between God and man.

He is our peace. He is the Prince of Peace because He is the One who solved the enmity between us and God. Accept Him and you have peace with God.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

We all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

The judgment seat of Christ is not about the judgment for your sin. The Bible tells us that judgment already took place at the cross of Jesus Christ. There is nothing anyone can ever do to you about your sin, because God did it to His Son in your behalf. Christ was condemned for us. That is what we read in Galatians 1:4: “Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age.”

One of the most commonly asked questions about this is, “How can someone have his sins forgiven and still have his works reviewed at the judgment seat of Christ?” Forgiveness is about justification, while rewards are about the things we do as justified people. These are not works which are done for justification. Because each believer must stand before the judgment seat of Christ, we have no right to judge the work of other believers.

We do not even know the rewards we’re going to receive, so how in the world would we know what rewards anybody else would receive? We do not know enough about anyone else’s motive of heart or faithfulness to know what they would even deserve. And I promise you, when it all comes out, there will be a lot of surprises!

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

[God] canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

There are two decrees in the Book of Esther: the decree of death and the decree of life.
One of the things we learn in studying the Bible is that God has a way to save sinners. You can’t go to heaven by your own good works. You can’t ever be good enough to go to heaven.

The Bible says, “You must be born again.” The reason you must be born again is because a decree has been written that the wages of sin is death. The decree has been written that no one can go to heaven with his sin.
God will not overturn that decree.

We violate God the day we are born because of our own sin that we inherited. But the good news is that, just as the decree in Persia was overruled by another decree, God has given us another decree. That decree is that if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be saved.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

He did not do many works there because of their unbelief.

Unbelief is the greatest obstacle to the expression of faith in the life of Christians. Unbelief has ruined the vision of more people than any other single characteristic. One of the reasons so many churches settle for mediocrity is because they are limited by their unbelief.

We ought to pray every day, both corporately and as individuals, that God would never limit us through our own unbelief. Sometimes we set barriers on our lives because we won’t believe great things. Matthew 13:58 tells of Jesus coming to Nazareth and not doing many miracles “because of their unbelief.” The greatest problem we face in churches is the problem of unbelief. Doubt creeps into the hearts of those who should be walking in faith and trusting God for His provision.

Unbelief settles into their lives like a dark cloud, wiping out God’s plan and destroying the opportunity for His miracle-making power to take place. There will always be confrontation with unbelief for anyone willing to do great things for God.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God


Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

There are two kinds of stress that people need to deal with. First is the stress of sin which is relieved when we come to Christ initially. But second is the stress that accumulates when we don’t live our lives under Christ’s Lordship. That is the cause of the vast majority of the stress that Christians live with daily. To use Jesus’ own words, it is the stress that comes from not taking Jesus’ yoke upon us.

A yoke suggests a picture of oxen linked together pulling a common plow. That’s not really what His words mean. Taking on a yoke was a rabbinical expression meaning to become a disciple of someone. Therefore, He is saying, “Come and be My disciple. Begin to let your life be patterned after the dictates of My life and My soul. Come and get involved in submission to Me in Lordship. Take My yoke upon you.”
Jesus, as the victorious Lord, the King of kings, is inviting us to be His disciples, to let Him rule over our lives.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God

This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations.

I remember when television first came out. Many Christians shunned it, believing it was run by the prince of the power of the air. The evil one certainly had his influence in that medium (and still does), but why not use television as a means to proclaim the good news? Why not use radio? Why not use print? Why not use the Internet? Why not use any means at hand to take the message of the gospel and spread it throughout the whole world? The farther the better. The faster the better. The sooner the better. Until He comes!

What Jesus was saying to His disciples was this: “While I was on this earth, I was localized, I could only touch individual men and women in My travels and speak to a few local audiences. But believe Me, after I am gone and the Holy Spirit comes to fill and empower My sons and daughters, then My ministry will be as far spread as Christians are.”

So wherever there is a Christian, there is Christ. Wherever there is a believer, there is ministry

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God


So when this … mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”

People addicted to the need for recognition want their name to live forever. A famous real estate developer in our day has built and acquired numerous properties and buildings in New York City and attached his name to all of them. Perhaps he thinks if he can get his name on enough things he will be immortal and that, after his death, his name will live on. The problem is that moth and rust eventually corrupt, and thieves break in and steal (Matthew 6:19). To what will the name be attached then?

If you know the Word of God, you know that immortality does not come from our achievements, but from a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. While it is true that every person will live forever, only those in Christ will truly live.

If you know the Lord, you don’t have to worry about immortality. It’s yours. God has given it to you as part of your gift of eternal life. You don’t have to do all the things people do today to make sure they are remembered forever. If you live and die in Jesus Christ, you will be immortal.

David Jeremiah, Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God
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