Romans 6:14


Well-known member

Most of the time, when i teach here, and on forums, i dont cut and paste verses.
Occasionally, i'll list verses, but, mostly what i do is post the verses in the sentences im using to teach.
This is why the real student of the bible, who loves the bible and studies the New Testament, will recognize verses in my sentences, even tho i didn't post the verse.

Why do i do that?
Why dont i post 20 verses, regarding some Thread's topic, and that is basically the Thread?
Because that wont help you.
See, reading verses, does not help you. Its studying the word that is the way you get God's knowledge...... So, What helps you, is to get the revelation that is found in the verse., as that is how God ENLIGHTENS your inner spiritual eyes. So, what i do, is reveal the verses, but usually not post them. And what happens is... If you read me carefully, and study your bible, then what ive taught you, is going to make verses come alive when you read them.
You'll have moments like this.. ."Oh i SEE THAT", and it'll be as if you always knew it...

So, for a change regarding this Thread, i want to show you a verse, and open it for you.

Romans 6:14

""""For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace."""

Notice the verse says.....that """sin shall not have dominion over you"""....

Dominion = Control and Authority

Yet, some of you confess sin.
However, the verse says, that "sin shall not have dominion over you"... So.... if you are confessing it, then you are doing deeds that you feel you need to confess.
So, why then, is that verse not your literal walk with God?
Why are you the opposite, at times?

Here is why....

Jesus came to redeem you from the curse of the law. And the curse of the law is the law's POWER to cause you to have no power to say no to sin.
See that? That is "the law is the power of sin".
So, isn't it interesting that Moses Law, that is pure, and holy, is the power that drives your carnality and your sin lust.
How about that one...
I bet you haven't heard that one from the Pulpit before... and if you have, then you need to stay there.

So, when we read that "Sin shall have no dominion over you",... and we know that "the power of SIN, is THE LAW".... then we understand that to be under the law, is to be in the place were the Law empowers you to want to sin and sin and sin.., and confess, and sin, and confess, and repeat.

See it?

So what is the DELIVERANCE from that situation? What is the freedom from being DRIVEN to sin, and Driven to want to sin, by THE LAW?

Now Read the rest of the verse....

:"you are not under the LAW, but under GRACE". And that means the law has no power to cause your flesh to be LUSTING to sin, any more.
And that is understood as.. "the old man of sin, (your sin nature) is CRUCIFIED with Christ".

So, as all that is TRUE, and has happened to every born again CHRISTian.. then why do you struggle with your wrong desires.?

And here is the answer.,,,.
This delivering power that is God's Grace, only delivers you from your carnality, when you understand that you are no longer under the law.
See, its in your HEAD, .. its in your lack of understanding, that the power of God, becomes your deliverance, once you Believe it.
So, when you begin to understand who you have become "in Christ".. "made free from sin"... "made righteous".. and "not under the law".. ..
= when all these become what you BELIEVE, then your faith is now the renewed mind, and in that place of real faith,.... = God's Grace will deliver you from the law that is empowering your flesh.
See, the Cross forgives all your sin, forever, and God's Grace delivers you from the bondage to the law that will enflame your carnality, if you are not delivered.......... And to be delivered...You have to get your FAITH right.....and that is to come to the place where you ONLY see yourself as God sees you, and not as you see you.

And How does God see you, if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious?
GOD sees you, as SINLESS, RIGHTEOUS, and Joined to Himself, Spiritually = Born again.
And God sees you this way, no matter what, and always. = FOREVER.

So, when you GET THAT MIND .., then all this that is harming your walk with God, and is keeping that Bible from washing you with its Holy Water and Light, will fade away.......... and you will be so amazed when you begin to see the end result of getting your faith right and keeping it right.
The old Grace Pharisees.

I demand grace make you sinless!

You don't grace hard enough, NO MORE GRACE FOR YOU!

Well, im not you, @dizerner
I dont deny or mock God's Grace in public, on a Christian Forum.
I have way too much respect for God to ever be that foolish one.
A little fear of the Lord goes a long way, in that regard.

So, What i do is celebrate God's Grace, and Preach God's Grace.. and teach God's Grace..... because i understand it and ive been given this mission, long ago.

You're not there yet, so, you'll resist it, and insult it....and you will continue to do this..., as that is your RELIGION.

See, your devout Legalism always drives you to do it, and will again and again.

Most of the time, when i teach here, and on forums, i dont cut and paste verses.
Occasionally, i'll list verses, but, mostly what i do is post the verses in the sentences im using to teach.
This is why the real student of the bible, who loves the bible and studies the New Testament, will recognize verses in my sentences, even tho i didn't post the verse.

Why do i do that?
Why dont i post 20 verses, regarding some Thread's topic, and that is basically the Thread?
Because that wont help you.
See, reading verses, does not help you. Its studying the word that is the way you get God's knowledge...... So, What helps you, is to get the revelation that is found in the verse., as that is how God ENLIGHTENS your inner spiritual eyes. So, what i do, is reveal the verses, but usually not post them. And what happens is... If you read me carefully, and study your bible, then what ive taught you, is going to make verses come alive when you read them.
You'll have moments like this.. ."Oh i SEE THAT", and it'll be as if you always knew it...

So, for a change regarding this Thread, i want to show you a verse, and open it for you.

Romans 6:14

""""For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace."""

Notice the verse says.....that """sin shall not have dominion over you"""....

Dominion = Control and Authority

Yet, some of you confess sin.
However, the verse says, that "sin shall not have dominion over you"... So.... if you are confessing it, then you are doing deeds that you feel you need to confess.
So, why then, is that verse not your literal walk with God?
Why are you the opposite, at times?

Here is why....

Jesus came to redeem you from the curse of the law. And the curse of the law is the law's POWER to cause you to have no power to say no to sin.
See that? That is "the law is the power of sin".
So, isn't it interesting that Moses Law, that is pure, and holy, is the power that drives your carnality and your sin lust.
How about that one...
I bet you haven't heard that one from the Pulpit before... and if you have, then you need to stay there.

So, when we read that "Sin shall have no dominion over you",... and we know that "the power of SIN, is THE LAW".... then we understand that to be under the law, is to be in the place were the Law empowers you to want to sin and sin and sin.., and confess, and sin, and confess, and repeat.

See it?

So what is the DELIVERANCE from that situation? What is the freedom from being DRIVEN to sin, and Driven to want to sin, by THE LAW?

Now Read the rest of the verse....

:"you are not under the LAW, but under GRACE". And that means the law has no power to cause your flesh to be LUSTING to sin, any more.
And that is understood as.. "the old man of sin, (your sin nature) is CRUCIFIED with Christ".

So, as all that is TRUE, and has happened to every born again CHRISTian.. then why do you struggle with your wrong desires.?

And here is the answer.,,,.
This delivering power that is God's Grace, only delivers you from your carnality, when you understand that you are no longer under the law.
See, its in your HEAD, .. its in your lack of understanding, that the power of God, becomes your deliverance, once you Believe it.
So, when you begin to understand who you have become "in Christ".. "made free from sin"... "made righteous".. and "not under the law".. ..
= when all these become what you BELIEVE, then your faith is now the renewed mind, and in that place of real faith,.... = God's Grace will deliver you from the law that is empowering your flesh.
See, the Cross forgives all your sin, forever, and God's Grace delivers you from the bondage to the law that will enflame your carnality, if you are not delivered.......... And to be delivered...You have to get your FAITH right.....and that is to come to the place where you ONLY see yourself as God sees you, and not as you see you.

And How does God see you, if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious?
GOD sees you, as SINLESS, RIGHTEOUS, and Joined to Himself, Spiritually = Born again.
And God sees you this way, no matter what, and always. = FOREVER.

So, when you GET THAT MIND .., then all this that is harming your walk with God, and is keeping that Bible from washing you with its Holy Water and Light, will fade away.......... and you will be so amazed when you begin to see the end result of getting your faith right and keeping it right.
In Romans 6:14, it described the law that we are not under as being a law where sin had dominion over us, which does not describe the Mosaic Law, which is a law where holiness, righteousness, and goodness have dominion over us (Romans 7:12), but rather it is the law of sin where sin had dominion over us. In Romans 6:15, being under grace does not mean that we are permitted to sin, and in Romans 3:20, it is by the Mosaic Law that we have knowledge of sin, so we are still under the Mosaic Law, but are not under the law of sin. Likewise, in Romans 7:7, the Mosaic Law is not sinful, but is how we know what sin is, however, a law that is the power of sin is sinful, so that is not referring to the Mosaic Law, but rather it is the law of sin that is the power of sin. A law that is the power that drives carnality and sin lust is not a law that drives holiness, righteousness, and goodness. We need to be redeemed from the law of sin in order to be free to obey the Law of Moses, not the other way around.

In Psalms 119:29-30, he wanted to put false ways far from him, for God to be gracious to him by teaching him to obey His law, and he chose the way of faith by setting it before him, so this is what it means to be under grace and this has always been the one and only way of salvation by grace through faith. In addition, Exodus 33:13, Moses wanted God to be gracious to him by teaching him to walk in His way that he and Israel might know Him, in 1 Kings 2:1-3, God taught how to walk in His way through His law, and in John 17:3, eternal life is knowing God and Jesus. In Genesis 6:8-9, Noah found grace in the eyes of God, he was a righteous man, and he walked with God, so God was gracious him by teaching him to obey His law and he was righteous because he obeyed through faith. In Romans 1:5, we have received grace in order to bring about the obedience of faith. In Ephesians 2:8-10, while we do not earn our salvation as the result of our works lest anyone should boast, doing good works by grace through faith is nevertheless intrinsically the content of the gift of our salvation. In Titus 2:11-13, God graciously teaching us to do those works in obedience to His law is the content of His gift of salvation.

It is contradictory to think that we should have faith in God, but not in what He has instructed. In 1 John 2:6, those who are in Christ are obligated to walk in the same way he walked, and in 1 John 3:7-10, those who practice righteousness in obedience to the Mosaic Law are righteous and those who do not are not born again, so the position that we are under the Mosaic Law is the position that we are not in Christ, we are not righteous, we are not born again, and we are made free to sin.

Most of the time, when i teach here, and on forums, i dont cut and paste verses.
Occasionally, i'll list verses, but, mostly what i do is post the verses in the sentences im using to teach.
This is why the real student of the bible, who loves the bible and studies the New Testament, will recognize verses in my sentences, even tho i didn't post the verse.

Why do i do that?
Why dont i post 20 verses, regarding some Thread's topic, and that is basically the Thread?
Because that wont help you.
See, reading verses, does not help you. Its studying the word that is the way you get God's knowledge...... So, What helps you, is to get the revelation that is found in the verse., as that is how God ENLIGHTENS your inner spiritual eyes. So, what i do, is reveal the verses, but usually not post them. And what happens is... If you read me carefully, and study your bible, then what ive taught you, is going to make verses come alive when you read them.
You'll have moments like this.. ."Oh i SEE THAT", and it'll be as if you always knew it...

So, for a change regarding this Thread, i want to show you a verse, and open it for you.

Romans 6:14

""""For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace."""

Notice the verse says.....that """sin shall not have dominion over you"""....

Dominion = Control and Authority

Yet, some of you confess sin.
However, the verse says, that "sin shall not have dominion over you"... So.... if you are confessing it, then you are doing deeds that you feel you need to confess.
So, why then, is that verse not your literal walk with God?
Why are you the opposite, at times?

Here is why....

Jesus came to redeem you from the curse of the law. And the curse of the law is the law's POWER to cause you to have no power to say no to sin.
See that? That is "the law is the power of sin".
So, isn't it interesting that Moses Law, that is pure, and holy, is the power that drives your carnality and your sin lust.
How about that one...
I bet you haven't heard that one from the Pulpit before... and if you have, then you need to stay there.

So, when we read that "Sin shall have no dominion over you",... and we know that "the power of SIN, is THE LAW".... then we understand that to be under the law, is to be in the place were the Law empowers you to want to sin and sin and sin.., and confess, and sin, and confess, and repeat.

See it?

So what is the DELIVERANCE from that situation? What is the freedom from being DRIVEN to sin, and Driven to want to sin, by THE LAW?

Now Read the rest of the verse....

:"you are not under the LAW, but under GRACE". And that means the law has no power to cause your flesh to be LUSTING to sin, any more.
And that is understood as.. "the old man of sin, (your sin nature) is CRUCIFIED with Christ".

So, as all that is TRUE, and has happened to every born again CHRISTian.. then why do you struggle with your wrong desires.?

And here is the answer.,,,.
This delivering power that is God's Grace, only delivers you from your carnality, when you understand that you are no longer under the law.
See, its in your HEAD, .. its in your lack of understanding, that the power of God, becomes your deliverance, once you Believe it.
So, when you begin to understand who you have become "in Christ".. "made free from sin"... "made righteous".. and "not under the law".. ..
= when all these become what you BELIEVE, then your faith is now the renewed mind, and in that place of real faith,.... = God's Grace will deliver you from the law that is empowering your flesh.
See, the Cross forgives all your sin, forever, and God's Grace delivers you from the bondage to the law that will enflame your carnality, if you are not delivered.......... And to be delivered...You have to get your FAITH right.....and that is to come to the place where you ONLY see yourself as God sees you, and not as you see you.

And How does God see you, if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious?
GOD sees you, as SINLESS, RIGHTEOUS, and Joined to Himself, Spiritually = Born again.
And God sees you this way, no matter what, and always. = FOREVER.

So, when you GET THAT MIND .., then all this that is harming your walk with God, and is keeping that Bible from washing you with its Holy Water and Light, will fade away.......... and you will be so amazed when you begin to see the end result of getting your faith right and keeping it right.
The Law of God leads us to do what is holy, righteous, and good (Romans 7:12), so it is the law where holiness, righteousness, and goodness have dominion over us whereas the law of sin leads us to sin, so it is the law where sin had dominion over us. In Romans 7, Paul said that the Law of God is good and that he wanted to do good, but contrasted that with the law of sin that was working within his members to cause him not to do the good that he wanted to do, so Romans 6:14 is speaking about the law of sin, not the Law of God. In Romans 6:15, being under grace does not mean that we are permitted to sin, and in 1 John 3:4, sin is the transgression of the Law of God, so we are still under the Law of God and are still required to refrain from doing what it reveals to be sin. In Psalms 119:29-30, he wanted to put false ways far from him, for God to be gracious to him by teaching him to obey His law, and he chose the way of faith by setting it before him, so this is what it means to be under grace, and this has always been the one and only way of salvation by grace through faith.
The Law of God leads us to do what is holy, righteous, and good (Romans 7:12), so it is the law where holiness, righteousness, and goodness have dominion over

"""The Power of SIN, is The LAW" "The Law is the Power Of Sin.."""

"""The LAW.. came by Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came by Jesus The Christ''

""""Christ is the END...OF...THE... LAW, for Righteousness, to everyone who BELIEVES"""

"""Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the Law"".

""The Born again are NOT UNDER THE LAW...but Under Grace""..

If you are under the law you are under a curse...
The Law was given to lead you to the CROSS, so that by the Cross of Christ, you can be forgiven all sin, and "redeemed from the CURSE OF THE LAW"..

So, if a person is trying to be accepted by God, by keeping the Law and Commandments, then this person is either not born again and are going to Hell, ..(religious but lost, and can be water baptized)... OR.. .this person is a Christian, and they are : "fallen from Grace".

Religious but LOST people talk about SELF effort, and Law Keeping and Commandments, and water baptism... as this is their SAVIOR..... not Jesus.

CHRISTians, talk about JESUS, and THE CROSS, and the BLOOD of JESUS and the Eternal REDEMPTION that is only found "in Christ".

Now, if you dont understand what i just taught you, then you are going in the wrong direction, Theologically and Spiritually.
"""The Power of SIN, is The LAW" "The Law is the Power Of Sin.."""
The Law of God instructs us to refrain from sin, so it is not the power of sin, but rather the law of sin is the power of sin.

"""The LAW.. came by Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came by Jesus The Christ''
In Psalms 119:29, he wanted God to be gracious to him by teaching him to obey His law, and in Psalms 119:142, God's law is truth, so grace and truth came through Jesus because he spent his ministry teaching us to obey God's law by word and by example.

""""Christ is the END...OF...THE... LAW, for Righteousness, to everyone who BELIEVES"""
In Matthew 7:23, Christ said that he would tell those who are workers of lawlessness to depart from him because he never knew them, so Christ is not the end of the law, but rather knowing him is the goal of the law.

"""Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the Law"".
In Deuteronomy 28, it describes the blessing of the law for living in obedience to it and the curse of lawlessness, so being set free from the curse of lawlessness is being set free to enjoy the blessing of living in obedience to it.

""The Born again are NOT UNDER THE LAW...but Under Grace""..
Again, it is referring to us not being under the law of sin, not the Law of God. In Psalms 119:29, God is gracious to us by teaching us to obey His law, so that is what it means to be under grace. In 1 John 3:4-10, those who do not practice righteousness in obedience to God's law are not born again.

If you are under the law you are under a curse...
The Law was given to lead you to the CROSS, so that by the Cross of Christ, you can be forgiven all sin, and "redeemed from the CURSE OF THE LAW"..
In Deuteronomy 30:15-20, obedience to God's law brings life and a blessing while it is those who refuse to submit to God's law who are under a curse. In Titus 2:14, it does not say that Jesus gave himself to redeem us from God's law, but in order to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people of his own possession who are zealous for doing good works, so becoming zealous for doing good works in obedience to God's law is the way to believe in what Jesus accomplished through the cross (Acts 21:20).

So, if a person is trying to be accepted by God, by keeping the Law and Commandments, then this person is either not born again and are going to Hell, ..(religious but lost, and can be water baptized)... OR.. .this person is a Christian, and they are : "fallen from Grace".
As if the way to be accepted by God is by rebelling against His commandments...

In Romans 8:4-14, those who are born again of the Spirit are contrasted with those who have minds set on the flesh who are enemies of God who refuse to submit to His law. In Titus 2:11-13, our salvation is described as being trained by grace to do what is godly, righteous, and good, and to renounce doin what is ungodly, so God graciously teaching us to obey His law is part of the content of His gift of salvation and it is what it means to be under grace, not the way to fall from it. It would be absurd to interpret Titus 2:11-13 as describing our salvation as being trained by grace in how to fall from grace.

Religious but LOST people talk about SELF effort, and Law Keeping and Commandments, and water baptism... as this is their SAVIOR..... not Jesus.
Self-effort does not involve relying on anyone else, so it is contradictory to consider relying on what God has instructed as being self-effort. God's law is God's word and Jesus is God's word made flesh, so it is contradictory to think that we should trust in God's word made flesh for salvation, but not trust God's word.

CHRISTians, talk about JESUS, and THE CROSS, and the BLOOD of JESUS and the Eternal REDEMPTION that is only found "in Christ".

Now, if you dont understand what i just taught you, then you are going in the wrong direction, Theologically and Spiritually.
All throughout the Bible, God wanted His people to repent and to return to obedience to His law, so it should not make sense to you to interpret the Bible as speaking against doing what.
All throughout the Bible, God wanted His people to repent and to return to obedience to His law,

IN the NT, God wants us ALL to return to Him, based on the Cross of Christ., as there is no other way.... John 14:6

If you are trying to keep the law, believing that God requires this, then you don't understand why Jesus died on the Cross.
IN the NT, God wants us ALL to return to Him, based on the Cross of Christ., as there is no other way.... John 14:6

If you are trying to keep the law, believing that God requires this, then you don't understand why Jesus died on the Cross.
God's law is His way (Psalms 119:1-3), the truth (Psalms 119:142), and the life (Deuteronomy 32:46-47), and the way to see and know the Father (Exodus 33:13), and Jesus is the embodiment of the way, the truth, and the life, and the way to see and know the Father (John 14:6-7). In other words, God's word is not a different way to the Father than God's word made flesh. In Titus 2:14, Jesus gave himself to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people of his own possession who are zealous for doing good works, so if you are not zealous for doing good works in obedience to God's law, then you do not understand why Jesus died on the cross.
Jesus gave himself to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people of his own possession who are zealous for doing good works, so if you are not zealous for doing good works

The "good works" are not Moses's Law.

See, a CULT theology has taught you that "Jesus saves us in the NT..., so that we can go and keep the OT Law".

So, you are confused about that .. @Soyeong

See, there are 613 of these "Laws" and you could not name 40, without a GOOGLE SEARCH... yet you sit there typing your LAW RELIGION.
Ranting your : LEGALISM
It is what you have become, and there are millions just like you.
You are Legion.
The "good works" are not Moses's Law.
Did God give the Israelites instructions for how to do what is godly, righteous, and good, and for how to renounce doing what is ungodly, or do you think that they had no idea how to do that? If so, then by what means did God do that?

In 2 Timothy 3:15-17, Paul spoke about Scriptures that Timothy had available to him since childhood, which could only be referring to OT Scriptures because none of that books of the NT were written at the time of his childhood. So Paul referred to OT Scriptures as being profitable for teaching, correction, reproof, and training in righteousness that the man of God might be complete, thoroughly equipped to do every good work. Moreover, in Acts 21:20, they were rejoicing that tens of thousands of Jews were coming to faith in Jesus who were all zealous for obedience to Mosaic Law, which is in accordance with believing in what Jesus accomplished through the cross in Titus 2:14.

See, a CULT theology has taught you that "Jesus saves us in the NT..., so that we can go and keep the OT Law".
Our salvation is from sin (Matthew 1:21) and it is by the Mosaic Law that we know what sin is (Romans 3:20), so living in obedience to it through faith in Jesus is intrinsically the content of his gift of saving us from not living in obedience to it. It is contradictory for someone to think that they need salvation from living in transgression the Mosaic Law while also thinking that they have no obligation to refrain from living in transgression of it.

See, there are 613 of these "Laws" and you could not name 40, without a GOOGLE SEARCH... yet you sit there typing your LAW RELIGION.
I would not have a problem naming 40 without using Google. The Ten Commandments plus the greatest two commandments is almost 1/3 of the way there. The issue of whether followers of God should follow His commands in accordance with the example that Christ set for us to follow is independent of how many commands I can list.

Ranting your : LEGALISM
It is what you have become, and there are millions just like you.
You are Legion.
If it is legalism for God to give the Mosaic Law to His people and for Jesus set a sinless example for us to follow of how to walk in obedience to it, then we should all be legalists. The point of spreading the Gospel message to the nations calling for our repentance from our disobedience to the Mosaic Law is so that there will be millions of people like me who follow Christ.

Most of the time, when i teach here, and on forums, i dont cut and paste verses.
Occasionally, i'll list verses, but, mostly what i do is post the verses in the sentences im using to teach.
This is why the real student of the bible, who loves the bible and studies the New Testament, will recognize verses in my sentences, even tho i didn't post the verse.

Why do i do that?
Why dont i post 20 verses, regarding some Thread's topic, and that is basically the Thread?
Because that wont help you.
See, reading verses, does not help you. Its studying the word that is the way you get God's knowledge...... So, What helps you, is to get the revelation that is found in the verse., as that is how God ENLIGHTENS your inner spiritual eyes. So, what i do, is reveal the verses, but usually not post them. And what happens is... If you read me carefully, and study your bible, then what ive taught you, is going to make verses come alive when you read them.
You'll have moments like this.. ."Oh i SEE THAT", and it'll be as if you always knew it...

So, for a change regarding this Thread, i want to show you a verse, and open it for you.

Romans 6:14

""""For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace."""

Notice the verse says.....that """sin shall not have dominion over you"""....

Dominion = Control and Authority

Yet, some of you confess sin.
However, the verse says, that "sin shall not have dominion over you"... So.... if you are confessing it, then you are doing deeds that you feel you need to confess.
So, why then, is that verse not your literal walk with God?
Why are you the opposite, at times?

Here is why....

Jesus came to redeem you from the curse of the law. And the curse of the law is the law's POWER to cause you to have no power to say no to sin.
See that? That is "the law is the power of sin".
So, isn't it interesting that Moses Law, that is pure, and holy, is the power that drives your carnality and your sin lust.
How about that one...
I bet you haven't heard that one from the Pulpit before... and if you have, then you need to stay there.

So, when we read that "Sin shall have no dominion over you",... and we know that "the power of SIN, is THE LAW".... then we understand that to be under the law, is to be in the place were the Law empowers you to want to sin and sin and sin.., and confess, and sin, and confess, and repeat.

See it?

So what is the DELIVERANCE from that situation? What is the freedom from being DRIVEN to sin, and Driven to want to sin, by THE LAW?

Now Read the rest of the verse....

:"you are not under the LAW, but under GRACE". And that means the law has no power to cause your flesh to be LUSTING to sin, any more.
And that is understood as.. "the old man of sin, (your sin nature) is CRUCIFIED with Christ".

So, as all that is TRUE, and has happened to every born again CHRISTian.. then why do you struggle with your wrong desires.?

And here is the answer.,,,.
This delivering power that is God's Grace, only delivers you from your carnality, when you understand that you are no longer under the law.
See, its in your HEAD, .. its in your lack of understanding, that the power of God, becomes your deliverance, once you Believe it.
So, when you begin to understand who you have become "in Christ".. "made free from sin"... "made righteous".. and "not under the law".. ..
= when all these become what you BELIEVE, then your faith is now the renewed mind, and in that place of real faith,.... = God's Grace will deliver you from the law that is empowering your flesh.
See, the Cross forgives all your sin, forever, and God's Grace delivers you from the bondage to the law that will enflame your carnality, if you are not delivered.......... And to be delivered...You have to get your FAITH right.....and that is to come to the place where you ONLY see yourself as God sees you, and not as you see you.

And How does God see you, if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious?
GOD sees you, as SINLESS, RIGHTEOUS, and Joined to Himself, Spiritually = Born again.
And God sees you this way, no matter what, and always. = FOREVER.

So, when you GET THAT MIND .., then all this that is harming your walk with God, and is keeping that Bible from washing you with its Holy Water and Light, will fade away.......... and you will be so amazed when you begin to see the end result of getting your faith right and keeping it right.
What you fail to understand is the eternal purpose of the Law God gave to Moses. In our present carnal condition, we are "still in this body of this death" because of sin, but the day will come when we are changed, in the twinkling of an eye we shall be changed the Law of God given to Moses for Israel will have another effect. All those that love the Law love God for it is perfect for the redeemed man and woman upon which to live their lives in the coming kingdom:

7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul:
The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart:
The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever:
The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold:
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned:
And in keeping of them there is great reward.
Psalms 19:7–11.

You completely misunderstand God's eternal purpose in the giving of the Law to His covenant people.
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