Nephilim, Monsters and Dinosaurs, oh my

The Rogue Tomato

Well-known member
I always assumed dinosaurs were simply part of creation. But I've been reading the various books of Enoch which made me wonder about a different explanation.

Most of you should already be familiar with the idea that fallen angels took human wives and the offspring were giants up to 11,000 ft tall (according to Enoch, much smaller elsewhere). But the Enochian books also talk of more mischief that the Nephilim got into, where their offspring created even more monstrous creatures. There's even a scrap of text describing them as having colors.

So, just wild speculation here, but what if at least some of those "monsters" were what we now think of as dinosaurs? It would explain why they were killed off in the flood, since the flood was meant in part to destroy the giants.

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

There are tales of giants (WAY smaller than 11,000 ft.) in many different cultures. The Bible also names some tribes (like the Anakim) as being relatives of the Nephilim. And people have unearthed skeletons of 8 to 30 ft tall people, IIRC. So I guess that's the "also afterward" part.

Finally, long ago, I came up with a hypothesis that demons are the corrupted spirits of the dead Nephilim (or maybe their offspring), which is why they desire to possess people to experience some measure of the fleshly experiences they once had. To my surprise, that's exactly what the books of Enoch say - that demons are the leftover spirits of the dead half human/half angels, and are cursed to wander the earth, always hungry but never able to satisfy that hunger.
Maybe, maybe not.

This notion is ubiquitous in popular Christian books and preaching. It is both on target and misguided. The statement fails to account for a number of items in the biblical text and the development of biblical thought about the powers of darkness In the Old Testament “angel” is a functional, not an ontological, term. It is, in effect, a job description.

This circumstance changes in the Second Temple period and the New Testament, where “angel” is a term used predominantly to distinguish loyal supernatural beings from evil, rebellious ones. The devil (Satan) can have “angels” on his side (Matt 25:41; Rev 12:9), which, in the totality of good versus evil, would mean that demons, part of Satan’s kingdom, can be considered fallen angels. Nevertheless, demons are consistently cast as disembodied spirits of dead Nephilim and their giant-clan descendants.

Those spirits are the offspring of the angels that sinned before the flood, so the demons cannot be those fallen angels. Consequently, while a term like “fallen angels” may be used correctly in discussing demons, it is too often used simplistically and inaccurately.

Michael S. Heiser
I always assumed dinosaurs were simply part of creation. But I've been reading the various books of Enoch which made me wonder about a different explanation.
The dinosaurs were part of creation and were deemed "good" by God. We know this because God asks Job about two of them, leviathan and behemoth. One is a monster of a land dweller, and the other a monster of the deep. Yet God says He created them, and formed them (Job 40:15-41:34).
The dinosaurs were part of creation and were deemed "good" by God. We know this because God asks Job about two of them, leviathan and behemoth. One is a monster of a land dweller, and the other a monster of the deep. Yet God says He created them, and formed them (Job 40:15-41:34).

Those are two examples, not "every dinosaur", especially those who could be deemed "monsters" (i.e., the most dangerous).
Those are two examples, not "every dinosaur", especially those who could be deemed "monsters" (i.e., the most dangerous).
Yes, those are only two examples. But those make it clear that at least some (if not all) of the dinosaurs were created by God, not the result of demonic breeding.
The dinosaurs were part of creation and were deemed "good" by God. We know this because God asks Job about two of them, leviathan and behemoth. One is a monster of a land dweller, and the other a monster of the deep. Yet God says He created them, and formed them (Job 40:15-41:34).
Key words: "at least some".
No desire to argue this point. Yes, there is a very slip possibility that what you hypothesize is true. But we will only know when we are in Heaven, and then we won't care on way or the other because the cares, concerns, and worries (the bad things) of this life will not be remembered (Isa 65:17).
No desire to argue this point. Yes, there is a very slip possibility that what you hypothesize is true. But we will only know when we are in Heaven, and then we won't care on way or the other because the cares, concerns, and worries (the bad things) of this life will not be remembered (Isa 65:17).

I agree it's not important. I just enjoy speculating based on the things I read, like the books of Enoch, part of which talks about how fallen angels messed around with interbreeding and how the Nephilim bred monsters. It's not canon, but I find it interesting.
I always assumed dinosaurs were simply part of creation. But I've been reading the various books of Enoch which made me wonder about a different explanation.

Most of you should already be familiar with the idea that fallen angels took human wives and the offspring were giants up to 11,000 ft tall (according to Enoch, much smaller elsewhere). But the Enochian books also talk of more mischief that the Nephilim got into, where their offspring created even more monstrous creatures. There's even a scrap of text describing them as having colors.

So, just wild speculation here, but what if at least some of those "monsters" were what we now think of as dinosaurs? It would explain why they were killed off in the flood, since the flood was meant in part to destroy the giants.

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

There are tales of giants (WAY smaller than 11,000 ft.) in many different cultures. The Bible also names some tribes (like the Anakim) as being relatives of the Nephilim. And people have unearthed skeletons of 8 to 30 ft tall people, IIRC. So I guess that's the "also afterward" part.

Finally, long ago, I came up with a hypothesis that demons are the corrupted spirits of the dead Nephilim (or maybe their offspring), which is why they desire to possess people to experience some measure of the fleshly experiences they once had. To my surprise, that's exactly what the books of Enoch say - that demons are the leftover spirits of the dead half human/half angels, and are cursed to wander the earth, always hungry but never able to satisfy that hunger.
Bothering with the "Book of Enoch" is your FIRST mistake.

Personally, until I'm corrected, I'll stick with the "Gap theory" (there's an unknown expanse of time between Gen 1:1, and Gen 1:2). Into that time period, additional creations are possible on this dirt ball, and Dinosaurs fit nicely.
Dinosaur is a latin word, since latin words lead to false doctrines like the rapture. .. but I digress.

The brontosaurus is described in job as the behemoth.

Leviathan prior to having multiple heads added to it over the years (the biggest fish story in prophecy!) describes a plesiosaur.
Most of you should already be familiar with the idea that fallen angels took human wives and the offspring were giants up to 11,000 ft tall (according to Enoch, much smaller elsewhere). But the Enochian books also talk of more mischief that the Nephilim got into, where their offspring created even more monstrous creatures. There's even a scrap of text describing them as having colors.
GINOLJC, to all.
First, get that phony book of Enoch out of your library. second, the ONLY GIANTS in the bible was at least 12 to 13 feet tall or less. and none had angelic fathers. That's an ERROR people teach. not one angel came down from heaven and had sex with any Earth woman and had children, that's a LIE.

all Giants of the Bible and Nephilim are human based, not alien. produce. get those Gulliver's travels heights out of your mind.... please and READ the Word of God.... ok.

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Those are two examples, not "every dinosaur", especially those who could be deemed "monsters" (i.e., the most dangerous).
Greek mythology. God made all things, and we have a record of the animals that was Made and EVOLVED by God. supportive scripture, John 1:3.

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