Knowing God through reason...

Go back a little further. What before that? Reason....

I know you want to believe what you've been taught. I did too. I stopped accepting the arguments of others as evidence and made my own. God expects such from all of us. Just "repeating" what you've been told without any thoughts to the contrary is being a slave to men....

Rom 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey;

God doesn't care if you question what men say about Him. He prefers it that way...

So. Back to God forgiving you?

Were you once at enmity with God? God actually said He will forget. He has promised to forget. God changes when HE FORGETS.

What you're describing is the Eternal nature of God. What He done for others, He will do for you. It is contrary to God's nature to act differently from one human being to another. It is a matter of Divine Character to do otherwise.
IS GOD doing a new thing today . Go on lets hear this new thing .
Lets hear this new thing . but know this , ME IS GONNA TEST THE HECK out of what you say or any other man
and when i see the verison of love being sold that contradicts the YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS if you BELEIVE
BELEIVE and BELEIVE NOT NOT NOT I AM HE . I wont heed a friggen word one of that false love new thing .
probably the most difficult thing I did which began my journey out from calvinism is when I began to question things I was taught assuming they were the gospel truth no ifs ands or buts about them. They were as we like to say written in stone. But once I discovered something I believed and I was taught was true and began to examine it from an objective lens and found it to be false I was able to do that with many other things I assumed were true about God and not actually found to be true in scripture. That took me down a road that I'm still traveling on questioning things like a Good Berean should do. It was very freeing and I was able to see God differently than I had before and He became more Glorious to me than He was before. The study of God ( Theology ) is the greatest pursuit in life, to know Him personally, His Good name, character, nature and how He interacts with man. The Pursuit of God continues to be a daily motivator in my daily life and will remain that way until I take my last breath in this life. I'm always a student , always learning and being open minded to correction and that what I believe needs to be examined through scripture. If something appears to be a contradiction I know its not but is only my human understanding that appears to see a contradiction. There is perfect unity and harmony when it come to Gods nature/character. He is the same in the Old and He is in the New testament. Sometimes people conflate His character with His attributes and there is a difference with His primary attributes/character within His own Being as Triune vs His interaction with fallen mankind. But most people do not want to travel down this road in fear they might be wrong. :).

This was a stumbling block for the old group on the old forum I left and stuck in their ways and concepts of God they could not bet past what they were incorrectly taught and to examine those claims with an open mind.
many men sat in churches of men that learned dead wrong .
TRUTH IS FOUND IN SCRIPTURE . and often men twist it .
Ever wonder WHY o why , WHY O WHY O WHY
i been saying all along , ITS TIME WE BIBLE UP for ourselves .
While its true you cannot see me , just know you looking at the words of a man
THAT DIDNT LEARN from ANY CHURCH doctrine . I DID what we all should have done from day one .
AND that was even by THE GRACE OF GOD . DUG IN BIBLE FOR MYSELF loving every word written .
Yes its true i did not learn from men . Before one thinks that makes me evil and unlearned
cause i didnt learn their greek , their hermes ,their exegis and LORD knows what else they say
KNOW this . I PRAISE AND I THANK GOD for putting me INTO ONLY the bible and NO OTHER BOOK
to just love and enjoy it for years and for years . JUST cant get enough of that book .
Does this mean you or anyone else should suddenly trust me . NO SIR
Does it mean i am trying to MAKE you trust me . NO SIR
I dont trust me, that is in my flesh , BUT ONLY IN GOD ALONE . BUT IT means THIS , TIME FOR US TO GET IN the BIBLE to learn for ourselves
probably the most difficult thing I did which began my journey out from calvinism is when I began to question things I was taught assuming they were the gospel truth no ifs ands or buts about them. They were as we like to say written in stone. But once I discovered something I believed and I was taught was true and began to examine it from an objective lens and found it to be false I was able to do that with many other things I assumed were true about God and not actually found to be true in scripture. That took me down a road that I'm still traveling on questioning things like a Good Berean should do. It was very freeing and I was able to see God differently than I had before and He became more Glorious to me than He was before. The study of God ( Theology ) is the greatest pursuit in life, to know Him personally, His Good name, character, nature and how He interacts with man. The Pursuit of God continues to be a daily motivator in my daily life and will remain that way until I take my last breath in this life. I'm always a student , always learning and being open minded to correction and that what I believe needs to be examined through scripture. If something appears to be a contradiction I know its not but is only my human understanding that appears to see a contradiction. There is perfect unity and harmony when it come to Gods nature/character. He is the same in the Old and He is in the New testament. Sometimes people conflate His character with His attributes and there is a difference with His primary attributes/character within His own Being as Triune vs His interaction with fallen mankind. But most people do not want to travel down this road in fear they might be wrong. :).

This was a stumbling block for the old group on the old forum I left and stuck in their ways and concepts of God they could not bet past what they were incorrectly taught and to examine those claims with an open mind.
You know what i have also found to be true .
Look up at your first sentence and take heed to a certain word . IFS .
after five years of bible reading only , I Too was given a computure .
So i then went onto sites . wanna know what i found out real fast that the overwhemling majority have in common
KNow what i mean . They seem to beleive men that omit the part that follows the IF
in order to justify an acronym or a teaching of men . MAN i sure hope i didnt just open a can of worms .
MANY sure seem to omit , twist and change what follows many an IF .
probably the most difficult thing I did which began my journey out from calvinism is when I began to question things I was taught assuming they were the gospel truth no ifs ands or buts about them. They were as we like to say written in stone. But once I discovered something I believed and I was taught was true and began to examine it from an objective lens and found it to be false I was able to do that with many other things I assumed were true about God and not actually found to be true in scripture. That took me down a road that I'm still traveling on questioning things like a Good Berean should do. It was very freeing and I was able to see God differently than I had before and He became more Glorious to me than He was before. The study of God ( Theology ) is the greatest pursuit in life, to know Him personally, His Good name, character, nature and how He interacts with man. The Pursuit of God continues to be a daily motivator in my daily life and will remain that way until I take my last breath in this life. I'm always a student , always learning and being open minded to correction and that what I believe needs to be examined through scripture. If something appears to be a contradiction I know its not but is only my human understanding that appears to see a contradiction. There is perfect unity and harmony when it come to Gods nature/character. He is the same in the Old and He is in the New testament. Sometimes people conflate His character with His attributes and there is a difference with His primary attributes/character within His own Being as Triune vs His interaction with fallen mankind. But most people do not want to travel down this road in fear they might be wrong. :).

This was a stumbling block for the old group on the old forum I left and stuck in their ways and concepts of God they could not bet past what they were incorrectly taught and to examine those claims with an open mind.
I am about to type something to you and all .
Now before you read this i want you to know and understand
that just because some of you all might think this about me , It dont mean I THINK you the devil
or not christain .
Have you sat down . Good . I am about to type .
I KNOW most folks think GOOD heavens this cat is way too grave , way too fast to correct ,
he nit picks , He is too darn serious .
He means well but is too darn zealous .
Now if YOU think that , That does not mean you a devil . NOR that i think you a devil .
BUT if you think i am too grave , too serious , too quick to correct
THEN I invite you to read over and over and over and over again
The four gospels , the acts , the letters from all apostels . NOW the more this pattern this truth
gets engrained a time will come
when you will probably tell me this . FRIEND you aint grave enough , YOU need to be MORE serious
you need to .............
I AM TELLING you all , I myself have at times fallen short of HOW the apostels did things for the church .
NOW GOD DOES Remind me when i do . BUT if you all think i am too grave
too serious , believe you me MEN would have shuddered in terror at how grave paul and them apostels could be
I aint the monster who judges and hates , I LOVE THE PEOPELS no matter what THEY THINK and say about me .
IN fact i KNOW i aint no better than anyone , IN FACT the only GOODNESS i have IS and comes OF GOD .
I NEED MORE MEN to stand and help me in this fight . And i pray they will .
AND always correct me if you THINK you see error . I aint above correction . BUT when we do correct one another
LETS DO SO with bible truth . that is all i ask . DONT do it through the lens of men
God dont change , HIS nature dont change .
Next thing you will be saying is SINCE GODS nature is love
Which i know this generation is doing right now , that means NONE OF THE KIDDOS
gonna face the lake of fire .
What i mean to say is
Have you bought into the lie yet . i hope not . i dont know if you have
but allow me to explain it .
IF we as parents could never send our kiddos to a lake of fire
HOW can GOD send anyone . I SURE HOPE you aint bought that lie .
besides , for the many who end up in the hottest lake known to man
YOU CAN BET GOD AINT TO BLAME . HE DID what had to be done
ITS MEN . the children sure seem to love sin , SO THEY WONT come to the RIGHT VERSION OF JESUS , OF GOD .
So you believe God doesn't change His mind? I want you say that. Say God doesn't change his mind. Don't back way and say what you're saying. Don't make this blanket claim you're making. I've made reasoned arguments to you. Do the same.

Yes. I believe in the judgement of God but don't claim forgiveness for yourself and deny it to others.

You speak of this generation... Well. I hope you realize that our generation raised these children. Do you have any responsibility in this generation? I know that Jesus pointed out this type of hypocrisy to the Pharisees of his day.

Luk 11:47 Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.

Luk 11:48 Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.

Not claiming you're like this but many people who want to see people judged for what they do did the same things.
IS GOD doing a new thing today . Go on lets hear this new thing .
Lets hear this new thing . but know this , ME IS GONNA TEST THE HECK out of what you say or any other man
and when i see the verison of love being sold that contradicts the YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS if you BELEIVE
BELEIVE and BELEIVE NOT NOT NOT I AM HE . I wont heed a friggen word one of that false love new thing .
Love isn't new. Those who reject Christ will be judged. I give place to God's judgement. I will not judge them myself. I absolutely believe evil exists and is contrary to God to the point separation from God is needed and demanded.
It is dangerous thing to judge someone for what we've done ourselves while claiming "I'm sorry" fixes everything. This life is designed to break us and leave us without excuse. God has subjected all things together in hope that mankind might see themselves as needy people. God didn't save us and immediately take us out of the place.
Love isn't new. Those who reject Christ will be judged. I give place to God's judgement. I will not judge them myself. I absolutely believe evil exists and is contrary to God to the point separation from God is needed and demanded.
It is dangerous thing to judge someone for what we've done ourselves while claiming "I'm sorry" fixes everything. This life is designed to break us and leave us without excuse. God has subjected all things together in hope that mankind might see themselves as needy people. God didn't save us and immediately take us out of the place.
Yeah I know LOVE aint new . but what most do not know is they following the love of the world , CLOAKED as though tis the LOVE of GOD
and friend , that love aint saving squat . IT LIES to THEM , tells them things an unlearned child believes is of God , and is love .
It calls to them as it shows them this love , this love that wont correct sins , even calls evil good and good evil
This love that says it matters not what ones religoin is , it matters not what they beleived
just love it says , FOR GOD has made the path BROAD , inclusive and diverse .
To them they simply beleive it is God , is his love
but to the sheep we know its of anti christ and of the dragon that has come witih a lie he calls love
to END humanity under death .
Love isn't new. Those who reject Christ will be judged. I give place to God's judgement. I will not judge them myself. I absolutely believe evil exists and is contrary to God to the point separation from God is needed and demanded.
It is dangerous thing to judge someone for what we've done ourselves while claiming "I'm sorry" fixes everything. This life is designed to break us and leave us without excuse. God has subjected all things together in hope that mankind might see themselves as needy people. God didn't save us and immediately take us out of the place.
To preach the gospel of JESUS the CHRIST is not wrong .
To remind all of the absolute dire necessity to beleive IN JESUS the CHRIST
and that All other beliefs will damn all , IS NOT judging . ITS DIRE NECESSARY .
And to try and find common ground with satan is about the most ignorant and deadly thing to do .
All other religoins of are darkness
WE must preach to them all the dire need to repent and beleive on JESUS CHRIST
not try and find common ground . BEING unequally yoked together in good works with false religoins
Leads only to the second death . THERE IS A REASON why its written DO NOT be unequally yoked .
Soon all will beleive we all serving the same GOD if we just work together do good to others , AND IT DONT MATTER what god ye believed in
crap . You think this is not happening .
OVER Seventy percent of even christendom now beleives GOD is fine with all religoins . A LIE of course .
BUT THEY BELIEVE THIS . Paul preached JESUS the CHRIST and if one rejected He shook the dust off with a warning .
We must go and do likewise .
So you believe God doesn't change His mind? I want you say that. Say God doesn't change his mind. Don't back way and say what you're saying. Don't make this blanket claim you're making. I've made reasoned arguments to you. Do the same.

Yes. I believe in the judgement of God but don't claim forgiveness for yourself and deny it to others.

You speak of this generation... Well. I hope you realize that our generation raised these children. Do you have any responsibility in this generation? I know that Jesus pointed out this type of hypocrisy to the Pharisees of his day.

Luk 11:47 Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.

Luk 11:48 Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.

Not claiming you're like this but many people who want to see people judged for what they do did the same things.
If i wanted to see people judged and damned , I sure as heck would not be fighting tooth and nail
against satans interfaith .
I do as i do cause i desire only Good for the people . But beleive me the more i love the less i be loved .
Folks want this huge end hour false love lie
that accepts them , wont correct their sin , just says live and let live . That sure aint the LOVE of GOD .
There is a reason why the apostels taught the church to put out unrepentant , UNREPENTANT sinners .
The leaven , the error never travels alone . When the door is opened
and leaven allowed in and not corrected , BELEIVE YOU ME a lot more leaven is soon to follow my friend .
Correction is a dire necessity .
So you believe God doesn't change His mind? I want you say that. Say God doesn't change his mind. Don't back way and say what you're saying. Don't make this blanket claim you're making. I've made reasoned arguments to you. Do the same.

Yes. I believe in the judgement of God but don't claim forgiveness for yourself and deny it to others.

You speak of this generation... Well. I hope you realize that our generation raised these children. Do you have any responsibility in this generation? I know that Jesus pointed out this type of hypocrisy to the Pharisees of his day.

Luk 11:47 Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.

Luk 11:48 Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.

Not claiming you're like this but many people who want to see people judged for what they do did the same things.
Yes He changes HIS MIND , HE said HE WOULD . in effect meaning GOD HIMSELF does not CHANGE .
And watch out cause while the version of the worlds love can have good works
IT DO CONTRADICT BIG TIME the LOVE OF GOD . it just wont correct sins , which in time leads to the acceptance of said sins .
As the church picked up the false love of seeker friendliy that would not correct sins and errors within the church
it soon began to accept those errors . IT overlooks sins and in time this is now leading to them even overlooking
UNBELIEF . its getting worse , not better , this so called great awakening they see as love , ITS A DELUSION friend .
and a nasty one too .
Love isn't new. Those who reject Christ will be judged. I give place to God's judgement. I will not judge them myself. I absolutely believe evil exists and is contrary to God to the point separation from God is needed and demanded.
It is dangerous thing to judge someone for what we've done ourselves while claiming "I'm sorry" fixes everything. This life is designed to break us and leave us without excuse. God has subjected all things together in hope that mankind might see themselves as needy people. God didn't save us and immediately take us out of the place.
This is how they will decieve you . watch this
They are gonna claim that since Gods nature is love ..............................
that since GOD desires none to perish
None will . Rather than using the LOVE of GOD to promote the TRUTH
they are using this version to PROMOTE A LIE .
Only satan would do that .
Let me show you the correct way to USE that phrase .
GOD IS LOVE , GOD does desire none to perish , THUS HE DID SEND THE SON so that all who DID BELEIVE would not perish .
satan uses truth and twists it to speak a lie . we better watch out .
I love what JESUS also told the jews . Reminding them about abraham
You see when GOD spoke to abraham HE BELEIVED GOD .
Pretty darn scary that when JESUS SPOKE they sure seemed not to BELEIVE HIS WORDS .
AND YET WHO was speaking to them . WELL THIS DID NOT DO ABRAHAM now DID HE .
and i am very very serious when i say IF JESUS SAID IT , GOD SAID IT . yet why wont folks beleive
i find that so odd though when they refuse to BELIEVE ON and BELIEVE IN JESUS THE CHRIST .
Cause if one denies HIM , MAN they JUST DENIED GOD . a fact many might not want to beleive
BUT ITS A FACT ALL WILL KNOW ON THE DAY OF THE LORD . however on that day the goats will not like what they get told .
If i wanted to see people judged and damned , I sure as heck would not be fighting tooth and nail
against satans interfaith .
I do as i do cause i desire only Good for the people . But beleive me the more i love the less i be loved .
Folks want this huge end hour false love lie
that accepts them , wont correct their sin , just says live and let live . That sure aint the LOVE of GOD .
There is a reason why the apostels taught the church to put out unrepentant , UNREPENTANT sinners .
The leaven , the error never travels alone . When the door is opened
and leaven allowed in and not corrected , BELEIVE YOU ME a lot more leaven is soon to follow my friend .
Correction is a dire necessity .

So there is no leaven in your life?
Yes He changes HIS MIND , HE said HE WOULD . in effect meaning GOD HIMSELF does not CHANGE .
And watch out cause while the version of the worlds love can have good works
IT DO CONTRADICT BIG TIME the LOVE OF GOD . it just wont correct sins , which in time leads to the acceptance of said sins .
As the church picked up the false love of seeker friendliy that would not correct sins and errors within the church
it soon began to accept those errors . IT overlooks sins and in time this is now leading to them even overlooking
UNBELIEF . its getting worse , not better , this so called great awakening they see as love , ITS A DELUSION friend .
and a nasty one too .

I am positive that you're committing sins that you don't believe are sin. Everyone does.

There are sins you know and sins you don't know. What happens when you sin and don't recognize it while insisting others stop sinning for the sins you recognize?
I am positive that you're committing sins that you don't believe are sin. Everyone does.

There are sins you know and sins you don't know. What happens when you sin and don't recognize it while insisting others stop sinning for the sins you recognize?
What a pervese way of thinking .
Did peter , did barnabas err in a dissumlation . YES THEY DID
And it was corrected too .
What is my point . YOU all make a half truth to justify A LIE .
Paul , peter , barnabas , james , jude , john .
Would you say they ever commited so called unkown sins . AND YET THEY ALL WARNED THE CHURCH NOT TO SIN .
You bought into a half truth that actually STOPS CORRECTION . AND then you all wonder why
THE CHURCHES tanked as you all keep spouting the same junk that caused their fall .
But not you , not anyone on this site , can no man stop me from warning . So lets not waste your time or mine .
This man , by grace reads the bible . THIS generation NEEDS DO THE SAME . look at how
the apostels approached sin , correction upon believers . GONNA SEE A MASSIVELY HUGE DIFFERENCE
between them and todays JUDGE NOT , YOU SHOULD SPEAK AGAINST others sin . Enuff already .
THE CHURCHES are failing the people and are tanking and it just keeps getting worse
and yet the same line of insanity just keeps repeating . OH JUDGE NOT , JUDGE NOT , JUDGE NOT .
THAT IS WHY THEY FELL . leaven came in and leavened . MUST BE CORRECTED .
If i wanted to see people judged and damned , I sure as heck would not be fighting tooth and nail
against satans interfaith .
I do as i do cause i desire only Good for the people . But beleive me the more i love the less i be loved .
Folks want this huge end hour false love lie
that accepts them , wont correct their sin , just says live and let live . That sure aint the LOVE of GOD .
There is a reason why the apostels taught the church to put out unrepentant , UNREPENTANT sinners .
The leaven , the error never travels alone . When the door is opened
and leaven allowed in and not corrected , BELEIVE YOU ME a lot more leaven is soon to follow my friend .
Correction is a dire necessity .
So there is no leaven in your life?
wanna see how totally insane this truly is .
I guess since you are not perfect , DONT JUDGE your children , DONT CORRECT THEM .
what a delusoin this people has bought .
I mean heck everyone has erred . GUESS that means we ought not even correct our own children .
DUE TO the very mindset you are now trying to use on me . SORRY DUDE . you can beg , you can plead ,
you can do all you think you must do , but my voice will not be silenced .
I KNOW what leaven does . THIS judge not correct not junk of dung doo doo
that the churches bought into , ITS WHY THEY have FALLEN . LEAVEN TOOK THEM OVER . not on my watch .
I dont follow false love . I FOLLOW GOD and HIS TRUTH , HIS LOVE is upon me and FRIEND that love CORRECTS .
HE who spares the rod HATES his child . YALL bought into hate , NOT LOVE .
What a pervese way of thinking .
Did peter , did barnabas err in a dissumlation . YES THEY DID
And it was corrected too .
What is my point . YOU all make a half truth to justify A LIE .
Paul , peter , barnabas , james , jude , john .
Would you say they ever commited so called unkown sins . AND YET THEY ALL WARNED THE CHURCH NOT TO SIN .
You bought into a half truth that actually STOPS CORRECTION . AND then you all wonder why
THE CHURCHES tanked as you all keep spouting the same junk that caused their fall .
But not you , not anyone on this site , can no man stop me from warning . So lets not waste your time or mine .
This man , by grace reads the bible . THIS generation NEEDS DO THE SAME . look at how
the apostels approached sin , correction upon believers . GONNA SEE A MASSIVELY HUGE DIFFERENCE
between them and todays JUDGE NOT , YOU SHOULD SPEAK AGAINST others sin . Enuff already .
THE CHURCHES are failing the people and are tanking and it just keeps getting worse
and yet the same line of insanity just keeps repeating . OH JUDGE NOT , JUDGE NOT , JUDGE NOT .
THAT IS WHY THEY FELL . leaven came in and leavened . MUST BE CORRECTED .

So you were warned to not sin but you sin.... right?

You do realize that the first thought that comes to our mind should always be about us. Not others but US. Before you start requiring things of others. Require it of yourself.......

I find few people do this. These "sins" we don't talk about are required to be confessed to one another.....
Jas 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

One thing about Protestants..... you never hear about their sins.....

Do you do this?
Ecc 7:20 Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

I tell you someone who understood their failures.... It was Solomon. He said....

Ecc 7:20 Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

Now it took him getting old to realize this. The older I get the more I realize what I am. Weak. Incapable. Not able to help myself. I'm glad God hears sinners.
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