Run from : All THESE


Well-known member
1.) Run from anyone who tells you that you have to be water baptized to go to Heaven.

2.) Run from anyone who says that "you can lose your salvation"

3.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Mary ascended to Heaven, as a perpetual virgin, and is now "co-equal" with Jesus regarding the "work of redemption".

4.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Dead faith" is "dead Salvation".

5.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Jesus started your salvation, and now you get to try to complete it"

6.) Run from anyone who teaches that "confessing sin, then repeating it" is "Real Christianity".

7.) Run from anyone who teaches that you are to "Live in a state of repentance".

8.) Run from anyone who teaches that "your bible is filled with errors, and now let me show you the Greek that i can't actually read"..

9.) Run from anyone who teaches that taking communion unworthily, can cause your death.

10.) Run from John Calvinism and never look back.

11.) Run from anyone who says...>"The bible is just a book".

12.) Run from anyone who says..."you can't really know for sure if you are saved, or if you are going to heaven".

13.) Run from anyone who says that you have to "endure to the end" if you want to go to heaven.

14.) Run from anyone who says that Acts 2:38 is the real Gospel.

15.) Run from anyone who teaches that "doing righteousness" is being righteous."

16.) Run from anyone who says..>"God saved you so that you can now go and keep the Law".

17.) Run from anyone who says that you can't get married, again.

18.) Run from anyone who says that a literal Hell and Lake of Fire does not exist.

19.) Run from anyone who teaches Preterism.

20.) Run from anyone who says that Satan does not exist, or no longer has any power.

21.) Run from anyone who teaches that We'll all be saved in the end... everyone.
7.) Run from anyone who teaches that you are to "Live in a state of repentance".

Many from the OP I agree with, while some I am just not sure what they mean.
In #7 above I don't see a problem with living in a state of repentance. Perhaps you can explain more by what you mean in #7.

Thank you.
Explain "Dead faith"; do you mean 'knowing' as opposed to 'believing'?

Heretics teach that "dead faith" is "dead salvation" because all heretics teach or have been taught that "you can lose your salvation".

So, the phrase "dead faith" that James uses, .. .THEY Use, in a twisted way, .... as they will tell you that if your faith is dead, then your salvation is lost.

And its not.
As faith does not save you.
God saved you, through your faith, ONE TIME, and its done. And that is why its called ETERNAL LIFE.
Eternal Life is not Temporary, tho HERETICS teach the opposite.

And the reason they tell you that, is because they dont understand the Cross of Christ, or the Blood Atonement, or the New Covenant, and its quite possible that they are not born again.

See, when God makes us His own.....this is a BIRTH in the spirit.... = Born.....= again.
That is not "over time"... that is a BIRTH that is instantaneous.

You go to the Cross on your Knees as a sinner, trusting in Christ and you get up off your knees as a born again New Creation in Christ.
That is not a process.
That is a BIRTH, in the Spirit, = born.....= Again.
Heretics do not understand this, at all.

Heretics all believe that Salvation is a process they have to complete. They do not understand that God became a man, to die on the Cross, as OUR Eternal SALVATION.

Heretics read Philippians 1:6, that says God is "faithful to complete" in the born again, what He started (SALVATION), and the heretic's head tilts and their eyes bulge and the smoke of confusion comes our of their ears, as they have no idea what GOD is "faithful to complete" that GOD STARTED.

So, a heretic reads the bible, looking for any clue that seems to suggest to their carnal deceived mind...= "there is one that seems to say we can lose it". "let me run to the forum and use that one against the Cross and the Grace of God".

A.) And that is their ministry... Its to try to prove that you can lose your salvation, and its quite possible that a large majority of these people, are not even saved.

Now....Lets look at James..

James simply says...>"i will show you my faith by my works"... He does not say.. "I will show GOD my faith by my works".
He said, "i will show YOU.... YOU.. my faith, by my works", = as works prove that your faith is not Dead.


So, all of this, is related to showing other people, that your Christianity is not "dead faith", that its alive in you, that its up and running.
Or as Paul says...>>"check yourself and make sure you are in the FAITH".... = that its not cold and dead.

These Apostles are not talking about Salvation, as that in completed when you are born again.
Those Apostles are talking about the walk of faith, = your DISCIPLESHIP, that other PEOPLE SEE.

See that, reader ???

You can tell that behold's faith is not dead, and behold is here TEACHING, again.
Im showing you my faith.


That is what James means by "dead faith" vs living active faith. = DISCIPLESHIP.

Or as James says...."I will show YOU YOU YOU YOU< my FAITH".. not God, as God sees the heart, .. He is not looking at your deeds., as God sees your MOTIVE, that is your Heart.
But other PEOPLE see (the outside) = what you DO, and if your faith is dead, you wont be doing anything that is a "fruit", that they would recognize as : "that person is a Christian".

SEE, dead faith, produces no fruit, no Christian Lifestyle that others witness.. And that is what James and Paul are talking about....
= We are to produce as our lifestyle the evidence of a LIVING FAITH, not a dead one.

And so, the heretics takes those verses, and twist them into.. "dead faith = deal salvation", as that is their obsession,= to always take the bible and demonically warp it into... "you can lose your salvation".

Heretics do this, mainly using ... HEBREWS, JAMES , and MATTHEW.

So, notice this about them, as that is one more way to DISCOVER//Discern = the HERETIC.
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This passage containing the parable of Jesus seems to contradict several statements on your list. Matt 25:31-46

[Mat 25:32, 45-46 LSB] 32 "And all the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; ... 45 "Then He will answer them, saying, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.' 46 "And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."
This passage containing the parable of Jesus seems to contradict several statements on your list. Matt 25:31-46

[Mat 25:32, 45-46 LSB] 32 "And all the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; ... 45 "Then He will answer them, saying, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.' 46 "And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

You posted an assumption, then posted a verse, and that is it.


So, if i might... .?

Look at, THE CONTEXT.....

!.) "but the RIGHTEOUS, into Eternal Life'.

So, who is that?

Who is THE Righteous?

= Its the "made righteous" who have received "the GIFT of Righteousness".

= That is the "CHRISTian".

= That is ALL the born again.. as they are become the "Righteousness of God, in Christ", as a "new Creation, in Christ".

Let me show you something, reader.

God became a Man, and died for WHAT?



Because SIN is what is keeping every human apart from God, and we can't deal with our own sin.
See, a SINNER< can't un-become one.. You can't stop being this...>= "ALL have sinned"..... unless GOD solves this for you.

2nd Corinthians 5:19

John 3:17

So, God came to remedy this, to cure it, to resolve it for us, as : "SALVATION">

This is why God as Christ DIED on the Cross for the sin of the world. = John 3:16
He RESOLVED IT, and that is why Jesus said, upon the Cross... " FINISHED"..

What is the "IT"?


And God gives this to us, when we give God our FAITH, in Christ.

= "THE GIFT.... of Salvation". "being now made free from sin", and become "a new Creation in Christ'. = Born....again.
You posted an assumption, then posted a verse, and that is it.


So, if i might... .?

Look at, THE CONTEXT.....

!.) "but the RIGHTEOUS, into Eternal Life'.

So, who is that?

Who is THE Righteous?

= Its the "made righteous" who have received "the GIFT of Righteousness".

= That is the "CHRISTian".

= That is ALL the born again.. as they are become the "Righteousness of God, in Christ", as a "new Creation, in Christ".

Let me show you something, reader.

God became a Man, and died for WHAT?



Because SIN is what is keeping every human apart from God, and we can't deal with our own sin.
See, a SINNER< can't un-become one.. You can't stop being this...>= "ALL have sinned"..... unless GOD solves this for you.

2nd Corinthians 5:19

John 3:17

So, God came to remedy this, to cure it, to resolve it for us, as : "SALVATION">

This is why God as Christ DIED on the Cross for the sin of the world. = John 3:16
He RESOLVED IT, and that is why Jesus said, upon the Cross... " FINISHED"..

What is the "IT"?


And God gives this to us, when we give God our FAITH, in Christ.

= "THE GIFT.... of Salvation". "being now made free from sin", and become "a new Creation in Christ'. = Born....aga
Everything in your comment is NOT what Jesus said in His parable. How about READING it.
Many from the OP I agree with, while some I am just not sure what they mean.
In #7 above I don't see a problem with living in a state of repentance. Perhaps you can explain more by what you mean in #7.

Thank you.

What if a person was to suddenly remember a sin they committed from years past that for so long they forgot about - better to repent of it when this gets remembered in one's mind.
1.) Run from anyone who tells you that you have to be water baptized to go to Heaven.

2.) Run from anyone who says that "you can lose your salvation"

3.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Mary ascended to Heaven, as a perpetual virgin, and is now "co-equal" with Jesus regarding the "work of redemption".

4.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Dead faith" is "dead Salvation".

5.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Jesus started your salvation, and now you get to try to complete it"

6.) Run from anyone who teaches that "confessing sin, then repeating it" is "Real Christianity".

7.) Run from anyone who teaches that you are to "Live in a state of repentance".

8.) Run from anyone who teaches that "your bible is filled with errors, and now let me show you the Greek that i can't actually read"..

9.) Run from anyone who teaches that taking communion unworthily, can cause your death.

10.) Run from John Calvinism and never look back.

11.) Run from anyone who says...>"The bible is just a book".

12.) Run from anyone who says..."you can't really know for sure if you are saved, or if you are going to heaven".

13.) Run from anyone who says that you have to "endure to the end" if you want to go to heaven.

14.) Run from anyone who says that Acts 2:38 is the real Gospel.

15.) Run from anyone who teaches that "doing righteousness" is being righteous."

16.) Run from anyone who says..>"God saved you so that you can now go and keep the Law".

17.) Run from anyone who says that you can't get married, again.

18.) Run from anyone who says that a literal Hell and Lake of Fire does not exist.

19.) Run from anyone who teaches Preterism.

20.) Run from anyone who says that Satan does not exist, or no longer has any power.

21.) Run from anyone who teaches that We'll all be saved in the end... everyone.
I hear what you're saying and God is able to preserve His own. Resist the devil and he has to flee. We stand firm but we do need to be aware of the lies of our enemy.
To deny that we are still capable to commit sin that needs repenting of, is to deny the action of a contrite heart and a broken spirit.Psalm 34:18-22

If sin separates from God, because he is holy and sins not, & will not accept sin, then to NOT acknowledge one's sins is a hardening of the heart. This is shutting out God. Isaiah 59:2; Hebrew 3:8-15

All sins present & future are not forgiven at salvation but our past sins are the ones he remembers no more. We are called to REPENT WHEN WE SIN. It's not an oopsie, not a mistake that is to be swept under the rug.Romans 3:25-26; 1John 1:9

This teaching is erroneous and leaves the word of God butchered and with many blank spaces!

I will now be told some scripts that I quote is NOT written to believers of ( he's said it b4 )
Everything in your comment is NOT what Jesus said in His parable. How about READING it.

The verse is Jesus speaking prophetically.
So, its not about 'reading" the verse, its about understanding the context of the prophecy,

For example.... Jesus also talks about the "abomination of Desolation"..

See that?
That does not happen until the ANTI-CHRIST is here, in the GREAT TRIB.


So, what im showing you and others, is that Jesus sometimes spoke of the FUTURE, as this is 'God's Foreknowledge" speaking of what is to COME,
= prophecy.

That is YOUR Verse. @EclipseEventSigns
1.) Run from anyone who tells you that you have to be water baptized to go to Heaven.

2.) Run from anyone who says that "you can lose your salvation"

3.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Mary ascended to Heaven, as a perpetual virgin, and is now "co-equal" with Jesus regarding the "work of redemption".

4.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Dead faith" is "dead Salvation".

5.) Run from anyone who teaches that "Jesus started your salvation, and now you get to try to complete it"

6.) Run from anyone who teaches that "confessing sin, then repeating it" is "Real Christianity".

7.) Run from anyone who teaches that you are to "Live in a state of repentance".

8.) Run from anyone who teaches that "your bible is filled with errors, and now let me show you the Greek that i can't actually read"..

9.) Run from anyone who teaches that taking communion unworthily, can cause your death.

10.) Run from John Calvinism and never look back.

11.) Run from anyone who says...>"The bible is just a book".

12.) Run from anyone who says..."you can't really know for sure if you are saved, or if you are going to heaven".

13.) Run from anyone who says that you have to "endure to the end" if you want to go to heaven.

14.) Run from anyone who says that Acts 2:38 is the real Gospel.

15.) Run from anyone who teaches that "doing righteousness" is being righteous."

16.) Run from anyone who says..>"God saved you so that you can now go and keep the Law".

17.) Run from anyone who says that you can't get married, again.

18.) Run from anyone who says that a literal Hell and Lake of Fire does not exist.

19.) Run from anyone who teaches Preterism.

20.) Run from anyone who says that Satan does not exist, or no longer has any power.

21.) Run from anyone who teaches that We'll all be saved in the end... everyone.
Please explain comment #14 concerning Acts 2:38.

(Acts 2:38) Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

It would have been nice to reference more Bible verses as support for your comments.
Please explain comment #14 concerning Acts 2:38.

Thank you for the request.

Let me take a wider angle lens view, for you, so that we can see together, what the NT Reveals, which will answer your question.

Now....We know that the Bible is a prophecy and it The Truth.
We know that Jesus was a Prophet, as well as a Savior, Messiah, God manifested in the Flesh... and sometimes He spoke when He was on earth,
= concerning the future.

So, when we read verse that are concerning what is to COME< we dont apply those to ourselves, and we dont listen to people who dont understand this, and would take "future" prophetic verses that are not given TO the Bride of Christ, to try to confuse you., Reader.

The BIBLE itself is God's revelation and foreknowledge.. The Bible itself is = "what has happened, and what is to come".

See that?

That is "FORE-Knowledge".. or knowing all things BE-FORE it happens, what is to happen NEXT.

See it?

So, the Bible tells us that God created Adam, and that Jesus was to come, and that The Tribulation is Coming and even more is on the way.
That is The Bible giving us progressive revelation.... That is the word of God, showing us, what is coming NEXT, as well as what as happened already, that was previously revealed.
The Bible is "Fore-Knowledge", and God has this, and Christ has this and so does the Bible, as im explaining.

So, the bible revealed that the Holy Spirit would come.... and in Acts 2, the "comforter" (Holy Spirit) was sent down during the feast of Pentecost, as the bible FORE-Told.

After Pentecost, The bible told us, that we , the church, (that began when the Cross was raised), ... we are now in the "TIME of the GENTILES".

This is literally the old covenant ending and the New Testament beginning.
See that?
The "new Covenant" started the 'time of the Gentiles" and you reader, are in it right now.

And Jesus....... NEXT.....said from Heaven, that PAUL was chosen to be the "apostle to the Gentiles".. in "the time of the Gentiles".
And you reader are right now, in "the time of the Gentiles"...

So, again this is the BIBLE continuing to REVEAL what God is DOING, as well as what He has completed., as well as what is going to happen after "the time of the Gentiles" ends.

= Paul was chosen by Jesus, as the ONE Apostle who is dedicated to the Gentiles., in "the time of the Gentiles".
This means that Paul is going to be, and IS the TEACHER for the "body of Christ", as Jesus said that Paul is a "chosen Vessel" called by Jesus, to be this ONE., "in the time of the Gentiles".
Paul is the "apostle TO the Gentiles".

This is why Paul tells us to "be a follower of ME, as i follow Christ", and that means, to learn HIS Doctrine and pursue His Discipleship..., as its "THE Doctrine" for the "time of the Gentiles', and we are in the "time of the gentiles".

So, Paul was given , """in the time of the Gentiles"...= "the Gospel of the Grace of God", as THE Gospel, and that is OUR Gospel to believe and TEACH today.
This is not, "get in the water".
This is not "keep law and commandments".
That is not Paul's Gospel that Jesus gave to US, "in the time of the Gentiles'..
Paul's gospel is not about water, its about GRACE. "the Gospel of the GRACE of God".
"Grace through Faith"... "Justification by FAITH".
And Paul teaches us that this Gospel of the GRACE of God is THE Gospel "in the time of the Gentiles", ... and this GOSPEL was given to Him, AFTER Acts 2, and by Jesus Himself.

This is why we preach "Christ Crucified", and not water baptism.
This is why we preach Paul's Gospel, and not Acts 2:38 that came before PAUL was chosen to deliver to us what He refers to as "MY Gospel"
= 3x in the NT.

That is not Acts 2.
I hear what you're saying and God is able to preserve His own. Resist the devil and he has to flee. We stand firm but we do need to be aware of the lies of our enemy.


Our power comes from Christ, ... and that is "not of ourselves"... It is actually..."i can do all things THROUGH Christ"..

The Heretics all teach "doing", "trying"..."striving".."enduring" as if THEY are the power of God.
That is their SELF Righteousness, as their FAITH.

Heretics teach that you can "lose your salvation" because they are trying to save themselves, and that is a 100% fail according to Jesus and the Cross of Christ.

The TRUTH is..... if a born again person does not believe that Jesus KEEPS you saved, then your faith in Christ is BROKEN, or was never there to begin with... and that is a fact.

And that is their DECEPTION.

Paul teaches us that "I die Daily".... Daily i die to SELF EFFORT to try to BE..........and instead HE RESTS..."in Christ" as who WE also have become as "the righteousness of God, IN Christ".

Salvation is something we have received by "Grace through Faith", and that is not something we try to DO.
WE dont "do" Salvation, we RECEIVE it, .. and it become us, as "the new creation in Christ".

Our Victory over the world, the flesh, and the Devil" is "in Christ"..... not in SELF effort., as ALL the heretics teach.
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Thank you for the request.

Let me take a wider angle lens view, for you, so that we can see together, what the NT Reveals, which will answer your question.

Now....We know that the Bible is a prophecy and it The Truth.
We know that Jesus was a Prophet, as well as a Savior, Messiah, God manifested in the Flesh... and sometimes He spoke when He was on earth,
= concerning the future.

So, when we read verse that are concerning what is to COME< we dont apply those to ourselves, and we dont listen to people who dont understand this, and would take "future" prophetic verses that are not given TO the Bride of Christ, to try to confuse you., Reader.

The BIBLE itself is God's revelation and foreknowledge.. The Bible itself is = "what has happened, and what is to come".

See that?

That is "FORE-Knowledge".. or knowing all things BE-FORE it happens, what is to happen NEXT.

See it?

So, the Bible tells us that God created Adam, and that Jesus was to come, and that The Tribulation is Coming and even more is on the way.
That is The Bible giving us progressive revelation.... That is the word of God, showing us, what is coming NEXT, as well as what as happened already, that was previously revealed.
The Bible is "Fore-Knowledge", and God has this, and Christ has this and so does the Bible, as im explaining.

So, the bible revealed that the Holy Spirit would come.... and in Acts 2, the "comforter" (Holy Spirit) was sent down during the feast of Pentecost, as the bible FORE-Told.

After Pentecost, The bible told us, that we , the church, (that began when the Cross was raised), ... we are now in the "TIME of the GENTILES".

This is literally the old covenant ending and the New Testament beginning.
See that?
The "new Covenant" started the 'time of the Gentiles" and you reader, are in it right now.

And Jesus....... NEXT.....said from Heaven, that PAUL was chosen to be the "apostle to the Gentiles".. in "the time of the Gentiles".
And you reader are right now, in "the time of the Gentiles"...

So, again this is the BIBLE continuing to REVEAL what God is DOING, as well as what He has completed., as well as what is going to happen after "the time of the Gentiles" ends.

= Paul was chosen by Jesus, as the ONE Apostle who is dedicated to the Gentiles., in "the time of the Gentiles".
This means that Paul is going to be, and IS the TEACHER for the "body of Christ", as Jesus said that Paul is a "chosen Vessel" called by Jesus, to be this ONE., "in the time of the Gentiles".
Paul is the "apostle TO the Gentiles".

This is why Paul tells us to "be a follower of ME, as i follow Christ", and that means, to learn HIS Doctrine and pursue His Discipleship..., as its "THE Doctrine" for the "time of the Gentiles', and we are in the "time of the gentiles".

So, Paul was given , """in the time of the Gentiles"...= "the Gospel of the Grace of God", as THE Gospel, and that is OUR Gospel to believe and TEACH today.
This is not, "get in the water".
This is not "keep law and commandments".
That is not Paul's Gospel that Jesus gave to US, "in the time of the Gentiles'..
Paul's gospel is not about water, its about GRACE. "the Gospel of the GRACE of God".
"Grace through Faith"... "Justification by FAITH".
And Paul teaches us that this Gospel of the GRACE of God is THE Gospel "in the time of the Gentiles", ... and this GOSPEL was given to Him, AFTER Acts 2, and by Jesus Himself.

This is why we preach "Christ Crucified", and not water baptism.
This is why we preach Paul's Gospel, and not Acts 2:38 that came before PAUL was chosen to deliver to us what He refers to as "MY Gospel"
= 3x in the NT.

That is not Acts 2.
In short, you see no value in water baptism.

What about John 3:5 where Christ Himself reveals the following;

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

In order for people not to get too legalistic about water baptism, which falls in line with what you're promoting, I'll mention the baptism as recorded in Mark 10:38:

But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?”

This I believe is similar to what the thief on the Cross and all martyrs (witnesses) for Christ undergo. So where is the water? Well, isn't blood mainly composed of water? That's what martyrs for Christ are baptized with.
In short, you see no value in water baptism.

There is no value in water, regarding being born again.
There is no value = the city water supply that fills the baptism... regarding "washing sin away"..

So, as Paul said.."Christ sent me NOT to Water Baptize".... and that does not mean He never water baptized anyone.
What He's explaining is that WATER is not required as a PART of Salvation.

See that?
That is what has to be made clear, and once this is understood, then SYMBOLIC water baptism, is now understood correctly.

All should be water baptized, after they are born again... after thy have BELIEVE unto Righteousness.

The Catholic CULT (water cult) teaching, is the problem, as the "cult of mary" teaches that WATER saves you. That WATER washes away your sin... that you are "Born again... BY water", and that is a "doctrine of Devils", as you are NOT "born again BY Water"..... you are born again by the HOLY SPIRIT, and the HOLY SPIRIT is not WATER.
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

Jesus is making the distinction between the earth birth and the spiritual birth.


So that we can understand that we have to be ... Born.... AGAIN.... to go to heaven, as this is the 2nd Birth, and its in the Spirit.

So, born of water is not a spirit birth, and that is why it says "water" and not spirit.

The "water birth", is the earth birth....... born of your mother, and her "water breaks", and out you come.

So, now that you are born......... by water...... you "must be Born = AGAIN"... Jesus says, and that is "by my Spirit, sayeth the Lord".
This I believe is similar to what the thief on the Cross and all martyrs (witnesses) for Christ undergo.

The dying Thief was a criminal whom Jesus forgave.
He didn't die a martyr...
He was crucified not for being a martyr, but for being a criminal... and while he was dying, He gave His faith to Jesus..

Do you own a bible @synergy .

Does your bible say that Jesus was crucified next to a Martyr?
Go read it. (The Bible).

So, this bizarre teaching that this dying criminal was a "martyr"....???????????????

What commentary teaches this strange idea?
Can you name it?
There is no value in water, regarding being born again.
That's not what Jesus declared in John 3:5.
There is no value = the city water supply that fills the baptism... regarding "washing sin away"..

So, as Paul said.."Christ sent me NOT to Water Baptize".... and that does not mean He never water baptized anyone.
What He's explaining is that WATER is not required as a PART of Salvation.
First of all, Paul is talking about baptism; he doesn't even mention water. So water is not the subject here, the subject is baptism. Your way of thinking would lead to say the Paul disparages baptism in all its forms. For us not to arrive at that conclusion, we must look at the context of that passage. The context is that people are following different people and causing feuds because of that. That's why, in retrospect, Paul took solace in the fact that he did not baptize many so that not too many people are shouting his name.
See that?
That is what has to be made clear, and once this is understood, then SYMBOLIC water baptism, is now understood correctly.

All should be water baptized, after they are born again... after thy have BELIEVE unto Righteousness.

The Catholic CULT (water cult) teaching, is the problem, as the "cult of mary" teaches that WATER saves you. That WATER washes away your sin... that you are "Born again... BY water", and that is a "doctrine of Devils", as you are NOT "born again BY Water"..... you are born again by the HOLY SPIRIT, and the HOLY SPIRIT is not WATER.
I am not Catholic. Tell that to a Catholic.
Jesus is making the distinction between the earth birth and the spiritual birth.


So that we can understand that we have to be ... Born.... AGAIN.... to go to heaven, as this is the 2nd Birth, and its in the Spirit.

So, born of water is not a spirit birth, and that is why it says "water" and not spirit.
Water is part of being born again. Read John 3:3-5:

(John 3:3) Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
(John 3:4) Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born?
(John 3:5) Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Nicodemos asked Jesus to clarify his born again statement and Jesus mentioned by both water and spirit.
I don't know about you but I wasn't physical born of water, I was physically born of a Mother.
Also, there are pagan gods who are water born so I hope you get my point.
The "water birth", is the earth birth....... born of your mother, and her "water breaks", and out you come.

So, now that you are born......... by water...... you "must be Born = AGAIN"... Jesus says, and that is "by my Spirit, sayeth the Lord".
You're mixing up water and amniotic fluid. When you ask for water, does the waitress give you amniotic fluid? Of course not, so I hope you get my point.
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