Looking for Samuel

Looking for Samuel



1 Samuel 1:3

- Right, here is a servant of Yah.weh who goes to worship and to sacrifice to Yah.weh as he is supposed to do!

- Nothing special, nothing wrong even if he has two wives!

- But that’s the Israelites: we know they didn’t know how to serve God in the right way even if they were told!

- In fact, they didn’t want to do it the proper way!

- They preferred to have a look at the other nations and copy them!

- Mankind has always done the same!

- And they have the Bible!

- And they have Yah.weh’s word!

- There is absolutely no excuse!

- And Jerusalem was destroyed twice!

- And mankind was destroyed once!

- And it will happen a second time!

- They are stubborn!

- That’s their choice!

- Once again, free will!

- Life is not a right!

- If we want to survive, we have to act in consequence!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 1: 4,5

- Yeah, yeah, yeah: Elkannah loves Hannah so there is a competition or a fight between the two women: that’s not a good way to educate children!

- And Peninnah has children and Hannah doesn’t: it means more troubles!

- I should say endless troubles!

- Apparently, Yah.weh has favored Peninnah and not Hannah to counterbalance the situation!

- It reminds us of many situations due to man’s behavior: he always wants more and it is never enough!

- Every human individual history is a repetition of what human history is!

- I care about myself!

- I don’t care about Yah.weh!

- Yah.weh won’t care either!

- If we don’t do anything, he won’t do anything for us!

- Or better said it means death!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 1:7,8

- Poor man, he has no idea of what happens in his own family!

- Does it remind you of something?

- It usually happens that way among many families!

- And parents don’t understand when something happens because they don’t know anything!

- Well, their children have friends to communicate with or they spend a lot of time in front of TV, the internet or playing video games!

- And the children have nothing to say when they eat with their parents!

- And they want to go outside with their friends or back to the TV, the internet or playing video games!

- What do you call that? Modern life!

- Is that progress?

- Just an endless repetition of human decadence!

- And it goes faster and faster!

- Human history is pure nonsense!

- Why have brains if you don’t use them or better said if you only use them to destroy life on earth?
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 1:9-11

- Hannah prays to Yah.weh with all her heart!

- And she tells him about her bitterness and affliction!

- And she begs Yah.weh to give her a child!

- And she will offer him to Yah.weh to serve him!

- She really wants children and for this reason she is ready to lose the first one because he will be working at Yah.weh’s service!

- So she will be able to see him only once a year!

- Think about that!

- Think about the importance of the first born among the Hebrews!

- Hannah is ready to offer Yah.weh the most valuable thing she has!

- So different from what the Hebrews used to do!

- So different from what mankind has always done!

- What are you offering Yah.weh?

- Think about Hannah!

- Think about the Hebrews!

- There are only two options!

- If you offer nothing, you will get nothing!

- Only death!
Looking for Samuel

1 Samuel 1: 12-14


- When Hannah speaks to Yah.weh, she is sincere, it comes from her heart and she opens it to him!

- She doesn’t say anything in a hurry or mechanically!

- And Eli thinks she is drunk!

- That’s strange because he is old!

- So he must have seen many people praying!

- Judging by appearance is not good: it only leads to misunderstanding!

- See the difference between Eli and Hannah!

- Eli is judging by appearance!

- Hannah is acting with her heart!

- People get used to doing things mechanically!

- They usually forget what they have learnt, especially their values!

- Today there aren’t any more values!

- Nothing is left!

- We are at the end of the trip!

- If we keep acting that way, the promised land will be closed for us!

- We won’t get into it!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 1:15,16

- One word to summarize: HUMILITY!

- Samuel will have a really good mother!

- And she defends herself in front of Eli!

- When she speaks about her great anguish and distress, even if there is no comparison, it reminds me of Job expressing his great anguish and distress to Yah.weh!

- Thus we find humility in the Bible among faithful servants of Yah.weh!

- For the rest you can forget it!

- Same today!

- There is still time to change and show humility!

- But when the door is closed, there won’t be any more entrances to the promised land!

- And if we think we can wait for the last moment, it has never worked and it will never worked!

- Thus it’s up to us!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 1:17,18

- Hannah speaks with Yah.weh!

- Then she speaks with Eli!

- And she finds relief!

- The prayer is supposed to be for that!

- But we must be used to praying with our hearts!

- Do we find the same relief when we pray Yah.weh?

- If not, we have a lot of work to adapt!

- If we pray but don’t act accordingly, we can forget it!

- Yah.weh will never listen to us!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 1:24-28

- Hannah fulfills her promise by bringing Samuel to the house of Yah.weh in due time!

- It was a good start for Samuel!

- As a matter of fact, Samuel is going to be faithful to Yah.weh all his life!

- Hannah did what she said she was going to do and this on due time!

- Do we do the same regarding Yah.weh?

- Nobody can play with Yah.weh!

- On due time everybody receives what he deserves!

- There is no surprise!

- Only for those who don’t care!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 3:1

- Thus Samuel’s arrival is a good one or comes at the appropriate time!

- The situation in Israel is too bad so God is absent!

- Samuel will be required to put a new start in Israel to improve the situation in a certain way!

- But he will also have to deal with such a bad situation!

- Here again we have the demonstration that individuals can have a special relationship to Yah.weh in spite of the majority!

- Thus we have the demonstration that we must do the job, we can’t count on the others!

- And Job, Daniel and Samuel are good ones!

- And they did a fantastic job!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 3:2-9

- Here we have something exceptional!

- Samuel is sent to the House of Yah.weh to serve him and this when he has just been weaned!

- In fact, he doesn’t know anything about Yah.weh!

- But Yah.weh will lead his path from the beginning!

- And he gets directly in contact with him from the beginning!

- What an incredible experience!

- Thus he will be taught directly by Yah.weh from the beginning!

- It shows again the importance of receiving a good education as soon as possible!

- And there is no good education without Yah.weh!

- He must be first!

- That’s the best way for youngsters to learn how to get values!

- Which is so rare today!

- In a world which is becoming completely mad!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 3:10-14

- Imagine the situation: Yah.weh speaks directly with Samuel who is just a boy!

- We can imagine that he will remember this event during his whole life!

- Something impossible to forget!

- And he tells him personally about his judgment on the house of Eli that is Eli and his sons!

- And he can see how Eli’s sons behave!

- And he can see that Eli doesn’t do anything!

- And he can see that Yah.weh is patient!

- But when the appropriate time comes, he acts!

- And there is no way to escape!

- Does it remind you of Israel?

- Do you really understand what it means for human society?

- And here we can see that Yah.weh says that Eli’s sons ARE CURSING Yah.weh!








Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 3:15

- That’s definitely interesting!

- Samuel perfectly understands Yah.weh’s message!

- He knows it is a condemnation against Eli and his sons!

- But above all against Eli!

- And Eli is like a father to Samuel!

- And he is the one who teaches him about Yah.weh’s service!

- Imagine the situation:Eli is the high priest of Yah.weh, his two sons are also priests of Yah.weh!

- And Yah.weh has condemned them!

- They are going to die!

- There is no possible discussion!

- Yah.weh has given them time to change things!

- But they keep cursing Yah.weh by their actions!

- And Samuel will become the high priest!

- And he will keep serving Yah.weh till his death!

- And his sons will choose corruption!

- And the Hebrews chose total corruption!

- And mankind chose total corruption!

- Human corruption is everywhere!

- There is no exception!

- And we can see it every day of our lives and at all levels!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 3: 16,17

- Once again it is really interesting!

- Yah.weh hasn’t spoken to anyone in Israel for a long time!

- And now he speaks to a child!

- Eli knows what Samuel is going to tell him!

- Because he knows he is wrong!

- Do you remember Job: he knew he was right!

- Do you understand the similitude?

- So he warns Samuel!

- He wants to know each word!

- Because each word is important!

- Do you see the difference between Yah.weh’s word and man’s tradition?

- Do you understand why they oppose?

- Do you understand that if you follow one you reject the other?

- You can’t serve two masters!

- You must choose one!

- The Hebrews chose the wrong one!

- Mankind has always chosen the wrong one!

- They all have been condemned and keep being condemned!


Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 3:18

- So Samuel tells him everything without hiding anything from him.

- Thus Eli knows definitely each word from Yah.weh’s message!

- He knows it is too late to change the situation!

- He knows he is going to die!

- And he knows his sons are going to die!

- He knows he is too weak!

- And he knows he is going to pay the price!

- He has no excuse!

- May we listen to this message from Yah.weh!

- Think about that: corruption at the highest religious level!

- It is nothing new!

- Corruption is a human speciality!

- Political and religious and commercial powers have always worked together except when they get mad at each other!

- Corruption has had so much time to spread in every aspect of human society like cancer!

- It is a pandemic that keeps spreading everywhere!

- Only Yah.weh’s kingdom will get rid of it but in two phases!

- In the new future when Yah.weh will put an end to this human society and after the 1,000 years!

- Then human corruption will be eradicated and won’t be tolerated anymore!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 3: 19-21

- Eli’s house is going down!

- Samuel is going up!

- The differences are too big!

- Yah.weh has made his choice and no one else!

- Remember that Yah.weh has made his choice and no one else!

- And the religious leaders are not the ones who decide!

- Yah.weh’s word vs man’s tradition!

- On the one hand, it is too powerful, on the other hand it is too weak!

- But people like man’s tradition!

- But it won’t help!

- No chance!

- Remember the story of the Israelites, they had everything, they lost everything!

- Then it’s written, nothing can be changed!

- Think of that: Yah.weh waited for a successor to Eli before getting rid of him!

- And what a successor!

- In the next promised land, Yah.weh will look for able people who are ready to serve him faithfully!

- And he will only look for such people!

- Thus it is better to prepare now!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 4:1-11

- The Israelites are beaten twice by the Philistines!

- But they don’t know why!

- 30,000 soldiers are killed!

- And the Philistines capture the Ark of Yah.weh!

- And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phineas die!

- As a matter of fact, something is wrong!

- Because the Israelites lose twice, the Ark is captured and the two sons of Eli die!

- And bringing the Ark hasn’t changed anything!

- And who died? The two sons of Eli!

- And the price is high because many Israelites lose their lives!

- Is that Yah.weh’s people?

- Are you serious?

- Come on!

- And history keeps repeating with Israel!

- And history keeps repeating with mankind!

- Are you serious?

- Come on!

- Open your eyes!

- Open your ears!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 4:12-18

- Eli is 98!

- He is told about the defeat of Israel!

- He is also told about the death of his sons!

- And that the Ark of Yah.weh has been captured!

- Then he falls backward and breaks his neck and dies!

- After the two sons of Eli, Eli dies too!

- Think about the fact that he has been judging Israel for 40 years!

- And what happened at the end: he let his two sons behave badly in front of Yah.weh!

- He didn't do anything against them!

- He was too weak!

- That’s why we must be careful not to take the wrong way!

- Pride doesn’t help!

- It only brings disappointment!

- And when it’s too late, it’s too late!

- We can cry as much as we want!

- But if we don’t act when it is time, then forget it!

- Yah.weh warned Israel repeatedly and they never listened!

- They paid the price!

- End of the story!

- Mankind follows the same way!

- It will have the same end!

- We, as individuals, can decide to follow the right way and obey Yah.weh!

- It depends on each one of us to be saved
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 5

- The philistines capture the Ark of Yah.weh!

- They take it with them into the house of Dagon!

- But every morning they find their god facedown!

- Then they move the Ark into other cities but each time they get into trouble!

- So they decide to give it back to the Israelites.

- So in time, as usual, the Israelites are struck by Yah.weh because they don’t behave properly!

- But then it’s up to the Philistines!

- Nobody can go against Yah.weh!

- For a certain time, he may wait, and sometimes it takes a lot of time according to human time but according to Yah.weh’s time it’s nothing!

- It is always more difficult for us to wait because we don’t live long!

- And it is easier for men to look with man’s eyes rather than with Yah.weh’s eyes!

- But thus we are always going to be wrong!

- The Israelites did, time passed and then they were destroyed!

- Do you think it is going to be better when Yah.weh strikes human society in the near future?

- Remember the Israelites!

- Remember their false prophets!

- They were destroyed and their religious leaders and false prophets couldn’t do anything!

- And history will repeat again and again!

- Everything is written in the Bible!

- It’s up to us to read it and take it into account!

- Everyone must change completely!

- Being lukewarm has never worked and will never work!

- It is a choice between life and death!

- And it’s a choice everyone must make personally!

- We will be the only ones responsible!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 6

- So the Philistines get into trouble because they take Yah.weh’s Ark in their cities!

- Interestingly they ask their priests and diviners how they must return it!

- And they do exactly how they tell them!

- Now the Israelites rejoice when they see the Ark back!

- But they shouldn’t have looked at it!

- So Yah.weh strikes them and many men die!

- Once again, we see the difference between man’s tradition and Yah.weh’s word!

- Men usually do as they please!

- But with Yah.weh it doesn’t work!

- What do you think will happen when he cleanses human society to establish his kingdom?

- We have a lot of work to do to prepare for getting into the next promised land!

- There is a big difference between Yah.weh’s standards and men’s standards!

- We must understand it as fast as possible!

- It is necessary to wake up!

- Otherwise it will be really painful!

- If men think they can play with Yah.weh, he will strike them as he already stroke the Hebrews and mankind!

- And this time there will be no possible comparison!
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