Overcoming Guilt and Condemnation


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This is meant to encourage ones who struggle with a sense of guilt of condemnation for any sense of sin or wrong doing. Of course we're to seek to live a holy life and not to miss the mark and sin.....unfortunately I don't know any of us that have walked in total perfection although we are that in Christ. We don't have to walk in sin, it's not when we sin but IF we sin.....but the truth of the matter is we probably will. God does want us however to have more faith in our capacity to have victory in Christ manifested .....rather then to consider we're more prone to fail. We CAN do all things through Christ which strengthens us, Praise God!

OK but what if we have sinned. We may have blown it and failed! Can God and is he willing to restore to us the joy of our salvation like we read in Ps 51? More assuredly YES. Of course we need to know the basis by which we come however and how do we do that? Through the precious blood of Jesus! Jesus said if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness! 1 Jn 1:9

By faith we overcome the devil and his condemnation not by our promising to be better and do better although that is good to do......promising to pray more and read your Bible more does bring one closer to God.....but guilt and condemnation is only taken away by having faith in the blood of Jesus which puts us into the sense were we feel we're just as if we'd never sinned. We have once again a clean slate Embracing that truth we now have the sense where we can come boldly to the throne of grace to find grace and mercy to help in time of need. Heb 4:16 This makes our hearts rejoice!

Some however still struggle with God's promise to forgive them. This should not be. Here's a couple of helpful tips. The story is told of a woman who struggled to feel forgiven. They put in a prayer request that they would feel the sense of being forgiven.

One minister said to her, "I understand your husband isn't a Christian. Have you ever had to ask forgiveness from him?"

She responded by saying, "Oh yes of course! And I forgive him at times and he forgives me too!"

He asked her then, "Do you ever believe that he hasn't?"

"No, no, no she said. While he's not a Christian he's still very good at forgiving!"

The minister then asked her, "Do you know what you're telling me then sister?"

She responded by saying, "No what?"

He replied, " You telling me you have more faith in your unsaved husband then you do in God! He said if you confess your sins he's faithful and just to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness! 1 Jn 1:9 He said "I even I am he that blotteth out thy transgressions and will not remember your sins" Is 43:25 He said, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. Is 1:18 If you believe your unsaved husband is good for that how about God? He doesn't love you to the same degree and even more and be willing to do the same?"

The dear lady saw it and her heart became filled with joy and had a new understanding to not be moved by her feelings.....but be moved by what God has said his character is like when he said he'd forgive us!
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