Outline of Central Message in Romans 9-11


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This is an old outline I made of Romans 9-11 but I think it still will match decently with what I could find in an updated analysis

Address Problem of Ill Will Toward Jews. Proving God's faithfulness ( ch 9 to11)

A. Foundational information

i. Need and "right" for Israelites to enjoy promises (9:1-5)
ii. Narrowing of Israel to only bloodline who are also of promise (9:6-21)
a. Only a certain path was under promise under Abraham (9:6-13)
b. Argument for God's right to narrow the seed (9:14-19)
c. Problem of us questioning God's selection among Jews (9:20-21)

iii. God's patience prevented earlier time of wrath (9:22-24)
iv. Prophecies of people upon whom God would show mercy (9:25-29)
v. Failure of Israelites to come to Christ was not God's failure
a. Failure in their effort to follow law to get to righteousness (9:30-33)
b. Israel(bloodline) effort was to try to make their own righteousness(10:1-12)
・ Their effort was not without zeal (10:2)
・ They were ignorant of God's righteousness (10:3)
・ If they followed God, they would have come to Christ (10:4)
・ Trapping of righteousness by Law (10:5-7)
・ Word of righteousness by faith is near (10:8)
c. Nearness of faith was there for Israel (10:8-13)
・ It was now close by confessing Jesus (10:9)
・ It was a matter of the heart (10:10)
d. God's faithfulness to bring the message (10:14-17)
・ Since gospel has to go out (10:14-15)
・ But it was prophesied all would not accept the gospel (10:16)
・ But Israel heard (10:18)
・ Israelites should have known through prophecy of jealousy (10:19-20)
e. Apparent bleakness of situation (10:21)

B. Argument to Accept Jews
i. Situation isn't so bleak. God didn't cast off His people (11:1-7)
a. His people were in that present remnant (11:2-5)
b. It was a remnant by election of grace (11:6)
ii. Non-elect were hardened so Gospel would go to Gentiles (10:19,20 and 11:8-16)
a. Hardening prophesied (11:7-10)
b. Hardening to produce jealousy (11:11)
c. Expectation of Roman believers to have mercy (11:12-16)

C. Argument regarding Gentiles' boasting against Jews
i. Introduce Olive tree analogy, loosely about people of God (11:17-19)
ii. Be fearful instead of boastful (11:20-22)
iii. Still was opportunity for some to be found in remnant (11:23-24)
iv. Conclusion of Olive Branch analogy (11:25)

D. Conclusion of Paul's full argument
i. Re-emphasis that Israel (as the remnant) would be saved (11:26)
ii. God's faithfulness in accomplishing the prophecies (11:26-29)
iii. God's equal benefit to Gentiles and Jews (11:30-32)

E. Praise to God for His Plan and Wisdom (11:33-36)

Paul had to show God's faithfulness to Israel so that the gentiles would have a benevolent attitude toward Jews and that the Jews could be saved, as was one of the goals of Paul's ministry to gentiles. The additional goal was that the Roman gentiles had to be secure in God's faithfulness as it pertained to them
The powerful aspect of these three chapters is that we see Paul sharing his deepest concern over his Israel family. His ministry was largely for generating jealousy of his countrymen so they would recognize they too should follow Christ. Paul sought so deeply even for his own understanding (especially for that) such that he identified with Elijah (Rom 11:1-6, esp. 2). God's faithfulness was demonstrated through the remnant -- those of the Israel bloodline who came to Christ. Paul shows that in Rom 9:27-29 which shows fulfillment of Isa 10:20-22 and shows how the whole nation was not destroyed as prophesied in John 11:50-52

Isa 10:20-22
In that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more lean on him who struck them, but will lean on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God. For though your people Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return. Destruction is decreed, overflowing with righteousness. For the Lord GOD of hosts will make a full end, as decreed, in the midst of all the earth.

John 11:50-52
Nor do you understand that it is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish.” He did not say this of his own accord, but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but also to gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad.

Essentially, if Christ had not come and saved some of Israel, Israel would not have continued in the reign under Christ. It simply would have nothing left of it. We know of its ultimate destruction on earth as the result of Matt 24. No stone of the Temple remained standing.
I tend to think that just posting an outline will lead people directly to an understanding of what I'm sharing. My expectation seems to be simplistic.
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