reading, understanding, encouragement, and edification?

Grace ambassador

Well-known member
@simpleton, welcome again - lol - I just posted the following about
you and me yesterday, on another forum:

Precious friends, I really do wish to be encouraged and edified by
"carefully reading everything" but there are three obstacles to this,
as to us simpletons In Christ:

1) This kind of complex grammar and language expertise example:
"...Do not keep on making an effort/stop making the effort (mE ergazestE:​
present middle imperative) for the perishing (ho apollumenEn: present​
middle participle) food, but for the food enduring (menousan: present​
active participle) into eternal life, which the Son of Man will give (dosei:​
future active indicative) to you. For God the Father, confirms (esphragisev:​
aorist Active indicative) Him. [as the truth-binger]”..., along with​

2) The foreign [ original ] language { Hebrew and Greek } scholarship, example:

"the Ελληνικά letter “theta” (Θ) can easily be mistaken for the​
English letter “T,” while the לְהִתְבַּשֵׁל letter “samekh” (ס) can be​
confused with the English letter “S.”" , and:​

3) The "Calling on the Correct foreign Name Of God [ disagreeing with each
other, is it yhvh, yhwh, yehovah, yehuvah, yeshua, yehoshua, yehovashua, or
hamiash meshiamach? etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... ]
or you cannot be saved" judgmentalism group...

...are simply not very encouraging or edifying, but, are just simply:

Really confusing :cry:

We simpletons would Much Rather Prefer "The Simplicity Of Christ!" 😇

Just sayin, and now you all can Carry On, and I will head to the back
of the class ( so's I can sneak out the door ;) )

"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve
through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted
from The Simplicity That Is In Christ." (2Co 11:3)​

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