Jesus taught to be no part of this world

God created all mortal life. This is Gods earth. It just so happens satan is the ruler of it because mortals are easily mislead by false reasonings. Gods kingdom will take control forever soon.
This earth is merely a prison planet, Rev 12:4-9, to contain those who have chosen by their free will to be sinners in HIS sight, both the reprobate sinners who are condemned already for sinning the unforgivable sin and the believers, those with faith in HIS name as Saviour who are never condemned for their choice to sin as it is written in John 3:18 Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. Berean Standard Bible

GOD has put Satan into a high position to prove that he is perfectly, fully, leavened with evil and it is an absolute necessity that he and his angels be banned and restricted in hell as soon as the last sinful elect finally becomes holy. It is the sins of HIS sheep gone astray that keeps the postponement of the judgment against Satan and the demons in place, Matt 13:27-30...
you just exposed your self the watch tower aka j.w is a cult. that leads people down the wrong path
Wow all in darkness that do not know God say that. The only view that counts in the end is Gods view of a cult= A house divided( trinity religionsssssssss) will not stand--They fail this true mark 100%= 1 Cor 1:10= Unity of thought(all of Gods 1 truth, not hundreds of different truths) no division---what don't trinity religionssssss understand about no division? Its simple English.
This earth is merely a prison planet, Rev 12:4-9, to contain those who have chosen by their free will to be sinners in HIS sight, both the reprobate sinners who are condemned already for sinning the unforgivable sin and the believers, those with faith in HIS name as Saviour who are never condemned for their choice to sin as it is written in John 3:18 Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. Berean Standard Bible

GOD has put Satan into a high position to prove that he is perfectly, fully, leavened with evil and it is an absolute necessity that he and his angels be banned and restricted in hell as soon as the last sinful elect finally becomes holy. It is the sins of HIS sheep gone astray that keeps the postponement of the judgment against Satan and the demons in place, Matt 13:27-30...
These believe-Matt 7:22-23--Yet Jesus will say those words to them as judgement--So believing is a partial truth that goes along with-OBEYING.
One who works iniquity= one who practices a sin.
Wow all in darkness that do not know God say that. The only view that counts in the end is Gods view of a cult= A house divided( trinity religionsssssssss) will not stand--They fail this true mark 100%= 1 Cor 1:10= Unity of thought(all of Gods 1 truth, not hundreds of different truths) no division---what don't trinity religionssssss understand about no division? Its simple English.
NWT is what the jehovawitness use you are following darkness reading there Bible
NWT is what the jehovawitness use you are following darkness reading there Bible
How mistaken you are. In every translation on earth, the teachings of Jesus back the JW religion. I attended different trinity religions in my day. Those teachers are paid to teach that religions brand of dogma and LITTLE of what Jesus teaches. There is a simple test for one to look at their teachers and see if they have Jesus= Jesus commanded his teachers to teach EVERYTHING (Matt 28:19-20) he commanded. And the big one=Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God) =OT-NT-1540 pages give or take is taught to the flock by the teachers who have Jesus. My teachers do this, do yours?
How mistaken you are. In every translation on earth, the teachings of Jesus back the JW religion. I attended different trinity religions in my day. Those teachers are paid to teach that religions brand of dogma and LITTLE of what Jesus teaches. There is a simple test for one to look at their teachers and see if they have Jesus= Jesus commanded his teachers to teach EVERYTHING (Matt 28:19-20) he commanded. And the big one=Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God) =OT-NT-1540 pages give or take is taught to the flock by the teachers who have Jesus. My teachers do this, do yours?
J.W is work based salvation i dont preach/teach denomination only the word of God. which NWT is man made --were done
Yet the true followers of Jesus are considered-righteous.
well we will be righteous once we are
restored to our original body
made by God for us in
eden paradise
before the fall
which will happen at the Change

because it's our original
which is righteous holy
and is His sweet gorgeous temple...
not this flesh one upon this
J.W is work based salvation i dont preach/teach denomination only the word of God. which NWT is man made --were done
we all do have a job to do for God
which is to not bury our attribute (talent)
by being of this earth

we need to die to this reality
and go back to our eden
you just exposed your self the watch tower aka j.w is a cult. that leads people down the wrong path
every denomination follows the corrupted scroll = the sealed vision

but christ has unsealed it now
in these days
and all His sons will be returning to
meeting Him on the clouds soon
and they with Christ will rebuild eden

Christ decides who is His
and He decides who meets
Him on the clouds

pastors and experts
do not separate out the Chaff

only Christ
This earth is merely a prison planet, Rev 12:4-9, to contain those who have chosen by their free will to be sinners in HIS sight,

this earth is a prison planet for all of us...
God did not create it
GOD has put Satan into a high position to prove that he is perfectly, fully, leavened with evil and it is an absolute necessity that he and his angels be banned and restricted in hell as soon as the last sinful elect finally becomes holy.

God is not an ego and did not elevate satan nor plan satan / adam's evils deeds
or their torture of us who are His.
It is the sins of HIS sheep gone astray that keeps the postponement of the judgment against Satan and the demons in place, Matt 13:27-30...
no. it's the sealed vision
propagated by esau to keep us
prisoner and also by pastors =
modern christianity
J.W is work based salvation i dont preach/teach denomination only the word of God. which NWT is man made --were done
No the JW,s do not teach a work based salvation--OBEYING will get one saved-Obeying EVERY utterance from God as Jesus taught man MUST live by them.
Men lead by holy spirit translated the nwt. They put Gods name back where God put it to start with because he wants it there, over 7000 places-Condemned by those using altered translations with the removal of Gods name by satans will. So ones religions clearly shows whose will they support by the translation they use.
You are being mislead by the darkness-these=2Cor 11:12-15
well we will be righteous once we are
restored to our original body
made by God for us in
eden paradise
before the fall
which will happen at the Change

because it's our original
which is righteous holy
and is His sweet gorgeous temple...
not this flesh one upon this
Yes Gods kingdom rule will put everything back to perfection, the way God planned it all before the fall. And when everything is back to perfection-Jesus hands the kingdom back to his God and Father and subjects himself) = forever-1Cor 15:24-28)-
part of this is accepting
His feminine spirit
our mother

we belong to His family and we have a mother.

we are made in Their image.

all the sons will again be caretakers of eden
and of Eve
the prince of the air, adam, who was given dominion by God
and who betrayed God and all of us.
the prince of the air is Satan

Ephesians 2:2-4​

King James Version​

2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
part of this is accepting
His feminine spirit
our mother

we belong to His family and we have a mother.

we are made in Their image.

all the sons will again be caretakers of eden
and of Eve
where do you get this far out theology
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