New Creation Model

From the above link:

In sum, the New Creation Model affirms the following:

  • The goodness of all God’s creation—spiritual and material
  • A coming new earth
  • Renewal of life on the new earth/redeemed creation
  • Bodily resurrection/embodied existence
  • Social, cultural, and political discourse among God’s people
  • Experiences on the new earth similar to the present earth but without sin, decay and death
  • Holistic anthropology (humanity)
  • Time-sequenced history

Doesn't really seem to be saying anything new.
This book compares and contrasts the New Creation Model and the Spiritual Vision Model.
New creation as us in Christ or the new creation of the heavens and earth ?
"New Creation" language is linked with three related areas where a transformation occurs:

1. the new situation for a person in Jesus
2. the new situation for the community in Jesus
3. the new situation for the created order because of Jesus ( pg 14 )
Keep makin' me look stuff up.

My heart breaks for you. ;) :)
New creation as us in Christ or the new creation of the heavens and earth ?
Many of us that have been studying God's Word in-depth for a long time could each write our own Christian book and make some money.

I won't do it though because God's Word as already written is FREE for everyone, even as Apostle Paul refused pay for his office as overseer of the Churches in his day. Apostle Paul was a tent maker, and when he needed money he would go to work at his trade. One of the major warnings Lord Jesus gave in John 10 was about the "hireling" that does it for money.
Many of us that have been studying God's Word in-depth for a long time could each write our own Christian book and make some money.

I won't do it though because God's Word as already written is FREE for everyone, even as Apostle Paul refused pay for his office as overseer of the Churches in his day. Apostle Paul was a tent maker, and when he needed money he would go to work at his trade. One of the major warnings Lord Jesus gave in John 10 was about the "hireling" that does it for money.
So you are saying that Michael, and other Bible commentors, are just in it for the money?
So you are saying that Michael, and other Bible commentors, are just in it for the money?
You don't think that possible?

Why does anyone need more books by men when so many brethren have barely cracked open God's written Word in disciplined Bible study?

Like God told Isaiah, "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" (Isaiah 2:22).

I remember going into a LifeWay Christian bookstore once, and all the actual 'real' classic Bible study source references, like The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, The Englishman's Concordance, Green's Interlinear Bible, Spurgeon's works, and many other serious Bible study tools were in the very rear of the store, mixed in with all sorts history about New Age, occult, etc. And this was a Christian bookstore? What do you think was out front on display the whole length of the bookstore? MODERN Christian novels and fiction and singular opinion writers. The particular Bible study reference I was looking for they didn't even have, I had to order it.
Something else brethren need to understand about the idea of a doctorate university degree. One is expected to 'publish' as having been awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree. Is that a requirement by God? NO! It is a requirement by men's secular education systems.

What then does all those grads with doctorate degree with each publishing their own book mean for God's Word? Those books can either help our understanding in some 'key' areas, or completely water down the effective understanding in God's written Word. It simply depends on whether someone truly called by Christ is who awards those high graduate degrees, or a school that is run by Satan's crept in unawares and pushes Leftist-Liberalism, and uses that vain approach at understanding God's Word.

What then, happens with the new babe who hasn't yet gotten down to disciplined Bible study with God's help, using proven Bible study tools? They will not truly know those books published by doctorates are keeping to what God's Word actually teaches. And that's like the story of one' house that had a devil is swept clean, only to later invite more devils in; the state of that man being worse than at the first (Matt.12:43-45).
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