Modern Day Israel on Gods prophetic calendar


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Is Modern Israel Fulfilling Prophecy?
by Thomas Ice

Is the current state of Israel a work of God as predicted in Bible prophecy or is it merely
an accident of history? I believe that modern Israel is a Divine work and is in the process of
fulfilling Bible prophecy. I believe that Israel, as she is constituted today, is a work of God
in progress preparing the nation for the tribulation, which will lead to her national conversion,
the second coming of Christ and His millennial reign.


On the one hand, there is great support for Israel generally among the Evangelical
Christian Community. This is likely the main reason that opinion polls in the United States
show great support for the modern state of Israel, in contrast with Europe, which tends to
overwhelmingly support the Arabs. It is not the Jewish lobby that is so effective in
America, while they struggle across the Atlantic. The reason there is such great support for
Israel in the U. S. A. is because biblical Christianity resonates more here than in the Old
World. There are not many Bible-believing Christians in Europe compared to this country.
Further, there is a greater number of Muslims in Europe than in North America. Their
influence is driving opinions in Europe in much the same way that Evangelicals tip the scales
in this country.

While the larger majority of Evangelicals have always supported Israel, the Jewish
community is only recently becoming convinced of this support.National Review’s Rod Dreher says evangelicals who hold a “divine right”
viewpoint support Israel with an “uncritical fervor that exceeds that of even some
American Jews.” Orthodox Rabbi Daniel Lapin, in an article posted May 7 on
National Review Online, says American Jews are “waking up” to Christian

For many Evangelicals, the modern state of Israel is such an important item, that it will be the
central issue by which they will determine who to vote for in this year’s election. For
Christians like myself, we believe that it is still a dictum of history that God will bless those
who bless Israel and curse the one who curses Israel (Gen. 12:3).


Yet, even within the Christian community in America, there are those who do not
believe that the modern state of Israel is related to God’s Sovereign plan for history.
Preterist Gary North has boasted that he has a book already in his computer for when
“Israel gets pushed into the sea, or converted to Christ.”2 Lutheran Don Matzat has said,
The present-day nation of Israel is no more involved in God’s plans for the future
than is France, England, Germany, the United States, etc. The teaching of the
New Testament is very clear—Jesus fulfilled everything pertaining to Israel and
formed the New Israel.

Even a number of dispensationalists today say that there is a restored nation of Israel in
God’s plan for the future, but there is no reason to think that the current nation of Israel is
necessarily prophetically significant. Current president of Dallas Theological Seminary, Dr.
Mark Bailey said,

Is that what is happening today? I can’t say for sure. It is the first time in
2,500 years, though, that you have this kind of constitution of people in the land,
but I don’t know what that means. This may be the prelude to end-time events, 2 but I think we’re presumptuous if we try to give it meaning beyond that. It
maybe, that’s all we can say. It is not surprising, in light of his view of the present state of Israel, that Dr. Bailey
recommends Christians not support Israel politically.

Modern Israel IS a Work of God

There are many reasons why we can say that the modern state of Israel is prophetically
significant and of stage-setting significance for the tribulation. I will list a few here, but will do
a more thorough job in a forthcoming book. First of all, Israel is not going to get pushed into
the sea. Second, France, England, Germany and the United States are not mentioned
hundreds of times throughout the Bible as is the case with Israel. The Bible says many
times that Israel is not done in history, but many Christians act as if that were not true. Paul
said in Romans, “I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be!”
(Rom. 11:1a).

There are dozens of biblical passages that predict an end-time regathering of Israel back
to her land. However, it is a common mistake to lump all of these passages into one
fulfillment time frame, especially in relation to the modern state of Israel. Modern Israel is
prophetically significant and is fulfilling Bible prophecy. But readers of God’s Word need to
be careful to distinguish which verses are being fulfilled in our day and which references
await future fulfillment. In short there will be two end-time regatherings: One before the
tribulation and one after the tribulation.

Hebrew Christian scholar Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum—a graduate of Dallas
Seminary—explains the biblical basis for the current state of Israel as follows:
The re-establishment of the Jewish state in 1948 has not only thrown a
wrench in amillennial thinking, but it has also thrown a chink in much of premillennial
thinking. Amazingly, some premillennialists have concluded that the present
state of Israel has nothing to do with the fulfillment of prophecy. For some reason
the present state some how does not fit their scheme of things, and so the
present state becomes merely an accident of history. On what grounds is the
present state of Israel so dismissed? The issue that bothers so many
premillennialists is the fact that not only have the Jews returned in unbelief with
regard to the person of Jesus, but the majority of the ones who have returned
are not even Orthodox Jews. In fact the majority are atheists or agnostics.
Certainly, then, Israel does not fit in with all those biblical passages dealing with
the return. For it is a regenerated nation that the Bible speaks of, and the present
state of Israel hardly fits that picture. So on these grounds, the present state is
dismissed as not being a fulfillment of prophecy.

However, the real problem is the failure to see that the prophets spoke of
two international returns. First, there was to be a regathering in unbelief in
preparation for judgment, namely the judgment of the tribulation. This was to be
followed by a second world-wide regathering in faith in preparation for blessing,
namely the blessings of the messianic age. Once it is recognized that the Bible
speaks of two such regatherings, it is easy to see how the present state of Israel
fits into prophecy.

First World-Wide Gathering in Unbelief

In 1948 when the modern state of Israel was born, it not only became an important
stage setting development but began an actual fulfillment of specific Bible prophecies
about an international regathering of the Jews in unbelief before the judgment of the
tribulation. Such a prediction is found in the following Old Testament passages: Ezek. 3

20:33-38; 22:17-22; 36:22-24; 37:1–14; Isa. 11:11-12; Zeph. 2:1-2 and Ezek. 38–39
presupposes such a setting.

Zephaniah 1:14-18 is one of the most colorful descriptions of “The Day of the LORD,”
which we commonly call the tribulation period. Zephaniah 2:1-2 says that there will be a
world-wide regathering of Israel before the day of the LORD. “Gather yourselves together,
yes, gather, O nation without shame, before the decree takes effect—the day passes like
the chaff—before the burning anger of the LORD comes upon you, before the day of the
LORD’s anger comes upon you.”

Ezekiel 20:33–38 speaks of a regathering, which must take place before the tribulation.
The passage speaks of bringing the nation of Israel back “from the peoples and gather you
from the lands where you are scattered, with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm
and with wrath poured out” (Ezek. 20:34). “With wrath poured out” is a descriptive
reference to the tribulation. Thus, in order this to occur in history, Israel must be back in the
land before the tribulation. This passage clearly says that it is the Lord who is bringing them
back. The current nation of Israel is in the process of fulfilling this passage.

In a similar vein, two chapters later, Ezekiel receives another revelation about a future
regathering of national Israel (Ezek. 22:17–22). This time, the Lord is “going to gather you
into the midst of Jerusalem” (Ezek. 22:19). Like the metallurgist, the Lord will use the fire of
the tribulation to purge out the unfaithful. The Lord is going to “gather you [Israel] and blow
on you with the fire of My wrath, and you will be melted in the midst of it” (Ezek. 22:21).
Once again, “My wrath” depicts the time of the tribulation. It also follows here that the nation
must be regathered before that event can take place. The outcome of this event will be
that the nation “will know that I, the LORD, have poured out My wrath on you” (Ezek. 22:22).
For this to occur, there must be a regathering by the Lord of Israel to the land, just like we
see happening with the modern state of Israel. God is at work through the current state of

Surely, anyone who claims to believe in a national future for Israel would have to say
that the valley of dry bones prophecy in some way, shape, or form relates to modern Israel
(Ezek. 37:1–14). The prophet describes a future process through which the nation of Israel
will come to be reconstituted and (when the process is complete) enter into a faithful spiritual
relationship with the Lord. This multi stage process must surely include the current nation of
Israel, in unbelief, that is being prepared to go through a time that will lead to her conversion
to Jesus as their Messiah. This is said by Ezekiel to be a work of the Lord (Ezek. 37:14).
Thus, the modern state of Israel is a work of God and biblically significant.

Second World-Wide Gathering in Belief

Many passages in the Bible speak of Israel’s regathering, in belief, at the end of the
tribulation, in conjunction with Christ’s second coming, in preparation for commencement of
the millennium. These references are not being fulfilled by the modern state of Israel.
Some of the citations include: Deut. 4:29-31; 30:1-10; Isa. 27:12-13; 43:5-7; Jer. 16:14-
15; 31:7-10; Ezek. 11:14-18; Amos 9:14-15; Zech. 10:8-12; Matt. 24:31 and many more.
I think that this regathering will fulfill the Feast of Trumpets (
Rosh Hashanah) for the nation of Israel.

Matthew 24:31, records a future regathering of Israel, this time in belief. “And He will
send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the
four winds, from one end of the sky to the other” (Matt. 24:31). This is said to take place
after the tribulation (Matt. 24:29), which would be the second coming.

The fact that the last fifty years has seen a world-wide regathering and reestablishment
of the nation of Israel, which is now poised in just the setting required for the revealing of the
Antichrist and the start of the tribulation, is God’s grand indicator that all of the other areas of
world development are prophetically significant. Dr. Walvoord says, 4

Of the many peculiar phenomena which characterize the present generation, few
events can claim equal significance as far as Biblical prophecy is concerned with
that of the return of Israel to their land. It constitutes a preparation for the end of
the age, the setting for the coming of the Lord for His church, and the fulfillment of
Israel's prophetic destiny.

It is true that the Bible predicts a future time when Israel will be regathered in belief and
will then enter into the kingdom for a thousand years. However, as I have demonstrated
above, the same Scriptures also tell us of a time when Israel will be regathered in unbelief,
before the tribulation in order that God may complete His plan for national Israel. The
current nation of Israel is the beginning of fulfillment of just such prophecy. Modern Israel is
the result of God’s direct intervention in history. I believe that those who speak contrary to
this will be found to be fighting God. Maranatha!
He spams some proof texts that don't at all say what he says when you look each one up. The first list he says "wrath" means the tribulation, this is pure eisegesis—the wrath was judgment for their sin. The second list, the re-establishment of Israel was conditional upon their repentance. I challenge anyone to find an honest passage that clearly says God will bless Israel in unbelief and sin; there is not one. Christ was clear that the kingdom of God was taken and given to someone else, while the house was left desolate.

On the other hand, this does not mean we should hate Israel by any means. God always calls them to repentance and wants the Gentiles to show the mercy back on Israel that they have received. They still are the heritage from which our spiritual roots come, and we should always be disposed to be generous to them in return. Plus, in the natural, they are a tremendous and useful ally, with one of the best intelligence agencies in the world. But Christians go overboard in "venerating" Israel and acting like God is pleased with it.

That's my take.
Thomas Ice has a Masters Degree from Dallas Theological Cemetery, which simply means that he has willingly drunk the kool-aid of dispensationalism (dsp) that that cemetery dispenses to all who don't wish to rock the boat, by actually proving from the Bible, what it teaches about the end times - probably because they can't prove their doctines, biblically.

Genesis 12:3 is a blessing on those who have the faith of Abraham (Abram at the time), not on ethnic Israel or the Israeli nation. In fact, when God gave the blessing to Abram, the nation of Israel wouldn't even come into existence for another 430 years or more.

I respect, pray for, and support modern day Israel - mainly because they are the only democracy in the middle east, and they don't usually act like their enemies, who often are terrorists. Of course there will always be a wacko, even in Israel, who will do evil things, just like in every nation. But for the most part, they are good people - however most of them do not accept Jesus as their Messiah, and are pretty much totally secular.

My pastor said that most people make one of two mistakes with Israel: They either 1. Hate them and blame them for most all middle-east problems- some go so far as to hate them for even existing or 2. They put them up on a pedestal above the rest of us, and they see God not only accepting them, but giving them a free pass to heaven, without even expecting them to believe in their Messiah, Jesus. The truth is that, without Jesus they are lost just like the rest of us. They are not demons and they are not "special" people. They are just like you and me - we all need Jesus. Also, just like the rest of us who are Christians, if a Jew decides to believe in and follow his Messiah, Jesus, then the blessing of Abraham rests on him, just like it does on us.

" ... For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel; nor are they all children because they are Abraham's descendants ... it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of promise are regarded as descendants." Romans 9:6-8

Modern day Israel does not have the blessing of Abraham on it, as a nation. However, any Jew living in modern day Israel, or outside of Israel, who has acknowledged Jesus as His Messiah and Lord - does have the blessing of Abraham on him, since he has the faith of Abraham.

The prophecies that he cites speak of either 1. Israel returning to its homeland from Babylon or 2. The kingdom age or the 1st coming of Christ. None of them apply to the 2nd coming of Christ. Matthew 24:29 and 31 are not future, they refer to the destruction of Jerusalem - we know that from verse 34 " ... this generation (the one they were living in) will not pass away until all these things take place."

It's amazing how dsp (like Ice) can give addresses for certain verses, and then say, "See, that proves what I'm saying." The verses referred to, but often not quoted, leave more questions about what they say they mean - but they won't delve into any objections or differing opinions, and actually prove that they confirm the dsp view.

Here's an interesting observation: I've heard lots of debates on Bible and Christian topics - but I don't believe I've ever heard a public debate of a dispensationalist vs. a nondispensationalist. Are they afraid to debate?

If we disagree with Ice's opinion of modern day Israel being the result of direct intervention by God, then we are fighting God. Such arrogance - typical of many dsp.
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The same old schtick comes out - always the hate against dispensationalism. It's been discussed in other threads so this does not need to descend to a mud slinging match again.

Ice has no clue about the 70 Weeks and a lot of what is in the book of Daniel. But what he did get right is that there are multiple regatherings of the Jewish people into their historic homeland. The 1948 is only but one. The Olivet discourse describes the beginning of the final one. The population flees the onslaught of the final dictator and they disperse into the nations. When the Messiah comes back, the trumpet sounds and the elect who survive and have called on their Messiah are gathered together into their homeland.
[Mat 24:31 LSB] 31 "And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other."

He's elaborating from Isaiah.
[Isa 11:11-12 LSB] 11 Then it will be in that day, [that] the Lord Will again acquire the second time with His hand The remnant of His people, who will remain, From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Ethiopia, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, And from the coastlands of the sea. 12 And He will lift up a standard for the nations And assemble the banished ones of Israel, And will gather the scattered of Judah From the four corners of the earth.

Why is this yet to occur? Because there will be another parting of the Red Sea during the last days.
[Isa 11:15 LSB] 15 And Yahweh will devote to destruction The tongue of the Sea of Egypt; And He will wave His hand over the River With His scorching wind; And He will strike it into seven streams And make [men] walk over dry-shod.
Russia and Israel in prophecy

Here is what I think the future holds for Russia. It might make for an interesting Hollywood fiction movie at least.

The fact that the USA is currently vacating the Middle East will permit Russia to build a coalition of Middle Eastern states. Along with most notably Iran, that coalition will end up threatening and invading Israel. The opposing coalition of nations, headed by the USA and Western nations, will oppose that invasion. Israel will be USA's line in the sand. That's when the USA enters the war full on. A massive war between Russia and the USA coalition will result but the USA coalition will triumph.

Once the USA coalition triumphs against Russia then it will install their occupation headquarters in Jerusalem. There and then will be the start of the Antichrist's reign in Jerusalem. With Protestant and Jewish backing he will proceed to build the 3rd Temple, only possible because of the defeat of Islamic nations, in order to dup the Jews into thinking that he is their long awaited Messiah. Eventually, Christ will banish the AntiChrist to Hell and put an end to that coalition.
The same old schtick comes out - always the hate against dispensationalism. It's been discussed in other threads so this does not need to descend to a mud slinging match again.

Ice has no clue about the 70 Weeks and a lot of what is in the book of Daniel. But what he did get right is that there are multiple regatherings of the Jewish people into their historic homeland. The 1948 is only but one. The Olivet discourse describes the beginning of the final one. The population flees the onslaught of the final dictator and they disperse into the nations. When the Messiah comes back, the trumpet sounds and the elect who survive and have called on their Messiah are gathered together into their homeland.
[Mat 24:31 LSB] 31 "And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other."

He's elaborating from Isaiah.
[Isa 11:11-12 LSB] 11 Then it will be in that day, [that] the Lord Will again acquire the second time with His hand The remnant of His people, who will remain, From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Ethiopia, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, And from the coastlands of the sea. 12 And He will lift up a standard for the nations And assemble the banished ones of Israel, And will gather the scattered of Judah From the four corners of the earth.

Why is this yet to occur? Because there will be another parting of the Red Sea during the last days.
[Isa 11:15 LSB] 15 And Yahweh will devote to destruction The tongue of the Sea of Egypt; And He will wave His hand over the River With His scorching wind; And He will strike it into seven streams And make [men] walk over dry-shod.
I can't believe your interpretation. Sounds like something out of Star Wars. Matthew 24:29-31 cannot refer to the end times - we know that because verse 34 tells us all those things will take place in "THIS GENERATION", the generation in which Jesus was crucified. Verses 29 and 30 are the prophetic words of impending judgment on Jerusalem, which is JESUS' reply to the disciples question. Jesus CAME IN JUDGMENT, not physically, but through the Roman army. which is the same language of judgment in the Old Testament. Verse 31 says that His angels would gather all believing Jews and some Gentile believers, so they could escape to the mountains, as He told them to do, when they see Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman armies. Verse 34 warns them that His coming in judgment is right at the door - just 40 years away.
I can't believe your interpretation. Sounds like something out of Star Wars. Matthew 24:29-31 cannot refer to the end times - we know that because verse 34 tells us all those things will take place in "THIS GENERATION", the generation in which Jesus was crucified. Verses 29 and 30 are the prophetic words of impending judgment on Jerusalem, which is JESUS' reply to the disciples question. Jesus CAME IN JUDGMENT, not physically, but through the Roman army. which is the same language of judgment in the Old Testament. Verse 31 says that His angels would gather all believing Jews and some Gentile believers, so they could escape to the mountains, as He told them to do, when they see Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman armies. Verse 34 warns them that His coming in judgment is right at the door - just 40 years away.
That's ok. The Bible says what it says.
Here is what I think the future holds for Russia. It might make for an interesting Hollywood fiction movie at least.

The fact that the USA is currently vacating the Middle East will permit Russia to build a coalition of Middle Eastern states. Along with most notably Iran, that coalition will end up threatening and invading Israel. The opposing coalition of nations, headed by the USA and Western nations, will oppose that invasion. Israel will be USA's line in the sand. That's when the USA enters the war full on. A massive war between Russia and the USA coalition will result but the USA coalition will triumph.

Once the USA coalition triumphs against Russia then it will install their occupation headquarters in Jerusalem. There and then will be the start of the Antichrist's reign in Jerusalem. With Protestant and Jewish backing he will proceed to build the 3rd Temple, only possible because of the defeat of Islamic nations, in order to dup the Jews into thinking that he is their long awaited Messiah. Eventually, Christ will banish the AntiChrist to Hell and put an end to that coalition.
It's the Christian urban myth that just won't die. Russia is not named in Ezekiel 38 and 39. This is claimed by people who don't know Hebrew. It is the height of absurdity to claim words that sound like "Russia" and "Tobolsk" and "Moscow" are being talked about.
It's the Christian urban myth that just won't die. Russia is not named in Ezekiel 38 and 39. This is claimed by people who don't know Hebrew. It is the height of absurdity to claim words that sound like "Russia" and "Tobolsk" and "Moscow" are being talked about.
Who are those people? It ain't me.
I'm a futurist when it comes to much of Revelation. I do have questions about modern day Israel. It's believed by many God has brought them back into the land. Many Christians have sought to help them even go back into the land. I wonder why they would do this if they also believe the anti Christ will slaughter perhaps 2/3 rds of the people there. Plus also it's thought

during a 7 year period or after into the 1000 years there would be a a return of animal sacrifices in a temple. To me that just doesn't make sense. I can't see any reason why God would be in favor of such a thing as it would be like an insult to the finished work of Christ Surely the blood of Jesus and the lamb of God Jesus will stand forever as the fulfillment for sacrifice with nothing else needed.
I'm a futurist when it comes to much of Revelation. I do have questions about modern day Israel. It's believed by many God has brought them back into the land. Many Christians have sought to help them even go back into the land. I wonder why they would do this if they also believe the anti Christ will slaughter perhaps 2/3 rds of the people there. Plus also it's thought

during a 7 year period or after into the 1000 years there would be a a return of animal sacrifices in a temple. To me that just doesn't make sense. I can't see any reason why God would be in favor of such a thing as it would be like an insult to the finished work of Christ Surely the blood of Jesus and the lamb of God Jesus will stand forever as the fulfillment for sacrifice with nothing else needed.
I can see Jewish nonbelievers doing that - i.e. bringing back animal sacrifice in a rebuilt so-called temple. But implying or even outright saying that Jesus Himself, sitting as King over the world in Jerusalem, will also preside over such a temple, with animal sacrifice in the millennium is absolutely absurd - which is also obvious because it's not scriptural.
I can see Jewish nonbelievers doing that - i.e. bringing back animal sacrifice in a rebuilt so-called temple. But implying or even outright saying that Jesus Himself, sitting as King over the world in Jerusalem, will also preside over such a temple, with animal sacrifice in the millennium is absolutely absurd - which is also obvious because it's not scriptural.
Why would you even state something so outright wrong? It's there in black and white text since the time Ezekiel penned it.

[Eze 46:1-4 LSB] 1 'Thus says Lord Yahweh, "The gate of the inner court facing east shall be shut the six working days; but it shall be opened on the sabbath day and opened on the day of the new moon. 2 "Then the prince shall enter by way of the porch of the gate from outside and stand by the post of the gate. Then the priests shall provide his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate and then go out; but the gate shall not be shut until the evening. 3 "And the people of the land shall also worship at the entrance of that gate before Yahweh on the sabbaths and on the new moons. 4 "Now the burnt offering which the prince shall bring near to Yahweh on the sabbath day shall be six lambs without blemish and a ram without blemish;
I'm a futurist when it comes to much of Revelation. I do have questions about modern day Israel. It's believed by many God has brought them back into the land. Many Christians have sought to help them even go back into the land. I wonder why they would do this if they also believe the anti Christ will slaughter perhaps 2/3 rds of the people there. Plus also it's thought

during a 7 year period or after into the 1000 years there would be a a return of animal sacrifices in a temple. To me that just doesn't make sense. I can't see any reason why God would be in favor of such a thing as it would be like an insult to the finished work of Christ Surely the blood of Jesus and the lamb of God Jesus will stand forever as the fulfillment for sacrifice with nothing else needed.
It's because you do not have a proper understanding of the Feasts of Yahweh and their purpose.
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