Knowledge Increase - Last Generation?


Well-known member
We've been so accustomed to our world the way it's been with modern technology that I think we fail to appreciate how unique our era of time here is so very unique. There is nothing nor has there been anything like it. I do know some would claim men in ancient past were advanced too.....I think probably so in some things.....but nothing like we've experienced over the last 150 years. For thousands of years there existed a horse and cart type culture, but then came the latter part of the 1800's what started to happen? Mighty ships on the sea the size which would have staggered the minds of past generations, strange contraptions which they called horseless carriages which were thought of in the early time they'd be a fad.

Never would the reliable horse be marginalized as a secondary method of transportation. Cars would come and go. Of course they'd break down every few miles in the earliest times. Quick change kept occuring though and culture must have felt on a fast moving pace of uncertainty. They were conscious of the shock of change probably more then we for we used to it. It is though anything but normal when comparing it for the last 6000 years. So look at and compare what a small number of years say of about 150 years is to 6000?

Was this knowledge explosion just because MAN got smart all the sudden? Or was there a divine purpose in causing men to have insights into technology so as to accommodate the preaching of the gospel. Look at the major ways we've and also communications. Just think if Paul the Apostle had an Iphone.....contracting Galatia, Corinth and Ephesus multiple times a day and not having to write out long, cumbersome scrolls and who knows how long they'd take to get to their destinations!

I tend to be a futurist with eschatology for I see things recorded in Revelations which to me could only be describing our present world. Here below is a verse of scripture which appears to be talking about our day from the OT.

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Dan 12:3,4

Men have run to and fro....even to the Moon and back. What a time we live in! Leads me to believe we probably are in the last generation although I'm not a date setter.
"run to and fro"
The Hebrew root word is “shuwt” (S#7751) and is defined
as “go eagerly, quickly, to and fro”. The Aramaic Peshitta uses a
different word which is defined as “to seek, to beg, to inquire, to
investigate.” This same word is used twelve other times in the
Aramaic portion of the Hebrew version of Daniel.
It really has nothing to do with transportation getting faster as technology
improves as some would interpret this passage. The proper
sense is that as the time of the final end approaches, many will
seek and petition God for understanding and answers will be
revealed for the prophecies sealed since the time of Daniel.
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