Jesus or Yeshua?


Well-known member
I have a certain concern here. I've been seeing something unusual that last few years and that is for some unknown reason and I think it's unjustified some are thinking they need to resort to using the Hebrew name for Jesus...Yeshua. They have a feeling that by using Yeshua they will somehow be pleasing God more than using the Greek rendering, Jesus. I see some are gravitating towards using the term Messiah ....and not Christ.

So what are they getting caught up with in so doing? Phonics and not the real important thing of meanings.

Matt 1:21 says, "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

That's the reason why his name would be Jesus....for Jesus means Savior, Deliverer.

Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus......Yeshua means the same thing.....Savior, Deliverer.

So why can't someone choose rather to use Yeshua? They can if they want to but what exactly is the motivation for doing so? Do they really believe it shows more of a humility and honor to God by so doing? And isn't it really a counter productive thing in our present culture who have been so used to the rendering Jesus to confuse the culture by making the change? You try to witness of Christ and you create another step to educate the listeners of something they don't need to know?

Why not just stay with the name Jesus Christ or the Greek rendering?
I'm thinking of Acts 4:11-12 right now.

Jesus is “’the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
I have a certain concern here. I've been seeing something unusual that last few years and that is for some unknown reason and I think it's unjustified some are thinking they need to resort to using the Hebrew name for Jesus...Yeshua. They have a feeling that by using Yeshua they will somehow be pleasing God more than using the Greek rendering, Jesus. I see some are gravitating towards using the term Messiah ....and not Christ.

So what are they getting caught up with in so doing? Phonics and not the real important thing of meanings.

Matt 1:21 says, "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

That's the reason why his name would be Jesus....for Jesus means Savior, Deliverer.

Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus......Yeshua means the same thing.....Savior, Deliverer.

So why can't someone choose rather to use Yeshua? They can if they want to but what exactly is the motivation for doing so? Do they really believe it shows more of a humility and honor to God by so doing? And isn't it really a counter productive thing in our present culture who have been so used to the rendering Jesus to confuse the culture by making the change? You try to witness of Christ and you create another step to educate the listeners of something they don't need to know?

Why not just stay with the name Jesus Christ or the Greek rendering?

Because they want to come across as educated, hip or cool.
Because they want to come across as educated, hip or cool.
And I don't deny Yeshua means Jesus in the Hebrew. I think some have a false notion though that they think they're getting closer to God/Jesus by using the Yeshua name. I think they need to consider that it's counter productive in our culture to think they need to make a change.
And I don't deny Yeshua means Jesus in the Hebrew. I think some have a false notion though that they think they're getting closer to God/Jesus by using the Yeshua name. I think they need to consider that it's counter productive in our culture to think they need to make a change.

"Jesus" is Latinized. It comes from the Vulgate and the Latin influence upon English (which is extremely significant in etymology.) The Latin Vulgate was actually the most used Bible among English speakers in Europe well into the 1800s.

I sometimes have been known to "chide" English speakers over their preference for English translations of the Scriptures while "hating on" the Catholic church.

We all have our biases. I think most everyone here, at times, misunderstands my goals in Christian Theology. My goals is always to make all men equal in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To destroy the pride that is in all of us.... so that Jesus/Yeshua/Joshua/etc can shine through.

There has been such a long lasting rejection of God in our society that is it difficult to get everyone to see just how they've personally been influenced by their ancestors and seemingly endless sinful past.

I do agree that many look for any opportunity to have an "advantage" over their fellowman.
"Jesus" is Latinized. It comes from the Vulgate and the Latin influence upon English (which is extremely significant in etymology.) The Latin Vulgate was actually the most used Bible among English speakers in Europe well into the 1800s.
And I understand there is no J in the Greek for the first letter.
I sometimes have been known to "chide" English speakers over their preference for English translations of the Scriptures while "hating on" the Catholic church.
And I guess my argument is however we got here we are here today. ;At least in my culture, North American, and I'd guess most places in English speaking people Jesus is known as Jesus the Deliver, Savior. For some to somehow think they're being more spiritual or God is more pleased if they use Hebrew name words I think they're getting off on a tangent which doing so in the culture where they're from can cause unnecessary bewilderment in the minds of their hearers.
Why not just stay with the name Jesus Christ or the Greek rendering?
Pride? Pretentiousness? You name it. Get humans to gather in one place for too long, and a group identity around a common sin always emerges.

In this case it's the "I call him Yeshua .. because I'm better than you" group identity.
Pride? Pretentiousness? You name it. Get humans to gather in one place for too long, and a group identity around a common sin always emerges.

In this case it's the "I call him Yeshua .. because I'm better than you" group identity.
That's very possible. But I think it's possible that they're sincere but actually do think it shows more humility to God by using Hebrew names. I consider that an unnecessary yoke people get under or place upon themselves.
That's very possible. But I think it's possible that they're sincere but actually do think it shows more humility to God by using Hebrew names. I consider that an unnecessary yoke people get under or place upon themselves.
Both scenarios are possible at the same time, people are complex.
I have a certain concern here. I've been seeing something unusual that last few years and that is for some unknown reason and I think it's unjustified some are thinking they need to resort to using the Hebrew name for Jesus...Yeshua.
My Favorite "magic name" is: "Yaohushua". God the Father is Yaohu-Ul.

HEY!!! it's nothing but "Theology" after all.
Pride? Pretentiousness? You name it. Get humans to gather in one place for too long, and a group identity around a common sin always emerges.

In this case it's the "I call him Yeshua .. because I'm better than you" group identity.
My Jewish Bible uses the correct name of Yeshua. His Jewish mother called him Yeshua when he was growing up, not Jesus.
My Jewish Bible uses the correct name of Yeshua. His Jewish mother called him Yeshua when he was growing up, not Jesus.
None of that is the issue here. The issue is God so chose to have the New Testament written in Greek....GOD DID. Not man. Not Paul.... God. Probably so for Greek was the universal largest language of the day used in the Roman Empire which would probably speak to most people like English today is considered the language used in world commerce.

Yeshua means Deliverer.
Jesus mean deliverer. Matt 1:21

Yeshua doesn't mean deliverer any more than the Greek rendering Jesus does. This is what I asked you before in another post but you refrained from answering. Are you saying if you say Yeshua instead of Jesus that there's somehow a more honoring to God by doing this when all the time the issue is what the name does mean?
My Jewish Bible uses the correct name of Yeshua. His Jewish mother called him Yeshua when he was growing up, not Jesus.
Jesus is the correct name too. It's just a different language way of saying Deliverer. I'd say God does not want any of this to be a phonics issue BUT RATHER what the name means.
All I know is that it's all good in the Jesus Hood.

My Jesus, my Savior
Lord there is none like you
All of my days, I want to praise
The wonders of your mighty love…

I don't care if it rains or freezes
Long as I got my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car.
All I know is that it's all good in the Jesus Hood.

My Jesus, my Savior
Lord there is none like you
All of my days, I want to praise
The wonders of your mighty love…

I don't care if it rains or freezes
Long as I got my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car.
Is it riding beside his mother Mary?
I have a certain concern here. I've been seeing something unusual that last few years and that is for some unknown reason and I think it's unjustified some are thinking they need to resort to using the Hebrew name for Jesus...Yeshua. They have a feeling that by using Yeshua they will somehow be pleasing God more than using the Greek rendering, Jesus. I see some are gravitating towards using the term Messiah ....and not Christ.

So what are they getting caught up with in so doing? Phonics and not the real important thing of meanings.

Matt 1:21 says, "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

That's the reason why his name would be Jesus....for Jesus means Savior, Deliverer.

Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus......Yeshua means the same thing.....Savior, Deliverer.
Actually, his Hebrew name would be
Y'shua, or Yehoshua.

H3091 search
Original: יהושׁע יהושׁוּע

Transliteration: yehôshûa‛ yehôshûa‛

Phonetic: yeh-ho-shoo'-ah

BDB Definition: Joshua or Jehoshua = " Jehovah is salvation"

I'd say the shorter version... Y'Shua.
Which gets pinged as Yeshua.

So why can't someone choose rather to use Yeshua?
I'd think that part of the problem here is that people are taking seriously the first 3 commandments, to the point of a fault.

They can if they want to but what exactly is the motivation for doing so? Do they really believe it shows more of a humility and honor to God by so doing? And isn't it really a counter productive thing in our present culture who have been so used to the rendering Jesus to confuse the culture by making the change? You try to witness of Christ and you create another step to educate the listeners of something they don't need to know?

Why not just stay with the name Jesus Christ or the Greek rendering?
Iesou has long been known to translate into Jesus.

Given that every single one of us will one day give an answer for our respective lives, and He knew that his name would be spoken and/or written in every single language on earth, I'd expect that he previously decided that this wasn't a problem for him.

I know my hope is in the person described in the Bible, whom English language speakers know as Jesus, Greek speakers know as iesous, Latin speakers know as Jesus (hay/yay-soos), Arabic speakers know as Isa, and I have no idea what others refer to him as.
Looking on my translation app, there's a lot of different ways to say his name.

My thought is that as long as he's actually the one described in the Bible, isn't it dependent on YHVH (God), to decide if they're actually seeking him? Especially when it was God who changed the languages back in Genesis 11.
Actually, his Hebrew name would be
Y'shua, or Yehoshua.

H3091 search
Original: יהושׁע יהושׁוּע

Transliteration: yehôshûa‛ yehôshûa‛

Phonetic: yeh-ho-shoo'-ah

BDB Definition: Joshua or Jehoshua = " Jehovah is salvation"

I'd say the shorter version... Y'Shua.
Which gets pinged as Yeshua.
Sure. And Yeshua, Y'Shua, Yehoshua, Iesou, and Jesus means....DELIVERER, Saviour. They all mean that just the same and one doesn't mean it any more than any other.

God wants us to get caught up on what the name means and not the phonics. One isn't any closer to God or honoring God by using other renderings for the name. If they all in their own place of language mean DEVLIVERER, SAVIOR then it's all the same for God.

One thing however that could be said and that's is there anything positive to be gained by using other language rendering in our present culture. If most of the English speaking world know of him as JESUS which includes a great many countries in the world then to inject some unknown type of name I fear is counterproductive.....if you're trying to witness and you say Yehoshua answered my prayers they wonder what world are you coming from? I'd say it creates unnecessary bewilderment in how you're talking to them.

I have a certain concern here. I've been seeing something unusual that last few years and that is for some unknown reason and I think it's unjustified some are thinking they need to resort to using the Hebrew name for Jesus...Yeshua.
Chuckle!!! My favorite "Sacred name" for Jesus is "Yaohushua". It just sort of "Rolls off your tongue" - like "sneezing". God the Father is Yaohu-Ul.
Sure. And Yeshua, Y'Shua, Yehoshua, Iesou, and Jesus means....DELIVERER, Saviour. They all mean that just the same and one doesn't mean it any more than any other.

God wants us to get caught up on what the name means and not the phonics. One isn't any closer to God or honoring God by using other renderings for the name. If they all in their own place of language mean DEVLIVERER, SAVIOR then it's all the same for God.

One thing however that could be said and that's is there anything positive to be gained by using other language rendering in our present culture. If most of the English speaking world know of him as JESUS which includes a great many countries in the world then to inject some unknown type of name I fear is counterproductive.....if you're trying to witness and you say Yehoshua answered my prayers they wonder what world are you coming from? I'd say it creates unnecessary bewilderment in how you're talking to them.
My Messianic Jewish Bible uses the Hebraic version of his name.Yeshua and I am used to reading it and saying it. I think it is a personal preference or what you are used to.
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