Looking for Samuel
1 Samuel 7
- After 20 years the Ark comes to the city of Kiriath-jearim and the house of Israel begins to seek after Yah.weh!
- And the Israelites take away all the foreign gods they have!
- Then Samuel prays for the Israelites!
- And he begins serving as judge over the Israelites!
- There is a war between the Philistines and the Israelites asking for help from Yah.weh!
- So Samuel makes an offering and asks Yah.weh for help and Yah.weh answers him!
- And he sends thunder against the Philistines and he throws them into confusion and Israel defeats them!
- And the Israelites pursue them and kill many!
- And Israel recovers its cities and the territory taken by the Philistines!
- And Samuel keeps judging Israel, traveling once a year through the country to do his job and returning to his house in Ramah where he also judges Israel.
- So most of the time Israel opposes Yah.weh and when they are in a bad situation they call for him!
- That’s a strange way to be a special people!
- They have been struck so many times!
- Fortunately, Samuel is their judge and he follows Yah.weh and he has a good relationship with him!
- And Yah.weh listens to him!
- Thus all the time it is a relationship between Yah.weh and one of his faithful servants!
- Without such a relationship between YAH.WEH and ONE MAN, they would have been rejected all at once!
- For one man, Samuel, Yah.weh saved Israel!
- And it is not the only case!
- Once again, it shows that if we don’t do the job, the others won’t do it for us!
1 Samuel 7
- After 20 years the Ark comes to the city of Kiriath-jearim and the house of Israel begins to seek after Yah.weh!
- And the Israelites take away all the foreign gods they have!
- Then Samuel prays for the Israelites!
- And he begins serving as judge over the Israelites!
- There is a war between the Philistines and the Israelites asking for help from Yah.weh!
- So Samuel makes an offering and asks Yah.weh for help and Yah.weh answers him!
- And he sends thunder against the Philistines and he throws them into confusion and Israel defeats them!
- And the Israelites pursue them and kill many!
- And Israel recovers its cities and the territory taken by the Philistines!
- And Samuel keeps judging Israel, traveling once a year through the country to do his job and returning to his house in Ramah where he also judges Israel.
- So most of the time Israel opposes Yah.weh and when they are in a bad situation they call for him!
- That’s a strange way to be a special people!
- They have been struck so many times!
- Fortunately, Samuel is their judge and he follows Yah.weh and he has a good relationship with him!
- And Yah.weh listens to him!
- Thus all the time it is a relationship between Yah.weh and one of his faithful servants!
- Without such a relationship between YAH.WEH and ONE MAN, they would have been rejected all at once!
- For one man, Samuel, Yah.weh saved Israel!
- And it is not the only case!
- Once again, it shows that if we don’t do the job, the others won’t do it for us!