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I wrote these words back in 2018. I was reminded of them today. I'd like share this and "maybe" start a conversation....

A life without regrets!
I was reading about Charles Krauthammer earlier and I couldn't help but notice his claim of having "no regrets". I've always enjoyed listening to Charles. Not that I always agree. It was just the fact that no matter what he said, he had a reason for what he believed. He was/is very much a reasoned and measured individual. However, when I read his farewell letter I couldn't help but be bothered by his claim of having "no regrets". I know it is our/man's desire to find meaning in our existence. However, I've found that its not really what we think of others or our even our accomplishments that tells the proverbial "tale" of our existence. It is what we think of ourselves...... that reveals our condition.
A person that has become guilty before God is FULL of regrets. Such individuals have a keen sense of their own inadequacies and limitations. Show me a person that really knows themselves and you'll find a person full of regrets. We can not really know ourselves without God's help. We can't. It is beyond us to see ourselves for what we truly are. Over and over again we reason away our guilty actions as if we are all the BETTER for them to have taken place....
There is a word for "having no regrets"... its called "Pride".,,, and Pride goes before destruction. Proverbs 16:18

Do you have any regrets?
I wrote these words back in 2018. I was reminded of them today. I'd like share this and "maybe" start a conversation....

A life without regrets!
I was reading about Charles Krauthammer earlier and I couldn't help but notice his claim of having "no regrets". I've always enjoyed listening to Charles. Not that I always agree. It was just the fact that no matter what he said, he had a reason for what he believed. He was/is very much a reasoned and measured individual. However, when I read his farewell letter I couldn't help but be bothered by his claim of having "no regrets". I know it is our/man's desire to find meaning in our existence. However, I've found that its not really what we think of others or our even our accomplishments that tells the proverbial "tale" of our existence. It is what we think of ourselves...... that reveals our condition.
A person that has become guilty before God is FULL of regrets. Such individuals have a keen sense of their own inadequacies and limitations. Show me a person that really knows themselves and you'll find a person full of regrets. We can not really know ourselves without God's help. We can't. It is beyond us to see ourselves for what we truly are. Over and over again we reason away our guilty actions as if we are all the BETTER for them to have taken place....
There is a word for "having no regrets"... its called "Pride".,,, and Pride goes before destruction. Proverbs 16:18

Do you have any regrets?
am i ashamed of the things i once did . YES and i desire nothing to do with that old man .
Do i feel condemned for what i did . NO JESUS saved me and i am forgiven .
I dont look back my friend and when or if i do remember the wicked deeds i did
and what wicked i did do , it disgusts me , but still i know all is behind me now and IN CHRIST i have all hope .
But what i dont do is try and make excuse for any sins and or errors . And if i see sin
and error , WELL it has got to be corrected to the one doing it .
What i dont do is try and justify an evil thought or the evil of others . IT GETS EXPOSED my friend .
You see who we love is whose we are , thus who we obey is WHOSE we are
and that is A FACT an overwhelming majority of christendom NO LONGER REALIZES
Now JESUS DIDNT COME so we could now feel free TO SIN
HIMS CAME TO SET US FREE FROM SIN . I Dont see a new heart within many my friend
And what i do see scares me to death for many .
FOr you see what i see most now doing and believing is in a god that accepts their sin and promises them salvation .
ONLY THAT AINT GOD OR HIS CHRIST . GOD dont accept sin , HE dont call evil good . That scares me massively
for this generation of christendom who sure seems to THINK HE DO as they hold up rainbows
and hundred dollar bills yall , and lets get and have our best life now crap .
THEYS following another jesus and thus it is another god and that god sure seems to love
what THEY LOVE and desired .and it sure contradicts what GOD loves and desires . Hope that helps my friend .
am i ashamed of the things i once did . YES and i desire nothing to do with that old man .
Do i feel condemned for what i did . NO JESUS saved me and i am forgiven .
I dont look back my friend and when or if i do remember the wicked deeds i did
and what wicked i did do , it disgusts me , but still i know all is behind me now and IN CHRIST i have all hope .
But what i dont do is try and make excuse for any sins and or errors . And if i see sin
and error , WELL it has got to be corrected to the one doing it .
What i dont do is try and justify an evil thought or the evil of others . IT GETS EXPOSED my friend .
You see who we love is whose we are , thus who we obey is WHOSE we are
and that is A FACT an overwhelming majority of christendom NO LONGER REALIZES
Now JESUS DIDNT COME so we could now feel free TO SIN
HIMS CAME TO SET US FREE FROM SIN . I Dont see a new heart within many my friend
And what i do see scares me to death for many .
FOr you see what i see most now doing and believing is in a god that accepts their sin and promises them salvation .
ONLY THAT AINT GOD OR HIS CHRIST . GOD dont accept sin , HE dont call evil good . That scares me massively
for this generation of christendom who sure seems to THINK HE DO as they hold up rainbows
and hundred dollar bills yall , and lets get and have our best life now crap .
THEYS following another jesus and thus it is another god and that god sure seems to love
what THEY LOVE and desired .and it sure contradicts what GOD loves and desires . Hope that helps my friend .

I believe regret changes us. There are people that I believe are Christians...... that do not see regret in that manner. We shouldn't repeat what we regret. I believe they feel as if those bad things we did had to happen to "make us" what we are today. I believe that is why people say "I have no regrets"......
I believe regret changes us. There are people that I believe are Christians...... that do not see regret in that manner. We shouldn't repeat what we regret. I believe they feel as if those bad things we did had to happen to "make us" what we are today. I believe that is why people say "I have no regrets"......
godly sorrow indeed worketh to repentance my friend .
As far as the mindset the evil we did made us who we are today , IS a wicked mindset .
God changed me and made and makes me as i am today . Fact is HE is the only goodness i even have within me .
Now to the trenches myfriend . Yes i often hear many with that wrong mindset
about the evil they did made them what they are today . The evil they did gets the praise , NOT GOD who changes us .
For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. (2 Cor. 7:10 NKJ)
yet the ungodly sorrow of the world has produced only minds of acceptance of sin and unbelif .
Those whose love is of the world will put humanity and their own interests BEFORE GOD .
And that is why that false version of love and what they think is to love your neighbor
has left their neighbor sick in sin , in unbelief and in deadly danger .
But HE whose love cometh of GOD , whose faith BE IN HIS CHRIST
will SEEK to honor and glorify the SON and thus the FATHER .
And thus that love your neighbor dont worry about what offends and pleases man
but rather corrects and dont allow sin upon them . EVERY WORD OF GOD IS GOOD , IS truth
and is meat for our souls . There is a reason why GOD warned gravely , CHRIST warned gravely ,
and later the apostels warned ,
THE desire is REPENTANCE not the death of the wicked but THEIR REPENTANCE . But this church age has no idea
what this even means as it slumbers in bed with what it thinks is LOVE and of GOD
and yet they drown in sin and now even accept UNBELIEF as they gather with all religoins believing we all serve the same God .
A lie indeed yet many seem to love this sin accpeting unbelief accepting lie , they THINK IS THE BROAD PATH TO GOD .
BUT the path aint broad at all . QUITE NARROW , IT IS IN CHRIST ALONE who we supposed to walk as HE did . Not as do the world .
am i ashamed of the things i once did . YES and i desire nothing to do with that old man .
Do i feel condemned for what i did . NO JESUS saved me and i am forgiven .
I dont look back my friend and when or if i do remember the wicked deeds i did
and what wicked i did do , it disgusts me , but still i know all is behind me now and IN CHRIST i have all hope .
But what i dont do is try and make excuse for any sins and or errors . And if i see sin
and error , WELL it has got to be corrected to the one doing it .
What i dont do is try and justify an evil thought or the evil of others . IT GETS EXPOSED my friend .
You see who we love is whose we are , thus who we obey is WHOSE we are
and that is A FACT an overwhelming majority of christendom NO LONGER REALIZES
Now JESUS DIDNT COME so we could now feel free TO SIN
HIMS CAME TO SET US FREE FROM SIN . I Dont see a new heart within many my friend
And what i do see scares me to death for many .
FOr you see what i see most now doing and believing is in a god that accepts their sin and promises them salvation .
ONLY THAT AINT GOD OR HIS CHRIST . GOD dont accept sin , HE dont call evil good . That scares me massively
for this generation of christendom who sure seems to THINK HE DO as they hold up rainbows
and hundred dollar bills yall , and lets get and have our best life now crap .
THEYS following another jesus and thus it is another god and that god sure seems to love
what THEY LOVE and desired .and it sure contradicts what GOD loves and desires . Hope that helps my friend .
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