probably the most difficult thing I did which began my journey out from calvinism is when I began to question things I was taught assuming they were the gospel truth no ifs ands or buts about them. They were as we like to say written in stone. But once I discovered something I believed and I was taught was true and began to examine it from an objective lens and found it to be false I was able to do that with many other things I assumed were true about God and not actually found to be true in scripture. That took me down a road that I'm still traveling on questioning things like a Good Berean should do. It was very freeing and I was able to see God differently than I had before and He became more Glorious to me than He was before. The study of God ( Theology ) is the greatest pursuit in life, to know Him personally, His Good name, character, nature and how He interacts with man. The Pursuit of God continues to be a daily motivator in my daily life and will remain that way until I take my last breath in this life. I'm always a student , always learning and being open minded to correction and that what I believe needs to be examined through scripture. If something appears to be a contradiction I know its not but is only my human understanding that appears to see a contradiction. There is perfect unity and harmony when it come to Gods nature/character. He is the same in the Old and He is in the New testament. Sometimes people conflate His character with His attributes and there is a difference with His primary attributes/character within His own Being as Triune vs His interaction with fallen mankind. But most people do not want to travel down this road in fear they might be wrong.

This was a stumbling block for the old group on the old forum I left and stuck in their ways and concepts of God they could not bet past what they were incorrectly taught and to examine those claims with an open mind.
I am about to type something to you and all .
Now before you read this i want you to know and understand
that just because some of you all might think this about me , It dont mean I THINK you the devil
or not christain .
Have you sat down . Good . I am about to type .
I KNOW most folks think GOOD heavens this cat is way too grave , way too fast to correct ,
he nit picks , He is too darn serious .
He means well but is too darn zealous .
Now if YOU think that , That does not mean you a devil . NOR that i think you a devil .
BUT if you think i am too grave , too serious , too quick to correct
THEN I invite you to read over and over and over and over again
The four gospels , the acts , the letters from all apostels . NOW the more this pattern this truth
gets engrained a time will come
when you will probably tell me this . FRIEND you aint grave enough , YOU need to be MORE serious
you need to .............
I AM TELLING you all , I myself have at times fallen short of HOW the apostels did things for the church .
NOW GOD DOES Remind me when i do . BUT if you all think i am too grave
too serious , believe you me MEN would have shuddered in terror at how grave paul and them apostels could be
I aint the monster who judges and hates , I LOVE THE PEOPELS no matter what THEY THINK and say about me .
IN fact i KNOW i aint no better than anyone , IN FACT the only GOODNESS i have IS and comes OF GOD .
I NEED MORE MEN to stand and help me in this fight . And i pray they will .
AND always correct me if you THINK you see error . I aint above correction . BUT when we do correct one another
LETS DO SO with bible truth . that is all i ask . DONT do it through the lens of men