Jesus or Yeshua?

Here is a giant NEWSFLASH-

The Holy Spirit NEVER contradicts Scripture.

Sanctify them in TRUTH- THY WORD is TRUTH. The Word of God is Truth. When the Comforter ( Holy Spirit ) comes He will guide you ( the disciples) into all truth. Its was Jesus disciples/apostles who wrote Scripture- Gods word- the TRUTH. The Holy Spirit ALWAYS points a believer To Christ alone.

So from Jesus own words- the TRUTH you do not testify to the Son so I know you do not speak from the Spirit since you do not glorify the Son as Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would do. You only see the Father worthy of glory, honor, praise and worship. The Holy Spirit honors the Son. He points people to the Son, not the Father.

John 15:26
New King James Version
“But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.

English Standard Version
“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.

John 16:13-15
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”

1 Corinthians 12:1-3
Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. 2 You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. 3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.

hope this helps !!!

No one said that the Holy Spirit contributed to contradicting scripture. The Holy Spirit within us helps us to be guided to an understanding which is of heavenly benefit of what the text conveys.

However if you disagree with someone’s view of scripture that does not, then mean, they deny Yahavah, or deny Yahavahs Word whom was sent… because it doesn’t agree with “the spirit of man?” And the arguments that presented from within? And not of the Spirit of Yahavah?

Romans 8:6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

Paul suggested that if one goes by their flesh, even pride, lust, greed, etc, all it leads to is death. Of one’s own soul (heart/mind/will/emotions.) However a renewed mind which is a mind (heart/will/emotions) in Christ, which flows forth good fruits which are like honey on the tongue, if one is willing of course eat the flesh, and drink the blood of Yeshua, in dying to the flesh, a person can remain spiritually dead… with having no faith and yet to be renewed if they so choose to seek after the one whom raised Jesus up from the dead by the Holy Spirit of God, His Father.

So… regardless if you claim because of my nature of stating the things upfront with what I believe, and your quotes from the Bible while they are notable, they are always just a retort in explanation of the things which I do not mind to expound on, and then once doing that you just decide to go on a different path and course all together with me rather than accepting myself for which is what is shown…

I don’t believe Jesus is God, by nature of the flesh… God did not die on the cross, and his flesh was not God… that is my only issue, and then when say “Ah to hell with what Jesus says, there is not any sense in worshipping his God, we will worship Jesus…”

I do believe Jesus, and his direction that true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, which the Father seeks for people to do so after coming into relationship with him by his spirit… which is of him, given to us through faith.

I respect Yahavah, and the Word which he had sent a whole lot though my life is a mess.

I’m thankful for them helping me, by virtue of fellowshipping with them; even if people continue to suggest there is no sense in doing such and they must disagree with me and agree with you?

Because of scripture?

There is also the other test… the testing of the spirit… I don’t know all the answers but I’m pretty set in my own ways of thinking about the Bible, as it’s a guide book for spiritual life.

Not a book of demands… or you must adhere to this… but when it comes to Jesus… there has to be something to atleast consider there…

By reading it all.

They need to read it, all. Not bits and pieces.

All the best to you my friend and answer man anchor… Civic.
Here is a giant NEWSFLASH-

The Holy Spirit NEVER contradicts Scripture.
No Question about that - since the Holy SPirit was the SOURCE of Scripture, He won't contradict himself. Man's Theology, on the other hand is ALWAYS in question, and is often as phony as a $3 bill.

AND He stands ready to give WISDOM when He's asked for it single-mindedly (i.e. when you REALLY want to know).

On obvious problem with man's version of "Sola Scriptura", is that it attempts to eliminate the possibility of God speaking to us by the Holy Spirit. This is ERROR. But a LARGER ERROR is the belief that God will speak to us contrary to or foreign to what's written in the Scriptures. Heresies tend to be based on what the BIBLE doesn't say, AND WHAT DOESN'T EVEN "FIT" THE OVERALL CONTEXT. "Purgatory" for example Is a direct attack on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and the "Blessed Virgin" garbage denigrates the character of Jesus, and His wisdom in dealing with his Children.

So - IGNORING "Sola Scriptura theology", what we can say for SURE is that if something doesn't "Square" with the scriptural text, taken in proper context, then it can be discarded.

The HOLY SPIRIT is our guide into all truth, and man's theology / interpretation of Scripture may, or may not agree with the absolute TRUTH of Scripture. A skilled "theologian" can (and regularly does) Biblically "PROVE" that BLACK = White by manipulating the Scriptures creatively.
No Question about that - since the Holy SPirit was the SOURCE of Scripture, He won't contradict himself. Man's Theology, on the other hand is ALWAYS in question, and is often as phony as a $3 bill.

AND He stands ready to give WISDOM when He's asked for it single-mindedly (i.e. when you REALLY want to know).

On obvious problem with man's version of "Sola Scriptura", is that it attempts to eliminate the possibility of God speaking to us by the Holy Spirit. This is ERROR. But a LARGER ERROR is the belief that God will speak to us contrary to or foreign to what's written in the Scriptures. Heresies tend to be based on what the BIBLE doesn't say, AND WHAT DOESN'T EVEN "FIT" THE OVERALL CONTEXT. "Purgatory" for example Is a direct attack on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and the "Blessed Virgin" garbage denigrates the character of Jesus, and His wisdom in dealing with his Children.

So - IGNORING "Sola Scriptura theology", what we can say for SURE is that if something doesn't "Square" with the scriptural text, taken in proper context, then it can be discarded.

The HOLY SPIRIT is our guide into all truth, and man's theology / interpretation of Scripture may, or may not agree with the absolute TRUTH of Scripture. A skilled "theologian" can (and regularly does) Biblically "PROVE" that BLACK = White by manipulating the Scriptures creatively.
Yep 👍
Another question is, what does God really care about in the first place @Rockson. It's love, right? He showed us how he loved us by sending his son. In the world, I my self can be high and mighty if I desire to put that in my life, which I probably and the most selfish person I know, but may can say that about themselves is that what God wants ?
No Question about that - since the Holy SPirit was the SOURCE of Scripture, He won't contradict himself. Man's Theology, on the other hand is ALWAYS in question, and is often as phony as a $3 bill.

Was not the people who wrote the scripture down moved by the holy spirit be considered the source where we get scripture, like for example Moses writing the first 5 books of the bible? Somethings are inspired by God, but not everything...

Sacrificing children to Molech was not inspiration of the holy spirit was it? Maybe Gods mauling of children with bears, was for a reason, and inspired for by God to be and set an example or something ?
Another question is, what does God really care about in the first place @Rockson. It's love, right? He showed us how he loved us by sending his son. In the world, I my self can be high and mighty if I desire to put that in my life, which I probably and the most selfish person I know, but may can say that about themselves is that what God wants ?
God sent His Son.

Did the Son exist before He was sent to this earth ?
God sent His Son.

Did the Son exist before He was sent to this earth ?

Civic. Perhaps christophanies exist of examples of Yeshua being shown as the messenger of the LORD, but who is he still ? but the WORD OF GOD.

Right? cause I dont really see a fleshly bone created man in the throne of God, while he spoke and created all things personally...

Do you believe when we die we are gonna have flesh and bone again? just curious I try to answer your questions honestly and unfront.
Civic. Perhaps christophanies exist of examples of Yeshua being shown as the messenger of the LORD, but who is he still ? but the WORD OF GOD.

Right? cause I dont really see a fleshly bone created man in the throne of God, while he spoke and created all things personally...

Do you believe when we die we are gonna have flesh and bone again? just curious I try to answer your questions honestly and unfront.
words are not people.
words are not people.

We need to tell John then, when we find him, that he is a liar and a piece of crap.

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Was not the people who wrote the scripture down moved by the holy spirit be considered the source where we get scripture, like for example Moses writing the first 5 books of the bible?
Somethings are inspired by God, but not everything...
And you're going to be the one who decides what WASN'T inspired, then???
Sacrificing children to Molech was not inspiration of the holy spirit was it?
Chuckle!!! What's YOUR OPINION???
Maybe Gods mauling of children with bears, was for a reason, and inspired for by God to be and set an example or something ?
It's not a good idea to make fun of God's PROPHET.
Another question is, what does God really care about in the first place @Rockson. It's love, right? He showed us how he loved us by sending his son. In the world, I my self can be high and mighty if I desire to put that in my life, which I probably and the most selfish person I know, but may can say that about themselves is that what God wants ?
Let's go with love. OK LOVE would probably want his message to go forth in the most efficient and simple way whereby the listener won't get caught on a snag that causes them to stop listening to the preacher. If a culture like many have considered Jesus name to be this Greek rendering (Jesus) and not Yeshua then in putting forth the gospel if Jesus truly means deliverer Savior then why express things different which can cause them bewilderment? If one causes them bewilderment and they walk away saying this guy is strange and weird then using other renderings of Jesus name can actually be counterproductive.
I have a certain concern here. I've been seeing something unusual that last few years and that is for some unknown reason and I think it's unjustified some are thinking they need to resort to using the Hebrew name for Jesus...Yeshua. They have a feeling that by using Yeshua they will somehow be pleasing God more than using the Greek rendering, Jesus. I see some are gravitating towards using the term Messiah ....and not Christ.

So what are they getting caught up with in so doing? Phonics and not the real important thing of meanings.

Matt 1:21 says, "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

That's the reason why his name would be Jesus....for Jesus means Savior, Deliverer.

Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus......Yeshua means the same thing.....Savior, Deliverer.

So why can't someone choose rather to use Yeshua? They can if they want to but what exactly is the motivation for doing so? Do they really believe it shows more of a humility and honor to God by so doing? And isn't it really a counter productive thing in our present culture who have been so used to the rendering Jesus to confuse the culture by making the change? You try to witness of Christ and you create another step to educate the listeners of something they don't need to know?

Why not just stay with the name Jesus Christ or the Greek rendering?
Simple--if you are witnessing to our Jewish brothers and sisters you might want to point to the shem Yeshua-especially as you allow them to read Isa 53.
I have a certain concern here. I've been seeing something unusual that last few years and that is for some unknown reason and I think it's unjustified some are thinking they need to resort to using the Hebrew name for Jesus...Yeshua. They have a feeling that by using Yeshua they will somehow be pleasing God more than using the Greek rendering, Jesus. I see some are gravitating towards using the term Messiah ....and not Christ.

So what are they getting caught up with in so doing? Phonics and not the real important thing of meanings.

Matt 1:21 says, "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

That's the reason why his name would be Jesus....for Jesus means Savior, Deliverer.

Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus......Yeshua means the same thing.....Savior, Deliverer.

So why can't someone choose rather to use Yeshua? They can if they want to but what exactly is the motivation for doing so? Do they really believe it shows more of a humility and honor to God by so doing? And isn't it really a counter productive thing in our present culture who have been so used to the rendering Jesus to confuse the culture by making the change? You try to witness of Christ and you create another step to educate the listeners of something they don't need to know?

Why not just stay with the name Jesus Christ or the Greek rendering?
Because his mother Miriam called him Yeshua growing up, not Jesus.
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