JESUS : Is our Sanctification


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Jesus is our Sanctification.

Reader....are you born again, or just water baptized and religious?

Jesus said..>"You must be born again"......and water can't do that for you.

So, when we are "In Christ", we are sanctified..... as Christ is our Sanctification.

1 Corinthians 1:30

And here is something that is very important to understand, or you'll end up trying to do works and sefl effort to be saved or to try to stay saved. And if that is your faith, then your faith in Christ is = Broken.
Paul told us to "examine yourselves to be sure you are in THE Faith".

2 Corinthians 13:5

Let me tell you how you do that....... Here is what you do to "examine yourself".

Ask yourself...:

"Do i believe that Jesus always keeps me saved". ?.........and if your heart of faith says..>"of course"'....then you are in THE faith.... You passed the Theological Exam.

If However your heart of faith says.....>"well, only if i hold unto my faith......only if i keep Jesus's commandments....only if a keep the law...only if i DO SOMETHING THAT IS A SELF EFFORT like..... only if i keep confessing my sin and repenting""".

See that?...
Are you that one?
Examine your FAITH and find out what you are, are what you have become.

Its broken faith that does not Trust in Christ any longer to keep you saved.... That broken faith is SELF righteousness...., and you'll have a LIST of things you are doing to try to be saved or stay saved.,.. and you'll post your list, a lot, when discussing SALVATiON or "How do i go to Heaven".


Our Discipleship, is not our sanctification, its only our discipleship.
Our Salvation is not our Discipleship...

A lot of Christians confuse Salvation with their Discipleship, and that leads to Legalism, = "trying to stay saved by SELF effort".
However......They are not the same.
Salvation is God offering His forgiveness and righteousness to YOU, as Christ on the Cross...= This is "the gift of salvation", and "the gift of righteousness".
Whereas Discipleship.... is you presenting your body and behavior back to God as your discipleship, subsequent to you being SANCTIFIED by the Blood of Jesus as a Son/Daughter of God, -= Born again.

Discipleship has no effect on being "made Righteous"', because JESUS is our entire sanctification, proven by the believer being "born again". "in Christ".
A born again believer has become= "the righteousness of God, in Christ". = Forever.
The born again have recevied "the GIFT of righteousness"" proven by the born again being "IN CHRIST". ... See reader, you could not have any SIN, and be "in Christ"... AS "ONE WITH GOD".

Now lets get into some PAULINE Theology. and stay there for life.....

Here are 4 things you have to understand about your "sin"......if you are born again and not just water baptized and religious.

This is basic "Pauline Theology".....

1.) 2 Corinthians 5:19. """""God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.""""

2.) 2 Corinthians 5:21. """"God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

3.) Hebrews 10: 12. """But Jesus, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;""""

4.) Romans 4:8.. """Bless are the born again unto who God will not impute (charge) SIN"

The BORN AGAIN.... are "made righteous", so, we can't become more righteous, but we can exist in renewed mind perfection as a BELIEVER.
Paul says of those of us who are in that renewed mind.... .we are.." = '"""as many as be Perfect"".

Also.....Spiritual Fruit coming out of you comes from the renewed mind, through Christ.
Committing "works of the Flesh" that leads to Confessing and repenting, comes out of the carnal "un-renewed" mind issue, through You.

To become "perfected", and exist as "the fullness of the Stature of Christ" is not found by doing deeds, its only found by having a perfectly renewed Mind that always and only reflects God's perspective of who we are as a born again "NEW CREATION", made so and kept so by God Himself.

Philippians 1:6

Notice that the NT teaches you that you please God by "faith", as = "without Faith it is mpossible to please God "".. and that faith isn't deeds and works...but rather its found in perfected spiritual understanding .
= THE renewed MIND.
. = REVELATION Knowledge.
That is the REAL walk of Faith, that is "In the SPIRIT" and not by the flesh......and its not found by trying to be good or trying to be like Christ... and keep commandments..... Its THIS = Its to exist in revelation knowledge of who you have become as a "New Creation IN CHRIST"...., as then.. you are now existing in the renewed mind.

Reader, the "Helmet of Salvation" ..... is spiritual understanding, regarding the Grace of God, as found here...

Hebrews 13:9

Ephesians 6:11

= is LITERALLY the correct understanding of being "made righteous", having become "the righteousness of God in Christ"., as this is the "new Creation".
So.....If you dont have this piece of God's armor figured out and on your head as the "renewed Mind".... then DECEIVERS will get into your head and their false gospel and false theology will become your "dark helmet". It will become your broken faith. = Deception will become your Truth.
Or as Jesus told you, "be careful that the Light that is in you, is not DARKNESS"...

Luke 11:35
Its important for the believer, to understand that The Salvation that God gives to us, is completed by Jesus on the Cross... 2000 yrs ago.

Its vital that you understand that Jesus is our Salvation, and we are joined to Him, spiritually. "In Christ'.

Now, in this "end times" current world, you wont hear that reality being taught, but you will hear that you are to try to keep yourself saved or finish your salvation.
You will be given replacements for the Blood Atonement......including water.

So, learn to Listen for ALL that Cross denying Heresy, and you can learn how to spot the Heretic, and protect yourself from "Doctrines of Devils".

Hebrews 13:9
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