God Is Love
“Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” ( John 4:7b–8)
Reflection: The Greek word for love used in the above quotation is agape, which delights in giving. This self-sacrificing love holds the object of love in high esteem. Because it delights in self-sacrifice, it keeps on loving even when the one loved fails to respond. In other words, agape is unconditional love.
The author of the First Letter of John uniquely writes that “God is love.” God delights in giving himself to us. God takes great pleasure in sharing who he is with his creation. In fact, God self-sacrifices himself—and takes great delight in doing so—because he gets great pleasure from loving even when we, the object of his love, fail to respond. God never stops loving, as it is his very nature to do so.
The author of the First Letter of John repeats himself a few verses later, declaring again, “God is love” (1 John 4:16b). Then, he adds, “and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them” (1 John 16:b). This means that the God who is love finds us acceptable or worthy of his love and is willing to await a response from us. While he waits, he continues to live in us, to reside in us. Even if we do not respond to God’s love, our lack of response does not remove the fact that God’s essence is self-sacrificing love. God’s very being is love, according to the author of the First Letter of John. God as love is revealed to us through Christ, whose death shows us the very nature of God as love. God never stops giving away himself because it is his very nature to do so.
In what specific ways have you experienced God’s love? What response did you make? Is there a time when you were unresponsive to God, who loved you anyway?
Prayer: O God, you are love, and those who abide in love abide in you and you abide in them. I praise you for your delight in loving me and ask that you continue today, tomorrow, and forever and ever. Amen.
Mark G. Boyer, Love Addict
“Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” ( John 4:7b–8)
Reflection: The Greek word for love used in the above quotation is agape, which delights in giving. This self-sacrificing love holds the object of love in high esteem. Because it delights in self-sacrifice, it keeps on loving even when the one loved fails to respond. In other words, agape is unconditional love.
The author of the First Letter of John uniquely writes that “God is love.” God delights in giving himself to us. God takes great pleasure in sharing who he is with his creation. In fact, God self-sacrifices himself—and takes great delight in doing so—because he gets great pleasure from loving even when we, the object of his love, fail to respond. God never stops loving, as it is his very nature to do so.
The author of the First Letter of John repeats himself a few verses later, declaring again, “God is love” (1 John 4:16b). Then, he adds, “and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them” (1 John 16:b). This means that the God who is love finds us acceptable or worthy of his love and is willing to await a response from us. While he waits, he continues to live in us, to reside in us. Even if we do not respond to God’s love, our lack of response does not remove the fact that God’s essence is self-sacrificing love. God’s very being is love, according to the author of the First Letter of John. God as love is revealed to us through Christ, whose death shows us the very nature of God as love. God never stops giving away himself because it is his very nature to do so.
In what specific ways have you experienced God’s love? What response did you make? Is there a time when you were unresponsive to God, who loved you anyway?
Prayer: O God, you are love, and those who abide in love abide in you and you abide in them. I praise you for your delight in loving me and ask that you continue today, tomorrow, and forever and ever. Amen.
Mark G. Boyer, Love Addict